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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Why do I keep thinking that the statue is from say ATLANTIS? Maybe Hanso / Dharma Corp found the Lost City of Atlantis under a polar cap ? Just a crazy idea
  2. Ok, I am confused as hell and my head hurts.
  3. Jedi's kick ass !!
  4. So NOTHING is on cable today except the NBA Cavs / Pistons game 7. I watch a good chunk of it. Looks fantastic in HD..First NBA game I have watched in at least a year--- Anyways, WHO IN THE HELL is the MORON who is screaming over the PA after EVERY damn play / shot ?? OMFG!!! Are other arenas like this now?
  5. Does anyone know how much each playoff ticket will be when they go on sale tomorrow at 9:00 AM ??? I've gone to tickets.com and sabres.com and there isn't a price in site. Thanks!
  6. You missed one : UWE BOLL !! AWESOME!
  7. I wish more politicians saw it like this.. Screw the Iraqi border, bring our troops home and guard on own boarders. We live in a country where illegal invaders qualify for better benefits that people like myself that have been in the work force and paying taxes for 20+ years and were BORN HERE. CRAZY!! Why do I get the feeling that in 20-30 years the southwest will be just an extension of Mexico ?
  8. Your avatar fits this question perfect -- That chick is like 15
  9. 8MM was a very good flick. Not one for the kids though
  10. I wonder what else the change will mean for us all... I actually like the Adelphia channel configuration now.
  11. NSFW ( harsh language ) but damn is this funny The Spirit Of Truth
  12. Hard to believe that she is a Scientology freak
  13. I have a small eBay based business I do on the side - Check out my auctions! My user name is gobills69 . I buy pallets of retail liquidation equipment, test it, toss a ton of it, but sell what is working 100% and or new. I get a ton of Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PC software, Etc. I do ok but my basement looks like a mini Circuit City
  14. Stevesusedtrojan
  15. Your proof of the meth epidemic in the south!
  16. How do you have time to type all that when you have your mother yelling at you to turn off your computer and go to bed?
  17. It took a reporter to report it. Locals probably didn't want to stir things up and kill their golden goose.
  18. I think you're using whats in your avatar a weee bit too much
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