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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Collins got me 28 points on my fantasy team so I am happy
  2. Face it, they are LEMMINGS..... The Democratic party is a J O K E .... Let Howard Dean and his ilk spew this crap more and more. They look simply SILLY.
  3. Sure, I agree with that...But DURING A TELETHON???? Isn't that what BET is for?
  4. Warren Sapp looked like he should be shouting " HEY KOOLAID"...
  5. But his feet, they are so smooooth...Look, he can do no wrong - He dances on air... GAG DId you know he has been jumping rope since the 4th grade??? Mommy, mommy, make the fat oaf go away... Madden = RJ
  6. I like that one
  7. Damnit...I never thought of search for tiger piss and donkey flesh Sorry for the dupe post
  8. Sounds too good to be true!
  9. That was the worst lip sync EVER...Way to go OZZY
  10. I will use my now famous question about Detroit here: Didn't they see RoboCop
  11. Muahahah..I get that one
  12. What brand glue do you sniff? BBC = Anti-American
  13. What happened to the Spicoli I knew years ago?
  14. Best video clip of all : To protect and serve...Wait, let me get some shoes first
  16. Here is the video : ?????
  17. Positive hip-hop? Isn't that an oxymoron? I am 36 years old. I grew up with as wide range of music as probably anyone... Santana, Fleetwood Mac, The Police, Dana Dane, Kool-Mo-Dee, Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Rolling Stones, Van Halen, Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, Surgar Hill Gang, George Clinton, Prince, Judas Priest... Shall I go on? Music of 15-20 years ago was positive...Listen to OLD SCHOOL rap and listen to this garbage today...Not even close... I listen to enough hip-hop to know what the general idea is - Bitches, Bling, Killing, Robbing, white people suck, black people are victims and helpless to help themselves, everyone owes them a living , oh and drugs drugs drugs...And one wonders why black youth *HATE* white people today? Ya, positive..BS
  18. 0-16 no doubt... DOOOOMMMEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD
  19. I can't wait to see this... It will piss me off bad... What an idiot - He should just write a few raps, throw down on wax, sell it and buy more bling bling.. He is one of the real problems in our country today...Instead of trying to help one of the worst situations to hit this country, this IDIOT is only trying to divide us ... Nice.. Hip Hop and that whole culture SUCKS..Seriously...I am sooooo sick and tired of this victim crap... I could go on but I am too pissed..
  20. Nope, damn..I was wrong - 1987 : IMDB I was 18..DAMN..Roll back the years No bills, just moved out on my own, women, booze, dru.... whoops, back to 2005..
  21. Damnit, thats all I remember Gonna have to watch the DVD -- I'll get back to you with more gems.. Ahhh...The good ole days..1988 I think??
  22. Ok, I am speechless after reading this...This takes the cake.. OMFG
  23. "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
  24. SHIITTTTTT Jason Peters DOWN
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