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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. I'd love to have him, but RARELY that I can think of does this type of trade or even FA signing pay off. Just because KM dominates with the Raiders, does not mean he would be the same player here. Different D, different players, different everything....
  2. I don't know everything he ordered, but def Nacho chips or the like. I heard him munching on them on the way back to the hotel. I also picked up Jon Ryan from Steven Hauschka's house here in OP the night we signed him and dropped him off at the same hotel...He was very cool and tipped me ( RARE for football players...Actually a first out of the 7-8 I've driven in the past few months ).. I guess living close to the stadium does have a few benefits...
  3. I drove him to Chipotle the other night. He was a nice dude....
  4. 100% PCP or Spice .....
  5. My experience had nothing to do with being a fan. It really did happen exactly as I stated. Although it was a long time ago, I still remember it to this day because it was one of the biggest dick moves I've ever experienced. I think the dude thought it was funny to watch to door shut right in front of me. I heard me 100% since he turned around and rolled his eyes. I wish I could tell a different story but that guy was a DICK. I had excellent experiences with Howard Ballard, Will Wolford, and actually became good friends with Keith McKeller ( I gave him computer lessons at his condo in OP ) and as I said previously Rusty Jones was nothing but a GREAT guy to a 21 year old Bills fan.
  6. Frank Reich! Yes, that Frank Reich... Many years ago, I think it was 1991, I was working for a computer store in Williamsville, NY. Rusty Jones came in and bought two computers from me. I had no idea who he was at first but as I cashed him out he gave me his info and asked if I'd be interested in delivering + setting up those systems down at the stadium! I was really excited!!! Of course I did it, Rusty Jones was nothing but class and actually took me around the locker room , weight room, and the offices. I waved to a few players that were there and in general had a great time... Although a very minor thing, Frank Reich did a dick move. I parked in the player lot. I had to carry in each computer and monitor by myself, one at a time. The computer box was huge. Computers back in the day were much heavier and larger. Anyhow Frank was about ten feet in front of me during one of my trips in. He had parked and was walking in just like me... I asked him if he could hold the door since I had this huge box. Well he just turned around and rolled his eyes and let the door shut right in my face. Total dick / diva move. PS: From what I remember the computers I sold them were for the strength and condition program, and might of been the first computers they used for those purposes, so that was cool. Again Rusty Jones was a super nice guy!
  7. Just thought I would share my recent experience SELLING CARS .... OK, my kids are getting older ( teenagers now - DAMN ) and working in I.T., at least in WNY, doesn't pay very well...I held two different tech coordinator/network admin jobs in the past decade at two different large private schools. The second school only lasted about a year and a half - it is a very well known school that shockingly paid TERRIBLY... My salary wasn't bad - 40k and change to start, but the family health insurance was $13000.00 a freaking year!!!! So I was really only making 27k w/family health insurance... Sure no one twisted my arm to work there and I failed to negotiate for a salary like I should have and in addition I didn't find out how much the insurance was until I started ..... I know I know...VERY DUMB on my part..... I really didn't like working there ...The hours were great since we got a ton of off time, but that was about the only bright spot! Anyways, so as contract time was coming up I bucked for a large raise, but not insane - I said I needed AT LEAST another 7K a year... About a week later I was terminated. Shown the door. Thrown out like rotten fish. Never happened to me in my entire life!!! ACK Oh I could go on about that joint but that isn't what I wanted to discuss - Just wanted to give background info ... So after some soul searching I said " why don't I try what my Dad did for 20+ years ??? " ... My Dad was good. Very good at selling cars. He wasn't a slimeball and he treated people with respect. Problem is he retired 15 years ago and my oh my has the car business changed. My reasoning was there was no way I was going to make less than I did in I.T. NO WAY... HA HA HA !! Boy was I wrong. I will tell you this much about selling cars. Let me shout it to the hilltops : DON'T DO IT! Getting hired was not very hard. I worked for three different dealerships in about seven months time! Let me explain why: First dealership: Old domestic lot - decent sized - started out with a few other "green peas". After training I hit the floor for a few weeks and started to realize quickly that it just wasn't going to work. You want to know why? --- Guess how much a car salesmen makes on your average *NEW* car? $100.00 Yup. $100.00 Now don't get me wrong - there are new cars that pay more, but I'd say 2/3'rds are going to be what they call a "flat" - $100.00 . I've sold cars/trucks that were $45,000.00 and made..Yup..you guess it $100.00 . You can make good money on used - $200-400 is the norm, but the used inventory at the first dealership SUCKED so there wasn't much hope of doing much used business there... So I jumped to a foreign dealership - It's a dealership that advertises ALL THE FREAKING TIME ( if you live in WNY you'll know ) ... Oh boy was this a mistake...hahah OK, if you are still reading I appreciate it and will take time to explain the draw -- How much does a car salesman make? Well here is how it works at most dealerships ( at least the three I was at ) - You are on a draw. What is a draw you may ask? Well it's a loan. A loan? HUH? Yup. OK - this is how it worked at my second dealership, which really SUCKED - ( the other two "forgave" the drawn each month ). You have to clock in and out on your scheduled days on. All told you work about 45-48 hours on the clock a week. Take minimum wage the multiply it by 40 + whatever overtime... Let's say your check is for $350.00 a week. Ok so the dealership is "loaning" you the $350.00 a week - you don't actually "earn" it. If you don't sell anything that week you are -$350.00 in the drawn. Don't sell anything the next week = $700.00 in the drawn... Ok, so week three comes and you sell a car that pays $150.00 . You only sell that one car. You then take $1050.00 and subtract the $150.00 and you still owe the dealership $900.00 ! This can go on for months. There were guys there before me that left owing $4000.00+ !! Once you leave obviously you don't pay them back - You may think selling one car in three weeks must mean I sucked? Nope... There are days and sometimes SEVERAL days working at a car lot that you will not talk to anyone or anyone even close to buying a car. At the second dealership I worked at there were only a few salesmen. Often there were only one or two of us working on a shift, so it wasn't like I was slow, etc.. It's just how it goes. The secret to making "decent" money is that you must sell 10 cars a month. Period. End of story. No debate. 