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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Here is sequel to the Paris Hilton / Burger ad -- ENJOY YUMMIE!
  2. Reports i'm receiving say he took a nap, NOT farted....Although he could of been taking a nap and farted ?? HMMM... I'll check with my sources and get back to everyone
  3. Too much caffine today? A little water in the face = sniper rifle ? YIKES
  4. Ya, this sounds very "normal"......YIKES
  5. Ok, here is a GREAT clip for all those who LOATHE Constantine David Lee Roth Your NOT! MUAHAH
  6. Tom Cruise use to be one of my favorite actors... Who can argue with Top Gun, Days of Thunder, The Firm, Vanilla Sky, etc..... With the Oprah wig out, the cramming of Scientology down everyones throats, recent interviews where he comes off as a real prick, and this very strange "pre-arranged like" marriage to Katie Holmes, he is quickly becoming one of my LEAST favorites....
  7. Oh this one is priceless RIGHT IN THE FACE! !! ! !
  8. Me too... Great store to shop in, GREAT store to work in...I was about 22 making 30k a year selling computers..Meeting movies stars, meeting tons of glory day Buffalo Bills, and, well women in the Gallaria AWESOME... Oh, and when they cleared out return merchandise, they CLEARED it out. 70-80% off normal price was always fun Anyways, sorry to thread crap...
  9. Ya, ya, thats the ticket Which reminds me about 10 years ago I met Jon Lovitz and Nicholas Cage while working at Lechmeres in Cheektowaga! They where filming a movie in Niagara County and stopped in Lechmeres to get Christmas gifts for the crew.. Jon Lovitz : ULTRA quiet and didn't want anyone to F with him - Nicholas Cage: GREAT, FUN guy! And to make matters even more funny ( this part NO ONE will believe but I sweat it happened ): We had a demo running of "Honeymoon in Vegas" ( starring Cage ) and he stopped at the TV, looked and recognized himself, smiled, then one of the other sales guys said to him: "Ya, this movie sucks..We need to put in a movie with real actors" ..heheheheheh...Thank god he had a sense of humor.. Anyways, back to the salt mine
  10. No, no...You have it all wrong! It's not ESPN your taking about, its HALIBURTON
  11. Miracles never cease ... Your picture proves you can wear the WORST cloths and still get chicks! WOW
  12. Damn, I knew that was coming...But so quick Here is a story about it : Copy Protection SuX
  13. Thank you for that find! WOW, that was funny
  14. BTW: What the hell is "hatah" ?
  15. Can you say LAMP
  16. This is an age/taste thing I guess If you're under 25 you wont get it at all
  17. Why yes, I did indeed use search, so THANK YOU
  18. Man those Price/Charlie Murphy+ Rick James/Charlie Murphy skits are some of the funniest TV I have seen in my life... Here is the price skit: Prince
  19. Maybe some good news for Chappelle fans: Chappelle / CNN
  20. They are playing this clip right now on Howard Stern -- Muahahha They are cracking up! Ok, we are sick!!
  21. I started playing EQ2 at release, moved to WOW due to EQ2 performance issues with my video card ( 6800GT ), now moved back to EQ2... EQ2 is WELL worth a second look now..Its AWESOME
  22. big-boys.com is an awesome site..I check it daily - They usually have 3-4 pretty cool videos a day.... THere is some NSFW videos, but NOTHING like sites like consumptionjunction.com....
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