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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Madden 2006 No surprise there, and probably a good choice!
  2. It will sadden me if Sith kicks ass and then to know Lucas won't make anymore movies:( So as a Star Wars fan/geek, this is the end of the line...
  3. Chris Tucker!
  4. How about using COMMON SENSE ????
  5. Sorry mom....I did a search beforehand using "monday night" and "monday night football" and didn't get a hit...Guess I should of used the universal MNF ..SIGH
  6. I missed this -- NBC is BACK and will include FLEXIBLE schedules!! Yippie.. Games on that actually MEAN something!
  8. Wow, look at the studium ...WHAT A DIFFERENCE
  9. I can't wait for the Falcons game this year...How many sombreros will there be in the stands MUAHAHHAHA
  10. That auction looked like BS...
  11. By far the best one in AGES! Velvet Lion MUAHAHHAHAHAHAH Major Attention Whore heheheheh
  12. Gawd I am glad I am not a dispatcher, I would slip one of those comments out sooner than the 5 years this guy lasted... I agree with the previous poster---It sounded like she was more concerned with the smart-ass remark from the guy instead of the original " emergency " she called for... UNREAL
  13. Wow, did you forget your meds today? Your a little on the nasty side today in this thread and the other one that you started Relax friend!
  14. Look, I am not going to write a book about " Why I watch American Idol", but I will say this : Besides a select few other shows on TV ( 24, BattleStar Galatica, Family Guy, Judge Judy ( yes, I know, I know ) . Soprano's, and a few more ) I find TV UNWATCHABLE.. American Idol is simple fun and I like Simon's opinions, so it's one of the few shows I watch.. The rest of the time I am on the PC, Xbox, or watching DVD's....
  15. I'm curious what type of event that is? Soccer? Also, the singers appear American, but the field appears to be in maybe Germany?
  16. The dude in white is AWESOME! MUAHHAHAHAH
  17. I couldn't find the commercial online for download...Does anyone have it handy?
  18. Yes, me as well...Man, that was a GREAT commercial! I miss the good ole' days
  19. I was curious as well what type of wages they pay here in Buffalo - Anyone know? Also, benefits?
  20. A couple of years ago indeed . THe price now is INSANE..I just cut all my movie channels a few months ago. My Adelphia bill was just south of $150.00 a month. 2 digital boxes, powerlink, 1 HD...That's it! Now my bill is around $120.00 a month. Guess what - I don't miss the movie channels one bit!
  21. Guess we should ask for a refund... Wait! It's FREE
  22. I seriously doubt they will slow down the hardware they have in place now via Adelphia Powerlink... That would make no sense. The one complaint I have heard though ( and googled ) is that they do put a download limit on your connection...If they determine you are downloading too much you will get a warning letter, if you do it again they will suspend your account THAT SUCKS..
  23. Damn, that is a good zoom..I think I can see Bledsoe down on his back around the 30 yard line
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