10 is the magic number. Hit 9? Tough. You get ZERO. Hit 10 and you make a nice bonus. Not great, but nice. Again 10 cars in a month doesn't sound like much at all, but please trust me IT IS. Also car manufacturers offer "spins" on cars - The first domestic dealership I worked for had a decent manufacturers bonus program ( like $75.00 a car if I remember right, but you had to complete six months of service, so I didn't make it ). The second dealership which sold a foreign line had really good "spins" actually - At the end of each week they would load $$ onto a debit card... But again if you ain't sell volume, you ain't making much here either The third dealership I worked at was another domestic brand that had really crappy "spins" from the manufacturer - almost a non-factor which is shocking... Anyways, back to the second dealership - After working there about 3 1/2 months and never really making much more than minimum wage + a little $$ loaded on my debit weekly, I left. I feel as far as $2000.00 or so in the draw, managed to work my way out, only to fall back in... I couldn't take it and promptly left --- I jumped to a third dealership...This only lasted about five weeks... Let me tell you something rather obvious. SELLING CARS IN WNY DURING THE WINTER SUCKS. This dealership had 15-16 salesmen and very few were on pace to bonus for Decemeber, and let me tell you this December wasn't bad in the weather dept. I can only imagine Jan + Feb. OMG... No thanks... So I resigned... I just didn't have it in me to do it any longer. If I would have worked at Mighty Taco for the seven or so months I sold cars I would have made more.. Oh and let me tell you some things I learned - The advertising a dealership does reflects pretty closely how they treat a customer. Those dealerships that advertise a 1000 times a day with obnoxious commercials treat their customers accordingly .... hahah Want to cut out all the BS when looking for a car? Just tell them you went to their closest competitor and they offered the same car or similar car at invoice. Just about every dealership will still sell you the car at "invoice", which is suppose to be the "cost" to the dealership..... Of course manufacturers give dealerships incentive to sell volume that you don't see in the invoice, so most of the time invoice is a easy/quick way of getting the best price you'll get...I never saw a car sell for under invoice... Take this as gospel and a golden nugget of knowledge if you don't know this already : New or used car shopping? Not in a huge hurry? WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY OR TWO OF THE MONTH!!! If you time it right go to a dealership a the beginning of the day on the last day of the month...Make sure you are there early so you can work out any kinks by the end of the business day. Dealerships ALWAYS give you the best deals in this timeframe -- Remember the last 1-3 days of the month !!!! Some other random things : Folks if you are going car shopping please be ready to purchase. Don't have six months left on a lease and are thinking about switching to another car brand so you want to test those... Car salesmen far and wide *HATE* this. You are waisting their time and your time. Remember the essay above about pay? Don't go waste someones time for an hour or two if you have no intentions on buying. On the fence? Fine...Let someone "sell" you a car. There to kill some time while wife shops? Please don't. You are taking the opportunity away from that guy/gal from making any money. I'd say from what I've seen even the best salesmen who have been doing it for 20+ years will only get about 1 in 7-8 people to come back if they don't buy then and there. For less polished guys like me it was closer to 1 in 10-12.. The average car sale takes about four hours total. Car salesmen are responsible for obtaining new insurance, getting the vehcile clean , gas in the tank, oh selling the car ( haha - that comes first and takes 1-2 hours alone most of the time ), getting paperwork signed, approved, deliverying the car and explain its features.... Yea four hours is about right. Sometimes longer...Not often shorter.. Most dealerships give car salesmen very little training, if any. One out of three of mine had a week long training. The other two? Nope. Every manufacturer makes you get certified in a certain amount of time, but learning the vehicles and all the features is only a small portion on what you need to know.. Yup you pretty much get thrown in to the shark tank right away.. HOPEFULLY some of the other guys help you learn the system, but most of the time it's flying blind. Your sales manager can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Sales managers determine how much your paycheck will be... They are the ones that decide to take a deal or not. There is no real line there.... Well I hope that was a little entertaining and informative. Don't get me wrong - there are guys/gals that make bank selling cars. I worked with guys who make 80-90-100k a year. Of course you have to be good to last in the business so making that type of money means you've been in the business for 10+ years. When you are new you have ZERO customers. It takes AT LEAST three years to build up your book of business and to get a decent amount of repeat customers. It's actually closer to five before you really start to see it... So would I have made more if I stuck with it? Probably. But I'm not working on minimum wage or thereabouts for the first one, two, or three years... So I moved on. Left the car business last week never to return. Thanks again for reading if you did make it all the way through. I had more to add but I thought I would save the novel version for a later date hahah . I can answer any questions if you have them about buying a car - leasing vs buying, how to negotiate, etc.
