Seriously...Where does it stop? Will the people complaining be happy with 30% of the coaches black? 50% 60% 100% ????
I could CARE LESS what color the Bills coach or ANY OTHER coach is. My "standard of measure" is WINS AND LOSSES.
I've heard the last few days that Ralph won't hire a black coach or that WNY won't accept a black coach...I say MULARKY!
Do people seriously think that if the Bills hired a black coach that people would complain based on color??? HUH??????? People here in WNY want a winner, plain and simple. If they are pink, purple, black, brown, white, green..IT DOESN'T MATTER. This isn't 1972 ok? GET OVER IT.
BTW: Do people realize there is a black player on the Sabres? OMFG!!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! I hear all the time with my white friends how much they want that black guy off the team, you know because he is black....
Oh, and as a white guy I would like to see a quota on RUNNING BACKS