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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. He just said the trade is "close" and travis is a great player... Sounds positive!
  2. I saw this earlier. This has potential to kick some ass!
  3. This is a classic quote from "BIRDBOY" ...( YIKES ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the cards don't need henry, they could draft a back. the bills need an O-linemen, and need to unload henry. THE BILLS ARE GAY, THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY
  4. GTR and Maxines... Oh my..Those were the days. Canada was fun back in those days when I was 17-20. Getting old sucks sometimes
  5. PASSPORTS REQUIRED What a pain... ARGGGGGG You will now need a passport to re-enter the USA if you go to the Canadian Ballet
  6. C+ ? I wonder what they gave steaming piles of garbage like Beauty Shop and Miss Congeniality 2 ?? Sin City is a very rare movie. I might go see it again tomorrow.... Now, to decide to take the wife or not...Hmmmmmmmm....
  7. I saw it last night... Wow, what a treat! Seriously, GO SEE IT...No kiddies though...WAYYYY to violent --- Beyond Kill Bill... I * LOVED * Marv...hehehe... Devon Aoki -.....Jesus, she was hot...And could kick A&&.. Anyways, well worth my 8 bux...
  8. Rent the series 2 hour premier - Blockbuster has it.. As a fan of the old series (which few realize only ran for 1 season ), I absolutley LOVE the new series.. Things are different, but still familiar enough to know its Battlestar Galatica... The FX are top notch..Near movie quality...Acting is VERY good , especially for TV, and the stories have been very interesting... All in all one of my favorite shows on TV.
  9. My thought: GET A LIFE... ACK
  10. First it was Alien vs Predator .. Now they have a TV series Predator I vs Predator II ? Wow, I will be glud to my set.. NOT
  11. Problem is the Sheriff treated me poorly and was really just being a hot dog prick, but he was within his juristiction legally by detaining me and then "taking me in" , handcuffs and all.. The call was totally HIS. He could of just let me off with a warning to take care of the $50.00 ticket, but obviously he was bored and had to find someone smaller than him to push around. He cuffed me, had my car towed ( $125.00 - towed a total of 1/8th of a mile from arrest spot ), he took me to the little sheriff station on the island to do paperwork, then put me back into the cruiser, took me downtown, had me booked, processed, fingerprints, photo, strip, thrown in cage with 5-6 punk thugs in the same gang ( I think), made a call and got bailed for like $100.00 later that morning.. On top of everything I had to walk 3 city blocks BAREFOOT to my family members car.... Yes, it sucked... The whole ordeal from start to finish cost me about $600.00 + insurance boost at the time. Sad...Sad that some people in society abuse thier "power"...
  12. Sin City + Star Wars: III .... Jessica Alba...WOW..... And I mean WOOOW
  13. Yes..Here is my story - It was about 12-13 years ago - I was just married..I took my wife to her morning gig..She worked at a small market/gas station - 6 AM - whatever.. Anyways.. I was driving back, it was just becoming daylight and I was on Grand Island....I saw a cop coming from about a mile away ...Very easy to spot since there was no traffic and Grand Island Blvd is flat as can be...ANYWAYS>. I was going UNDER the speed limit..I know this for a FACT..I checked it as soon as I saw him and then again as he passed me... He pulled me over about 1 minute later...He was a Erie County Sheriff...Long story short, HE WAS A FREAKING PRICK FOR NO REASON.. I have only been pulled over one other time in my life about 6 months before this...It was for having tinted windows on the same car I had during this same traffic stop... An Amherst cop ( very nice BTW ) pulled me over, tested my windows and found they were too dark..No biggie...I had a ticket stating that if I had the tint removed within I think 72 hours and the shop sign the ticket, the charge( fine ) would be dropped.... I had that done, sent the ticket in, end of story ..Right?? NOPE... Back to the traffic stop on Grand Island.. This part is funny - Because I took my wife into work and was planning on going back to bed I had on UGLY ass JAMS ( remember those ? ) .. no shirt, a bills jacket , and NO SHOES OR SOCKS.. Guess what? I still had a ticket in the system from months before for the stupid tinted windows that the damn sheriff saw I didn't have anymore...THe fine was only like $50.00, which again I didn't have to pay as long as I had the tint removed ( which I did)... HE ARRESTED ME! Yes....ARRESTED... He JOKED on the radio with his supervisor about it while I was in the back of the cruiser... He took me down to Erie County Holding dressed like a male prostitute... He also wrote me a ticket for going 21 over the speed limit....And he treated me like a CRIMINAL PUNK the entire time... I was held for about 5 hours, in a god da*n cell, roughed up by some "gang-like" members...Pushed, shoved, and slapped in the head.... I ended up having to take driving lessons, pay much more expensive auto insurance, I had to go to court twice, and pay a few hundred dollars in fines... The speeding ticket was a *TOTAL* fabrication..... It was one of the worst experiences in my life and I surely hope he was the first person to lose his job due to budget cuts...He really got off on this, but hopefully I have the last laugh..
  14. I know SPAM and e-mail go hand in hand like Miami Dolphin players and arrest records, but has anyone noticed a giant increase in spam in the last few weeks? I am now getting 30+ junk e-mails a day on my primary Adelphia account...Almost all of them the same - They senders names are silly: Lumbers E. Curviest Ovum D. Anchorites Benny P. Hygienists Brennan V. Flagrantly The contents are always the same : They start with a word or two like : good day! or morning camper! followed by 4 links that lead to very graphic XXX sites or of course meds... Anyone else getting these?
  15. Ya, that's real funny.. Crickets Chirping.........
  16. Holy cow...I didn't think there were enough Cards fans on the planet to make a 7 page thread about their team... Miracles never cease.
  17. I'm in the same boat..I am married, but I am the one who watches the show....The wife is usually too busy tucking the kids in bed in that time slot.. Its' one of the few shows on network TV that I like... 24 and Lost would be 2 others that are worth my time... Oh well, some people just B word about EVERYTHING...So many other shows on network TV are H O R R I B L E.
  18. OMFG - I am watching AI on my DVR.. Paula Abdul is out of her mind tonight.... She is all over Simon, she is dancing, and generally acting NUTS.. Give me what she is taking
  19. Ah yes..That was great..Video camera was shooting from an upstairs window...The instructor did a single punch if I remember right and the guy was in another time zone MUAHAHAH
  20. I wonder if he can still be tested for roids although he is injured?
  21. MUAHAHAH -- This video is *** GREAT *** This guy is * NOT * Miyagi !!!!
  22. I agree...Damn, I didn't realize how chubby she was Lose 20 lbs women!
  23. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH No, no, there is no god... Mikalah survived....
  24. Sorry, I wasn't clear: I called via voice and tried to activate my account giving an Erie address ( my brothers )... It didn't work Now, if I would of called FROM Erie it would of worked...
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