  8. I saw Poz last week at the Cheektowaga Sam's with a VERY nice looking girlfriend or wife... What surprised me is that he isn't "football player" big... He's a big dude, but compared to other D players I've seen up close in the past he looks very small.
  9. OK I am *REALLY* liking the milk chic - NICE mouth lady
  10. I'm shocked personally : http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/ricky-...ory?id=10234454
  11. Wow.. Thanks for the reporting on a player with nothing to do with the Bills other than sharing a name, which will lure people in this thread thinking Lee. HEY THANKS! Bored?
  12. Could you please find another team to follow or at least a different Bills board?
  13. About as funny as cancer...
  14. MUAHAHAHAH What a chump. Raised 6 kids did ya? And you're sitting here responding to every single response to you and reporting people ? Oh brother.... Keep reporting everyone though. Let's see who is removed first from the board..You and the rest of us
  15. I blame this thread on heavy meds or lack there of.
  16. I have a 2005 35th Anniversary Edition. Full leather, etc. 1st owner did about 10K worth of "upgrades" including the exhaust which got me the ticket last week. I purchased it on eBay for less than half of the sticker price, not including the upgrades, so I basically stole it 45K miles and looks / runs like new. BTW: I received the notification of the fine for the loud exhaust - $25.00 + 55.00 "administrative fee" . Guess it beats a speeding ticket, and not worth taking half a day off to fight it, so oh well
  17. Love my Z. Damn is it a fun car I just can't believe I got pinched for a loud exhuast. Oh well. He thought I was speeding, which again I swear I wasn't, and either he didn't get a radar lock to prove/disprove this or he was just being jerky and wanted to get me for SOMETHING. I must admit though - WNY is not exactly speed trap central. A few towns like Kenmore you want to keep it under the limit, but overall it isn't very often you see speed traps. In some cities / states they are very tough on speeders ( VA + AZ come to mind )..
  18. I just received my first ticket in YEARS in Cheektowaga. I was taking my son over a friends house in my 350Z AND I WAS *NOT* speeding down Union. I turned off onto a side street and I saw a Cheektowaga Police car driving like out of a movie in my rear view mirror. I told me son I was getting ready to get a ticket... He approached, asked me my hurry. I stated respectfully that I was not speeding. He took my documents to his car, came back a few minutes later and wrote me for my EXHAUST!!!! Granted my car is indeed loud and the aftermarket exhaust adds to that, but it is a good sounding loud, not like a Honda with a fart muffler or a Harley with straight pipes.. Anyways, I pleaded guilty and am awaiting the fine in the mail. The last thing I wanted to do is go to court, argue the case, win on a technicality ( he did not have a measuring device - only his ear ), and have him lookout for my car from that day forward since I do live in Cheektowaga and it does stick out.. I guess its better than a speeding ticket - no points ( I don't think ) and no insurance raise.....But probably around $100.00 fine
  19. WILSON Bills owner Ralph Wilson decided that making a coaching change in the middle of the season was not the right thing to do, at least for now. "Yesterday was so bad that it's hard to make a decision right now," Wilson said prior to the Monday Quarterback Club luncheon. "I'm not going to make any decisions during the middle of the season right now. At least right now." During the luncheon, Wilson tried to make light of his team's poor performance.
  20. Did anyone notice that Jauron looked like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's ( after he died of course ) every time the camera went to him. He didn't move. I barely saw his lips move.... Payton was up and down the sidelines "into" the game...Yelling at the officials, his players, his coaches..... Don't you think the players feed off of a coach with energy, even at the Pro level?? Oh well, I know all this has been said a million times before, but today it was VERY noticeable. Almost embarrassing for us Bills fans...
  21. After going to a Bills/Jets game two years ago I can honestly say I'll never go back in the stadium again.... Food, beer, fists, insults...everything was flying. It was sickening.... No thanks...I'll stay home and chill w/my 56" Plasma..
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