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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. If JP looks like crap after 4-5 games into the regular season then keep firing these posts... Until then for CHRISSAKES STOP IT
  2. Aren't you allowed to bring a camera in the studium???
  3. I don't have much faith in Willis being here past next year....
  5. Well I know Bennie Anderson's # now hehhehe
  6. Speaking of the game: Will it be on TV in the Buffalo area?
  7. Scarey isn't it?
  8. Fark is my favorite website (well, besides TBD) The comments are priceless.. Here is the robocop one: They should just sell the whole city to OCP, build a robocop, then build the other cooler thing that kills OCP executives, then make robocop stupid, then make robocop fry himself to become unstupid, then make the cooler robot thing fight robocop and robocop will win. Then build another thing that is addicted to nuke out of a criminal mastermind brain and make robocop fight it, and robocop will win by pulling out his brain and smashing it on the pavement that saves Detroit. Then make robocop fight OCP army when they to forcibly evict people and giving him a flight pack, which he uses to pwn the OCP army who have combined with punk throwbacks from the 80s. That will save detroit.
  9. Why bother with contracts then?????
  10. Read this thread : FARK DETROIT Better yet, check out the mayors mom in this clip: Best clip ever
  11. Can you guys ( and gals ) believe that I was exposed to 26 Fuccillo TV ads and 14 radio ads? This was between listening to Stern and about another hour of Jack 92.9, watching the pre-season game, watching the 6 + 11 news.... That is about 4 hours of radio and 5 hours of TV....UNREAL... In all my years I have never been so SICK of hearing a catch-phrase ---HUUUGGGGEEE.... It should be illegal to drill this into our heads this often... Mommy make the big fat man go away..
  12. Ok, so the way the NFL should start to work is this: When a player "outperforms" his contract in a given year, the following year he should pout, be a team distraction, tell the world how unhappy he is, and on top of that he should want a new contract?? Are you freaking KIDDING me? Players like TO and agents like DR are POISON. The quicker this act is put to bed, the better it will be for the NFL in the long run..... As far as "putting his ass on the line"......This guy makes more in 1 or 2 games than most of us will make in our ENTIRE LIVES...Get real...TO is a SPOILED BRAT...
  13. Damn, I thought they were going to retire the Goodyear Blimp ... Guess not YUCK
  14. I think I can make out a shadow of 1 or 2 people by the grassy knoll..Maybe even a puff of smoke... Oh! Wait, wrong picture.. Sorry
  15. Hmmmm... The AssHats ?
  16. Should I read War and Peace or this thread? Hmmmmmm.....
  17. Yawn... So Tired Of beating A Dead HORSE
  18. What settings did you use to capture the action shots if you don't mind me asking?
  19. I like that quote
  20. Ok, thats IT!! I am convinced that FFS is not a person but a room full of monkeys with typewriters... FFS: On a serious note: Dude GET A LIFE....No offense but come on who in the hell is going to take time to read a post like that, ESPECIALLY about someone who doesn't play for the Bills anymore? TH is GONE. We now have an extra 3rd rounder. Nothing to see here. Move along. You seriously scare me! ( seriously! )
  21. This could get messy very fast... But my 2 cents: TO needs some good meds ( or vitimans if your name is Tom Cruise ). He is going down as one of the all time JERKS in the NFL, if not all of sports.. I love the guys talent and energy, I just really dislike him when the true TO shines though :Selfish, arrogant, self-important, self-promoting, BIG MOUTH and down right offensive.
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