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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. "Uh, we pretty much don't know what to do here and further hope that we never actually have to do anything here." Teleprompter In Chief Obama
  2. Maybe the Democrats, at least the Obama supporters, should reconsider their influence. Obama continues to slip in Gallup Poll: http://www.gallup.com/poll/121028/Obama-Jo...First-Time.aspx
  3. What's going on in Iran is HUGE! President Obama is completely AWOL and useless! Citing Dr. Martin Luther King? Mr President, shut up! You're clueless, Obama!!
  4. The Toronto Bills. Period.
  5. I can't watch YouTube right now, sorry! I'm listening to President Obama describe this weekend's government tyranny-crackdown in Iran as both "violent" and "unjust". Try telling us something we don't know, Mr President. Oh, yeah! Obama is actually somehow trying to bring Dr Martin Luther King into the picture. Like the Iranians know/give a F about the American civil rights movement.
  6. Will it go 'round in CIRCLES?!?
  7. If the Super Bowl was held on a Saturday the winning team's city would go crazy with violence and wild out-of-control celebrations. Not so on a Sunday night when you have to work Monday morning.
  8. Yup! Watch Keith Olbermann. Even he is starting to give up on Obama.
  9. Copy of E-Mail I Sent To Senator John McCain: "Sarah Palin is out there ALONE trying to defend herself from David Letterman and the left wing media. Letterman (your friend) referred to Sarah Palin as a slut and also suggested that Palin's 14 year old daughter had sex with a Yankees baseball player. Your response to this situation was tepid, Senator. Sarah Palin was YOUR Vice-Presidential running mate selection. You should be doing MORE to help her, Senator McCain. But you're not helping her because you're a F*****G LOSER, Senator McCain." I think I have the right idea!
  10. I'm talking about WOMEN! Not that there's anything wrong with what you do with your time.
  11. Yeah, Willow (the 14 year old) had been with Sarah touring New York State for about a week! But I guess we're to believe that Letterman and his writers didn't know that?
  12. George Carlin comedy notwithstanding, the Palin women are definitely hot. I should also like to take this opportunity to mention two (2) more ugly women Democrats: Michelle Obama - looks like a GORILLA! Just how big are her hips?? Teresa Heinz Kerry - uncouth, wardrobe challenged Eurotrash!
  13. The Palin women make me proud to be a Republican. They're smoking HOT! Democrats are stuck with ugly, tight-skin, buck-tooth Caroline "Um, uh, you know" Kennedy. And now Democrats have horribly UGLY Judge Sotomayor!!
  14. Uh, no. The Palin women are smoking babes. The Democrats have buck-toothed, tight-skinned, air-head Caroline "um, uh, you know" Kennedy and now they have brutally ugly Judge Sotomayor.
  15. Republicans should be somewhat flattered at all the attention that Cougar-Mom Sarah Palin gets. Her daughter Bristol is pretty hot, too. Democrats have shrivel-skin, buck-toothed, air-head Caroline "Um, uh, you know" Kennedy and that totally brutally ugly Judge Sotomayor in their party.
  16. I volunteer to be waterboarded. But, not for $100.00. No, what YOU have to do is stand on a ship way out at sea for FOUR DAYS and survive a US military sniper taking aim at the back of your head. Then we'll see if YOU survive when the sniper pulls the trigger and your head explodes. Deal?
  17. 1. Jim Kelly - He should have handed the ball off to Thurman Thomas more in SB XXV. But "ball hog" Jim Kelly wanted to throw. Had Kelly not been so greedy the game never would have been in the hands (foot) of Scott Norwood. Additionally, since leaving the Bills as a player Kelly still continues to hang on. I just wish he would finally GO AWAY!! 2. Thurman Thomas - SB XXVIII Dallas Cowboy Leon Lett BARELY TOUCHES the ball while Thomas is carrying it. The ball comes loose and a Cowboy (don't want to remember who) picks it up and scores a go-ahead TD. Prior to this play the Cowboys were playing like crap and it was looking like the Vince Lombardi trophy was FINALLY coming to Buffalo. But, no. The Cowboys regain their control and....Thanks, Thurman!
  18. Am I the only poster on this board who DIDN'T know that there's so many Buffalo Bills bars in New York City? Very encouraging, nonetheless!
  19. If you want a taste of McFadden's in NYC with Buffalo Bills fans in it go to YouTube. There's wild video available there. I SWEAR someone I went to Liverpool HS with is in one of them. What happens when you walk out of the bar, though? I mean, how do NYers react seeing all those Bills fans wearing Buffalo Bills jerseys, tee-shirts, etc?
  20. Waterboarding (Bush) - Victims are alive! Starving TEENAGE Pirates (Obama) - Victims are DEAD! NO, it was NOT up to the commander on the scene to make the call! It was up to Obama. If Obama wanted the situation to end peacefully, like European countries and NATO almost always do, it would have ended peacefully. On the first day! Or the second day! Or the third day! What the F was going on for 4-5 days? What the F was Obama and White House staff actually doing all that time? Creating a tough-guy image, perhaps? I think so! From DAY ONE the White House saw this as an opportunity for President Obama to look tough and they took advantage of it. Obama looked tough but the blood of three (now headless) teenagers are on his hands. Snipers: Ruthless Slaughter. Period! No denying it! And Republicans are too stupid to use it against Obama and Democrats.
  21. Those are interesting quotes. What day was all that transpiring? What was Obama doing from DAY ONE? A FULL investigation is warranted! Bottom Line: Had President Obama wanted this situation to end peacefully it would have ended peacefully. The White House is getting away with murder and moron Republicans don't even mention it. They should bring it up every now and then when Obama and Olbermann bring up waterboarding! COUNTER PUNCH!!
  22. Actually the intent of the teenage Somali pirates was to exchange the ship & crew for money, not to harm the captain. But after something like 4-5 days and no progress the situation deteriorated and the ship captain nearly got killed. What was Obama doing for those 4-5 days? Perhaps, trying to appear tough in front of the world? Obama could have had this situation ended peacefully - on DAY ONE! European countries and NATO would never use military snipers to solve these situations. The two situations are similar in that people were killed "execution style" when they didn't need to be. Obama-Liberals Lesson: "Ruthless slaughter" of starving teenage Somali pirates is OK but torture to gain valuable intelligence data is not. Republicans-Conservatives Lesson: Obama-Liberals beat the living s**t out of us regarding torture but when Obama needlessly kills people we're too stupid to turn around and use it against him.
  23. "Ruthless Slaughter" - Getting your head completely blown off by a sniper. Had Obama wanted to settle this situation peacefully he easily could have. Nope - Kill 'em! And then let's get back to talking about how bad torture by George Bush and Dick Cheney is. Is Obama ever going to release the pictures of the now headless and lifeless Somali teenagers? http://mrssatan.blogspot.com/2009/04/obama...li-pirates.html
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