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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Off subject: I live around the corner from the Super Flea.... I go there every so often just to check out the junk. Remember the cantina scene in Star Wars? Ok, that is what the place looks like now. Keep ahold of your wallets
  2. Common Symptoms of OCD Incessant worries about; dirt germs contamination how sucky your local sports station is infection chemicals Recurrent thoughts that something has not been done properly even when the individual knows it has Setting fire to the house Flooding the house Losing something valuable or of little or no importance Bankrupting the company Hurting someone Repeated impulses to kill loved ones Poisoning others food or drink etc. Spreading illness Running over a pedestrian Behaving in a socially unacceptable manner Swearing Making sexual advances Saying the wrong thing Blasphemous thoughts in a religious person Feelings that certain things must always be in a certain place, position, or order Worries about the shape or functioning of body parts Intrusive nonsensical sounds, words, numbers, or images Compulsions are strong urges to do something to reduce anxiety from the obsessions. Repeatedly checking to see if; Light switches appliances and faucets are off Doors are locked Numbers are correct Forms filled out correctly Counting Counting to a certain number Counting objects over and over Repeatedly performing a behavior before being able to move on Collecting/Hoarding Collecting mail or trash to the point of filling up one's home Inability to throw away anything Picking up trash on the streets and taking it home Cleaning/Washing Hand washing Showering or cleaning oneself repeatedly Decontaminating objects Arranging/Organizing Arranging items in perfect symmetry in a certain order (for example, cans or books on shelves, items on desk top
  3. This is the best one I have -- Sorry for the distance..My zoom isn't that great : Enjoy: Training Camp 05
  4. Wow, now thats funny... Yawn....
  5. What program do they use to filter the sites? When you try to go to a restricted site what happens? BTW: I am the IT manager at a large high school and I can tell you with the configuration we have that it is virtually impossible to get around the filtering software...I can see where EVERYONE goes in real time, including remote proxies which are VERY easy to block...
  6. Newsflash: Hootie found : WalMart Hard to believe these guys use to be chart toppers....
  7. Seriously you should just give em away or dump em for like $30.00 w/shipping.... Last year I bought preseason tickets for $10.00 a piece and they were in the 200's.....
  8. You're kidding me right? Can't people accept that TO is just a TOOL who happens to be a very talented football player?? Does *EVERYTHING* boil down to race?? When does this white vs black crap stop? Man, I hope in my lifetime....I sure am sick of it..
  9. FFS: Are you ill or having keyboard problems? This is the shortest post EVER by you
  10. Oh well, to each his own... Can you believe some people are actually DOLPHIN fans ?
  11. WTF? Damn.....
  12. Mary Jane is calling RELAX
  13. I saw that again about a month ago..My god that was almost as bad as WIDE RIGHT
  14. ???? Huh?
  15. Brad is a aquired taste I guess for some people...His sense of humor is a little "off" ... Afternoons on WGR can be VERY lame since I cant stand baseball, and that seems to dominate the talk often.... It would be nice to see the station interview more sports figures though...Who wouldn't like to hear what guys like Bryce Paup, Keith McKellar, Leonard Smith, etc are up to now a days??? Anyways, I lived in KY about 6 years ago for one year and TRUST ME you would miss WGR once you leave...There is nothing like around the clock talk about basketball and deer hunting
  16. Gotcha Anyone wanna visit the Amsterdam Bills Backers club?
  17. Once you use ONLY a vaporizer for a while then smoke the old fashioned way you will think your smoking dog sh** from a bong or joint.. At least that is what I read
  18. I dunno about that being such a conservative issue...Plenty on the left side of the aisle have similar views against wacky weed...
  19. Season ticket sales are SKYROCKETING today!!! Maybe it wasn't the REAL Willis, but an IMPOSTER????
  20. Vaporizers will catch on more and more. 100% pure hits, no unhealthy "smoke".... Thats what I read anyways
  21. That was a great article -- I took this from it::::: Fiscal note: Erie County, where Ralph Wilson Stadium is located, has all kinds of financial problems. To help, the Bills announced they would pay stadium upkeep costs the county is supposed to cover. Surely this is the first known instance of a professional sports franchise giving money to the public rather than the other way around!
  22. It is really him Just ask him about the Bonnie Bernstein pictures...
  23. Anyone have Oliver Stones #? I see a movie here...
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