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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. I posted this link in another post, but it is worth looking at here: Buses taking a swim
  2. Hmmm - Whos fault is this? George Bush??? A picture is worth a thousand words ... Nice going Mayor...Blame everyone but YOURSELF!
  4. Didn't you see RoboCop?? Detroit = RJ
  5. I saw an interview on Fox yesterday with two SURVIVORS and they did nothing but B word about the Superdome situation. The one lady complained about how bad the smell was, how nurses were just ignoring everyone, AND COMPLAINED THAT THE FOOD ( MRE'S) WAS NOT HOT!!!!!! I turned to my wife and said something to the effect - These A**HOLES should be kissing the ground the stand on. THEY ARE ALIVE !!!! Let something like that happen here in Buffalo and my whole family survive and then tell me that I will be without HOT FOOD for a few days..I would rejoice! Unreal... Sooner than later this will become a race issue and a bash Bush festival because you know everything in the universe that is wrong is his fault. I also heard the mayer of NO on the radio this morning do nothing but B word about how slow the federal response is, especially in sending troops. Does this MORON realize that if troops are just sent in without any support ( food, tents, communication centers established, etc ) that they will be part of the problem, not the solution??
  6. So many excellent shows do get cancelled! They just dont draw the right #'s for some reason. Generic sitcoms can flourish, yet get sci-fi shows like firefly fail?? Firefly was EXCELLENT, especially for network TV. Right up there with Battlestar. Serenity looks like a must-see!
  7. The Man looks H O R R I B L E...
  8. Ah, thank you! I live in Buffalo and didn't realize that the University of Buffalo had a football team
  9. Who is UB?
  10. Agreed
  11. Never challenge..Only spank!
  12. Considering there are 1000+ cities with populations over say 25,000 , yes, to be in the top 50 would be considered large.
  13. How many more posts until: Its the Republicans fault? or FAUX News or Bush made Shepard Smith say that... There are larger things to worry about than a news reporter saying something stupid, like the future of one of this countries largest cities... Anyways..
  14. YUCK! They are U G L Y NOT
  15. Can't you put that crap away at a time like this???? You'll have another 3 years to have your fun. Give it a rest for at least a few days ok?
  16. That can't be the real FFS...Gotta be a poser.
  17. Couldn't of happen to a nicer guy .. Good luck SOLDIER!!!!
  18. Just remember: RJ = RJ
  19. Amen....
  20. Ya, good time to compare SPONGEBOB to a tragedy like this... AHAHHAHAHAHAhA.. Ya, funny stuff
  21. BINGO It never ceases to amaze me how the left is soooooo fixated on Fox News... I don't get it ???? As I always say - If you don't like it, DONT FREAKING WATCH IT! Get over it! So what, there is ONE news station that is right leaning ...BIG DEAL... I'll watch Fox News, you can watch MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, or any other left leaning news...
  22. Here is a .454 : .454 Here is a .38 : .38 Here is what I prefer : Bang Bang
  23. Wait, you didn't get in a Halliburton remark Silly rabbit, if you don't like FOX or find it fiction, tune into some reality - CNN
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