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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Exactly. It's great if you don't want everyone in your house to know what you're up to as well since there is almost no smell and the smell doesn't smell like the classic smell When you load it into your vap it starts green. You inhale or in my case and others with bigger vaps you turn them on. A small fan pushes hot air around the bud and the almost PURE THC gets pushed through a hose and you inhale it. You can also fill special bags instead of inhaling directly ( great for parties ). You can taste when the bud is done - the vapor tastes a bit like burned popcorn. When the bud is done you unload it - it is the same volume but it is brown and garbage - dump it, reload.... Like I said before, besides IMHO a bitter "high", the bud goes MUCH further. You get about double the bang for your buck. When a vap is idle so is the bud. The vap stays warm, but if air isn't being passed around the bud it will stay there for hours without going to waste. Hope that makes sense.
  2. Wow, I'm really surprised at how many of you guys use a vap. It was the best $300.00 I've ever spent. I started with a cheapie for around $100 - that didn't last long, but I got the idea. You can spend $500+ on the volcano and the like. It is true - very little to no smell. Taste is REALLY good if you have a good strain + right temperature ( very important - this takes time to find out the sweet spot ), especially the first few hits. The buzz is much "cleaner" and here is the best part : NO WASTE!!! Since it's not burning you can take your sweet time. I find you get much more bang for your buck. If anyone is curious just go to youtube and type in vaporizer - You can find plenty on eBay as well. Skip the cheap models though - they only last a month or two.
  3. I think it is safe to say that virtually all adults have some type of vice in their life: Booze, Weed, Gambling, Porno, Coke, Heroin, Overeating, internet addiction, etc. My question is: If your son or daughter grew up and had one bad habbit about them, what would you want it to be? I pick weed myself. I’ve experienced all those vices first hand via family or friends and weed by far is the least harmful to ones self or others. By the way: there is a semi-new way of “smoking” weed – its called vaporizing. When weed is vaporized and “smoked” this way it basically removes most if not all harmful things from the “smoke”, so it isn't nearly as unhealthy for your body if you do it this way as opposed to sparking.
  4. Sound is popping here in Cheektowaga as well - Time Warner....REALLY annoying.
  5. A couple of you guys should get a room together
  6. JP maybe a nice + sweet guy off the field, but on the field he is one of the worst NFL QB's I've ever seen play a regular season game. I'm not sure why anyone is left to defend his play other than just feeling sorry for the guy. I really wish he would have panned out, but he just isn't NFL material. Edwards has looked much better behind the same line + same offensive weapons... He may have the physical gifts, but judging his play + his pressers I would say he has a little something odd going on upstairs...
  7. EXACTLY...
  8. Maybe he should have pulled them out about a decade ago and put us out of our misery. What good have the past 10 years done for us as fans of this team other than heartbreak? Seriously - if its a foregone conclusion that the Bills are moving when Ralphie goes to a better place then why invest time, money, and emotion into a team that won't be here much longer? The Bills have been a JOKE since our glory days. Year after year they find new and creative ways to torture their small, loyal base of fans.... As far as feeling as though we should be grateful or thankful that the team is still here - screw that - we made Ralph and his family set for many generations. It should be the other way around....
  9. Don't get too bummed over this game - each score by Denver is hopefully another nail in Dickie's coffin ...
  10. No, sorry - the joke is this owner and this team. Sullivan makes many good points, especially if you hear him on Monday's on WGR... I'll never get the defenders of JP + Ralphie. JP= One of the worst QB's I've ever seen play in my 20+ years of watching the NFL - I don't mean one of the worst QB's for Buffalo - I mean in the entire NFL. Ralphie= Compare how he runs the team compared to just about every other owner in the NFL, especially in the last decade. Again, one of the worst if not the worst. -- Toronto, lack of a real GM, Dickie J the the other HORRIBLE coaches in the past decade, on and on... But yes, the problem is Sully
  11. Did the "zone" run you off that board or is your life so boring you must dominate two different Bills boards with your garbage? Seriously, its getting really old..
  12. This is the best I've felt about a Bills QB in a decade..
  13. I was hoping someone would bring up Dennis Williams. That show is boring, dry, and very hard to listen to. I've listened to about 10 hours of him on various days and he is just AWFUL.
  14. MUAHAHAHAH Classic LA - your wit is appreciated
  15. I really wish mods would start banning posters like this.....
  16. I can see some TBD posters discovered the wonders of dropping acid.
  17. OMFG - Are you kidding me? Wow, that looks like that will BOMB..Who in the hell will pay to see that? If I didn't know it was a serious movie before watching the clip I swear I would have said it was from MadTV or Saturday Night Live... So at least some of the movie is about how GB was a party animal in college ? Stop the presses ! Who freaking cares?
  18. I hope it's not the Walden location. I live very close to there and we use to grab it to go about once a week for the longest time until about a year ago. I swear I am not exaggerating - Our order got screwed up at least 7-8 times in a row, all different workers, no certain pattern. We'd either get the wrong order, get the wrong ingredients, or were shorted...When I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME.. We gave up and really don't eat there anymore. We stopped at the one on Transit a while back and the food was like the old days..
  19. I'm thinking of switching to DirectTV but if I'm not going to save much (with DirectTV for my TV and Time Warner for just the Internet), its not worth it for two bills. I like Time Warner for Internet. I don't think I can get FIOS where I live. Just wait until TWC starts to meter your internet connection....I'm in Cheektowaga and won't see FIOS for at least another year or two.
  20. Damn....ONE other person saw this movie? Wow! Seriously guys+gals - give the movie a shot!
  21. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story ..... First time I saw it a few months ago I thought it SUCKED...Unfunny and I just didn't get it.. Guess I was in a better mood when I watched it the other day for the second time. Holy cow is this movie FUNNY.... John C. Riley is PERFECT for this role, and the dude can sing! HIGHLY recommended..Just watch it in the right mood
  22. Ah yes, the ole repeat let me try to get more responses routine.. Go away..Seriously. TBD was a much better place without you.
  23. Couldn't he just get a new license in CA?
  24. Why do you guys keep responding to this guy? His posts are pollution...He is a troll..Don't feed the troll. Soon troll starves and goes away to feed at another teams boards!
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