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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. DRAFT DAY Good luck Bears!
  2. Nah, this wasn't staged other than it was a trap. The last few seconds show police and the guy still knocked out. It was just plain sad. IMHO if you like to see things like this, you need to seek help. This was hardly a "fair" fight, it was a massacre. Looks like to me that a couple of "white boys from the burbs" pulled into the wrong store at the wrong time. Its really too bad one of those guys getting thier ass kicked didn't have a weapon. That I would of liked to of seen. Lesson here: Don't go where you don't belong, especially at night. Aren't most American cities just grand
  3. really suck? I can't stand them. Show me football...Do players ever have anything interesting to say, especially DURING a freaking game. This includes the ambushes of the coaches coming off the field or re-entering after halftime.. YUCK
  4. Joe Burns will stay. He is too important to the ST unit.
  5. Wrong: I have PROOF he is not the real big kitty: BIG kitty!
  6. I don't remember good ole Rubie ever holding!!!!
  7. Who is this Drew guy that people bringing up in every other thread?? The last QB for Buffalo was Jim Kelly right?? Did I miss something?
  8. Ah, I love labels...Everyone wants to label everyone else...Right-extermist...Thats nice.. Listen, I *HATE* Michael Moore and what he stands for..Seriously. Have you seen any of his books? Take some time to read STUPID WHITE MEN... Come back to me when your assignment is done and tell me if you feel the same way about him... He is scum....
  9. What part of Fern Creek? Hard to believe how bad the area around Raceland and Bashford Manor is isn't it?
  10. You're right. Crap. Sorry.
  11. Did you go to high school in Louisville? I went to Fern Creek, class of 87. Remember Bashford Manor Mall? Hickory Farms? That was one of my families stores
  12. Hopefully it will start off with nut cancer...
  14. What a vile POS.... Hopefully we will get lucky and this turd will move to France. He will fit right in.
  15. ZIP ZAP RAP MUAHAHAHAH Those are classic
  16. Damn, what diet did he go on?
  17. I'm telling you DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH and don't buy too many #21 jerseys
  18. I will bet BIG MONEY that Willis WILL NOT be here past next year, and even next year will be in question if he does well this year ( see T.O. and various other holdouts ). My enthusiasm for Willis and the prospects of him being here a long time ( ala T.Thomas ) are very low to be honest with you. With Drew Rosenslut as his agent and Willis's punk-like attitude in general, it will be hard for him to win me over. Thats not to say I wont be happy if he busts out 2000 yards this year
  19. I grew up there..Born in Buffalo, moved as a kid to Louisville, moved back to Buffalo, probably moving back down south in a year or two ( not Louisville though ). Louisville as a city is growing rapidly. Downtown is OK, not great. Buildings are very nice ( much nicer than Buffalo ), but there isn't much to do as far as shopping, etc. ( not very differnt from Buffalo ). The weather during the summer SUCKS..I mean SUCKS BALLS. Louisville is located in the Ohio valley, so all the dirt/smog gets stuck over the metro area, therefore the air is HORRIBLE and HUMID. 90 degrees and enough humidity to cut with a knife..YUCK... Winters are just about as cold as Buffalo, but very little snow. Race relations are a mixed bag. The burbs has a much higher integration rate than a city like Buffalo but there are MANY places not to go if you are white or black. There are some hardcore gang bangers in a few parts of the metro area ( Raceland mall area, downtown, west Louisville, Bashford mall area ), and out Dixie Highway from the Louisville area to Fort Know is RED NECK HEAVEN!!! YEHAAAAAAA The job market is decent. IMHO better than the Buffalo area ( of course ), but not as booming as NC, SC, Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, etc. Jefferson County Public Schools are pretty good...Private schools are EXCELLENT - Trinity, St. X for the boys and Assumption + Sacred Heart for the gals. Sports are H O R R I B L E unless you like college basketball. UofL vs UofK is always fun. County folk like the Cats and city folk like the birds. Football isn't a big deal and hockey?? AHHAHAHAHA Forget it.... Cost of living: Housing is VERY expensive compared to the Buffalo area. A decent $75,000.00 home in say Cheektowaga would go for double that in Louisville. Newer homes average $175-$200 grand. Taxes are lower. Metro government..None of this BS that is in Erie county. Police force is VERY active in pulling people over, unlike say Buffalo city proper ( picture say Kenmore police EVERYWHERE ). Jeffersontown and Fern Creek would be two middle class areas I would look into ( I grew up in Fern Creek ). St. Matthews and surround area is BOOMING, but houses are $250k easy... Derby time is fun. HUGE airshow, ballon race, steamboat races, parade, and of course the Derby itself....FUN TIME. Like I said, my family will probably be moving in a few years, but NOT to Louisville...It's not that its a bad place, but it is VERY VERY boring. No Canada, no NFL, no NHL, no winter sports ( ok, a little skiing in Indiana, but nothing compared to here ). If you need to know anything else please let me know..
  20. Oh no..Don't mention the magic man..Bad things happen..BAD BAD THINGS...
  21. HAHAHAH... Ya, Yawn... Come on, if you need to get more traffic to your website get more creative than using TBD
  22. "Come on Yusif, its break time - 2:40 by the looks of the sidewalk clock here."
  23. Thank god we didn't get Henson ...He just threw a lame duck... QUACK QUACK
  24. Maybe he is saying it wrong to sell season tickets???
  25. Madden just said something to the effect " when Drew has the ball sometimes he holds it too long" .... This just in - The sky is blue and the sun will rise tomorrow
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