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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. NFL | Chiefs vs. Dolphins Rescheduled Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:10:26 -0700 The Kansas City Chiefs have announced their game against the Miami Dolphins has been moved from Sunday, Oct. 23, to Friday, Oct. 21. The game will be played at 7:00 p.m. ET Friday due to the deteriorating weather conditions occurring from Hurricane Wilma. It will be broadcast in Kansas City on KCTV-5.
  2. Perhaps they were sick of players showing up with all their BLING BLING -- Here is a prime example: BLING BLING
  3. Huh? Isn't Griffith a FA?
  4. Nah, just a whore
  5. Did he look like he REALLY enjoyed patting the guys?
  6. It won't be Carr..I am putting money on one of the SD QB's -- Probably Rivers
  7. Yes, have them unprepared to take on 75 yards of passing from JP
  8. Did someone try to take Brady's credit card?
  10. Viking Message Boards Thank god they got rid of that cretin Moss eh?
  11. Trading Spouses Did anyone TIVO this whole episode by chance???
  12. Hugo would stand out though....
  13. Why complain? WE HAVE TWO WINS! I am happy! NOT
  14. Retirement ?? NEVER!
  15. Yes, but what team is overall better ?
  16. I am sure its not far from the truth
  17. Damn..I was hoping for Lonnie Johnson
  18. Chooo Chooo Nice caboose When I die I want to come back as her bikini bottoms
  19. How did you manage to keep her full of air that long?
  20. The effects look second tier. My rig with Geforce 6800GT could almost produce what I saw in the previews.. MEH BTW: The past 8-12 months have been HORRIBLE for movies in general. Look at the new releases at Blockbuster. Maybe once a month something OK is out.... I hope Hollywood improves this holiday season.
  21. That "joke" headline was on Fark today...
  22. The previews of Doom showing with Serenity showed at least 3 parts that were suppose to be 1st person..MAN DID IT LOOK CHEEEEEESEY!!!! Also they showed when the Marines picked up their different weapons and each weapon had a nick attached to it - For instance The Rock was to be called "Sarge" ...Oh god, did I roll my eyes... Yes, it will be a suck-fest and a major bomb at the box office...
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