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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Seriously...Where does it stop? Will the people complaining be happy with 30% of the coaches black? 50% 60% 100% ???? I could CARE LESS what color the Bills coach or ANY OTHER coach is. My "standard of measure" is WINS AND LOSSES. I've heard the last few days that Ralph won't hire a black coach or that WNY won't accept a black coach...I say MULARKY! Do people seriously think that if the Bills hired a black coach that people would complain based on color??? HUH??????? People here in WNY want a winner, plain and simple. If they are pink, purple, black, brown, white, green..IT DOESN'T MATTER. This isn't 1972 ok? GET OVER IT. BTW: Do people realize there is a black player on the Sabres? OMFG!!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! I hear all the time with my white friends how much they want that black guy off the team, you know because he is black.... Oh, and as a white guy I would like to see a quota on RUNNING BACKS
  2. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Yawn... Please hire a coach. I hate these posts.....
  3. No way. TO is a malcontent no matter the situation. Let Miami have him. I can't WAIT for TO to start cracking on their QB ....
  4. Beating a dead horse here, but what in the world is wrong with Sherman ???? He is such a dramatic upgrade from the junk we've had here for the past 4-5 years... Mularky or Sherman ?? hmmmm......
  5. Does he write for a paper "over there" ?
  6. I heard JS yesterday on WGR and he did admit that the editors made him remove a few "choice" words about Wilson. Sad
  7. My source, who is VERY deep inside the Bills, told me a coach WILL be hired soon! Probably in the next two weeks! SHHHHHHHH
  9. Wow! Deep inside!??!!!??!?! This must be a special ops. SHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  10. The sooner this bust is playing for the Raiders, the better. Just think - This fat tub of goo made more money for sitting out one game for PMS pain then most of us will make in 5 freaking years of working 40 hour weeks.. F him...
  11. At least they would have cool looking helmets!
  12. Not to sound like a tool, but I don't see what there is to "love" about WM.... Sorry, I just dont have the time of day for players who mail it in. Also, to think he is a top 10 back in the league is crazy.
  13. For the love of Zeus, STOP THESE THREADS...Sarcastic or not .. PLEASE Every time a thread like this is created, a kitten dies.
  14. Newsgroups my friend
  15. Very hot. Strange feet though
  16. Wow. Thats painting with a pretty broad brush no?
  17. That is my point. I don't mean to seem insensitive to a kid getting picked on at school, hell I have 2 boys myself and I can just imagine, but to bring this topic up during a converstation with another coach, then that other coach make it public, well, that is just silly. Concentrate on what should be your number one priority -- WINNING. With winning the bad things go away that are there with losing such as his kidding getting picked on. Stop looking for excuses for some of the worst coaching the Bills have ever seen. I was teased last week between the two press conferences thinking MM would actually be fired, and to my disappointment he will be back and so will these silly threads. I've never felt so horribly about a pro football coach, especially one of the Bills. I really think he is the worst coach left in the league, but I wonder if ALL losing teams fans say that about their teams coach?
  18. WAHHHHH Cry me a river. Get this assclown out of town on a rail. Mularky HAS to be the least popular coach left with a job.
  19. I'll grab the show in a few hours when its up on newsgroups
  20. NO WAY!!! Sulu on Stern?
  21. Is today the first day on sat? ( Needless to say I don't have Sirus
  22. I guess it is true that a womans breasts get sensitive around "that time of the month". MW should be bouncing back ANY TIME NOW
  23. I want to see them....Hmmmm wonder if their up somewhere for viewing?
  24. I don't know if the Bengals even win this game, but can you imagine if they get to the SB with Kitna, and maybe even win, how hot of a FA would Kitna be?
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