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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. I'm not kidding when I say this but I haven't seen a new music video in years ... I rarely watch cable on my Plasma ( blu-ray, ps3, PC gaming, etc ), so a bulk of my TV watching is in my workshop which is standard cable so I only get MTV + VH1. Every single time I go past either channel it's the same reality TV crap.... Please tell me these types of shows aren't popular! Do they *EVER* play music videos on MTV or VH1????? Ah the days of Nina Blackwood, Martha Quinn, JJ Jackson...
  2. I can't believe anyone who lives in the Buffalo area hasn't mentioned the Airport Plaza Jewelers commercials. They are an insult to the senses. I can't put in words how bad they are. During any given day if watching Time Warner Cable you are guaranteed to see the commercial several times... I'll bet between every channel they appear on that the commercial is broadcast at least *100* times a day. I've watched Discover, AE, and History channel and have seen the commercial as many as two times per hour. Low quality, UGLY chick in most of the commercials with crooked teeth dress as a CHICKEN --- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  3. Haven't seen IB yet, but I think Pitt was fantastic in The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. Fantastic movie in every respect. Read up on it at IMDB.
  4. Isn't that the truth! BARF
  5. Vick should have been banned for life from the NFL - period, end of story. He is nothing but a thug. His brother too... Does ANYONE think this guy would be working a "normal" job if he didn't have his talent? He'd be just another thug punk. You can see thousands of guys like this by going in areas like the East side of Buffalo.... Our American cities are being turned into war zones from all the shootings. Shootings that typically result from a bad drug deal, someone looking at someone wrong, or just random thugs riding around --- Guys like Vick are less than human. Sorry. Can't you folks who are all for forgiving Vick see what he did over YEARS??? He TORTURED animals. They screamed for their lives. He bashed a living animal against a wall. He ELECTROCUTED them. ----- And he could put on his Falcons uniform, play a Sunday football game and a couple of day later he'd be right back to this sub-human behavior? Are you kidding me? Forgive him? He is SICK and a savage. And to compare this to hunting is a JOKE. I don't agree with hunting at all, but the two are miles apart... Vick should have done 3-5 years, if not more. He should have NEVER been let back in the NFL, but hey the NFL is a big business....
  6. Vick is nothing but a thug, plain and simple... What he did took place over years ...This wasn't a guy who had one too many and drove drunk. On top of that he was a crap QB before all this went down - Why some Bills fans wet their pants with anticipation of him signing here is beyond me.
  7. Sorry for the confusion - I promise I wasn't drunk when I posted this. It was in response to the "Jeff George" thread that was titled exactly the same...
  8. Ah, another Skooby post... Great.. I'm not sure what is more annoying : Airport Plaza Jewelers commercials with the rubber chicken ( local Buffalo reference ) or Skoob... Close..Very close..
  9. Growing up in the 80's I watched Letterman all the time. Although in the last 10 years I haven't watched very often, when I do I see a completely different, unfunny, far left leaning shell of his former self. What happened to him? Was he always like this and I just didn't realize it? BTW: It isn't a left/right thing for me. I like Bill Maher and watch show all the time. With him you know what you're in for, and he does crack on pretty much everyone anyways....
  10. It was much better than that. Sure it wasn't GREAT, but it was very good and well worth the big screen viewing... Without Arnie it does make a difference. I liked all three previous Terms ( yes even the last with Arnie ). It needed to be rated R though
  11. TBD has really gone downhill...It's sad really....Thanks Skoob and posters like the above!
  12. Oh brother :w00t: Skoob: Are you grounded or something ? If you keep making this crap up I'm going to call your mother!
  13. Oh brother - WHO CARES ? A rookie wearing the sacred #12? We are DOOOOOMED - DOOOOOOOMED I say
  14. Yawn - WHO CARES? Misleading title = lame thread....
  15. *PLEASE* This guy is a cancer on TBD and is bring this whole board down a level or two....
  16. Does someone pay Skoob per post or is it an ego thing? TBD was so much nicer before he started haunting these confines...
  17. Thanks for all the information guys....
  18. I can't put in words how bad it is...Honest. It's like nails on a chalkboard, but worse... It's on AT LEAST twice an hour an every channel I watch.. They are making big money right now since they buy gold, so they are saturating the airwaves. It's torture... The commercial is on right now as I type this..I kid you not... HELP ME
  19. Ok, I surrender - I can't take it any longer - I see that "I buy it" Airport Plaza commercial with the rubber chicken on EVERY channel I watch on Time Warner and I want to scream. I've never had a commercial get under my skin like this. I see it without exaggeration 25+ times a day. Combine that with the endless "HUGE" commercials and Celino + Barnes and I'm ready to pull the plug and get FIOS ( when available in Cheektowaga ) or DTV - do these services have these same local commercials? I know it may sound silly to some to go to this extreme, but if you live in the Buffalo area and have Time Warner you know what I mean. You can't escape it - CNN, Fox News, Discovery Channel, History Channel, local channels - EVERYWHERE.
  20. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/9243838...y-to-gun-charge 4 Games?
  21. HAHAHAHA -- Funny as usual crayonz - up there with cancer and the plague
  22. Just saw this headline: USA Swimming suspends Phelps for 3 months
  23. Dope smokin device? Nah Popuri air freshener is what I tell em (BTW: that is how it is marked when coming through customs - I had to giggle - I ordered from Canada )
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