Doesn't every fan of every NFL team say this about their team?
I've been a fan for 20 years of the Bills. These last 7-8 years have been PAINFUL. The end of the Jimbo era, Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Drew Statue, and now Losman.....
Face it, the Bills are a lower rung team and have been for a while now. I remember seeing last year that only 1 or 2 teams have had a worse record over the past 5 years, the Cards being one of them
Sad..Very sad.
There is nothing more I would like to see than Losman turn it around and pull off a miracle, but by the way he has looked I am not holding my breath.
If Losman is a bust, then what?????
How long do we give him?
Holcomb? He's not the answer...
Who then?