Batman Begins : Wow...One of the best movies in some time!!!! BUY IT!
Serenity: Decent..I didn't watch the TV version so I was a little lost. I probably will enjoy it more when it hits DVD. Worth seeing if you like SCI-FI.
Hitchhikers Guide: Good God, what was the deal with that movie? Ok, I didn't read the books, but come on, this movie was just STUPID.... Ship approaches planet, missles are fired at said ship, a warp drive is activated and turns the missles into a whale and a flower pot? The whale crashes into the planet?? Dolphins fly out of the ocean and say thanks for the fish? Earth is then blown up only to be reconstructed at the end ? ? ? ? Is there someone else out there that "gets it" ?????
Also: Anyone else out there see the previews to Doom? It looks HORRIBLE!