Common Symptoms of OCD
Incessant worries about;
how sucky your local sports station is
Recurrent thoughts that something has not been done properly even when the individual knows it has
Setting fire to the house
Flooding the house
Losing something valuable or of little or no importance
Bankrupting the company
Hurting someone
Repeated impulses to kill loved ones
Poisoning others food or drink etc.
Spreading illness
Running over a pedestrian
Behaving in a socially unacceptable manner
Making sexual advances
Saying the wrong thing
Blasphemous thoughts in a religious person
Feelings that certain things must always be in a certain place, position, or order
Worries about the shape or functioning of body parts
Intrusive nonsensical sounds, words, numbers, or images
Compulsions are strong urges to do something to reduce anxiety from the obsessions.
Repeatedly checking to see if;
Light switches appliances and faucets are off
Doors are locked
Numbers are correct
Forms filled out correctly
Counting to a certain number
Counting objects over and over
Repeatedly performing a behavior before being able to move on
Collecting mail or trash to the point of filling up one's home
Inability to throw away anything
Picking up trash on the streets and taking it home
Hand washing
Showering or cleaning oneself repeatedly
Decontaminating objects
Arranging items in perfect symmetry in a certain order
(for example, cans or books on shelves, items on desk top