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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. The fact that the Bills offensive STARTERS only played one series completely blows me away! I honestly think that we have the most inept coaching staff in the NFL.
  2. Lynch - 3 attempts. 7 yards. Jackson - 3 attempts. 3 yards.
  3. I wish I could believe that, BF. Offensive starters only in for one series is a horrible sigh, IMHO. Also, IMHO, the reason why they were only in for one series is because that one series they looked LOUSY!
  4. Why is it that the starters were only in for one series tonight? Is it because they couldn't handle the no-huddle offense? The offense looked entirely unprepared. Is the no-huddle too much to ask for with so many new players in new positions?
  5. There's a HUGE party going on all weekend at the White House! President Obama is celebrating the fact that 796,000 unemployed Americans have completely given up ALL hope of ever finding a job so they decided to stop looking. So, the unemployment rate went down by .10%.
  6. Bottom Line: the $100 billion stimulus money already spent probably hasn't produced many jobs or even had a positive effect on the economy. The remaining stimulus money should be frozen. The US economy will improve w/o the help of the government, thank you! Still, I hope President Obama is having a great time at the expense of the 796,000 unemployed Americans who have completely given up hope of ever finding a job. I guess this qualifies as "Change" since I don't recall Bush ever doing something like this.
  7. Not running Thurman more was the single most reason why we lost SB XXV. Now, whose idea was it not to run him more and instead pass the ball? In other words, who is responsible for the the Bills losing the game? I say: Jim Kelly!
  8. First thing to do is kick the Jersey Giants out of Albany!
  9. ...Jay - is that you in the new Gallery? The picture of the guy with astroturf on his head?
  10. President Barack H. Obama and the entire White House staff are joyously celebrating the drop in the percentage rate of unemployed Americans for July 2009. President Obama would like to personally thank the 796,000 unemployed Americans who have given up looking for a job. Those 796,000 unemployed Americans who have given up all hope of ever finding a job are THE reason why the unemployment rate dropped from 9.5% to 9.4%. Thank you. (Note: The White House is working feverishly on trying to explain how the Stimulus money is somehow helping the economy since only $100 Billion of the $787 Billion has been spent. Obama administration officials are concerned that Americans will think that the economy is recovering due in no part to the Stimulus and may want the program canceled.)
  11. From what I understand last night's practice was the biggest, fan attendance wise. Prior to that, Jets training camp wasn't attracting as many fans as they thought. Were you wearing Buffalo Bills gear when you were there? I think it's awesome that some Bills fans in Cortland show the out-of-towners who CNY supports in the NFL!
  12. Local board syracuse.com has sports stories on the NY Jets and nobody bothers to post messages because no one is interested. Then syracuse.com has sports stories on SU quarterback Greg Paulus and major discussion follows. We in Syracuse have our priorities straight.
  13. Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse: Solid Buffalo Bills fans base who reliably attend Bills home games. Might even say the same for Utica. As a native and current resident of Syracuse I don't know why we're talking about Ithaca and Cortland. I have spoken with a lot of Bills fans here in the 'Cuse who talk about/attend the Bills training camp. I haven't heard anyone here talk about/attend the Jets training camp. I too would like to know where all these supposed Jets fans in Cortland are from? Probably not Cortland.
  14. blzrul - you're such a pompous jerk I never would have thought of you knowing "plenty" of HS dropouts when you were 16. Let me guess, you were an annoying mush-head in your teenage years like you are now. So, you worked with dropouts teaching them that it's all the fault of someone else that they've flunked out of HS. Oh, yeah. Your grandfather molested collies.
  15. I completely agree. And reading this board yesterday and today one would think that we have already won the Super Bowl. Probably like that on all the other NFL team boards! Ah, July-August!
  16. All very interesting responses. But if Buffalo and Rochester are anything like here in Syracuse, the people aren't leaving the cities for the suburbs. They're leaving for North Carolina, Florida, Texas, etc. Sorry!
  17. Cleveland and Pittsburgh have populations high enough that their respective NFL teams can handle the loss. The combined populations of Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse don't give the Bills any kind of luxury.
  18. Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse: The Buffalo Bills main US fan base. I wonder how Toronto, CN is doing!?! America's Fastest Dying Cities 1. Flint, MI 2. Cleveland, OH 3. BUFFALO, NY 4. Pittsburgh, PA 5. Dyaton, OH 6. Hialeah, FL 7. Toledo, OH 8. ROCHESTER, NY 9. SYRACUSE, NY 10. Jackson, MS http://realestate.aol.com/pictures/finance/dying-cities?pg=1
  19. The name of the principal of Cocoa Beach (Florida) High School is Mr. Cool. http://cocoab.hs.brevard.k12.fl.us/admin.php
  20. Scot Norwood is Number 1. There is no 2, 3, 4, etc.......
  21. "It's hotter than a mutha-!@#$a' out there." Edwin T. Singleton
  22. ....actually, for those of us here in Syracuse, what's going on (not going on) in Albany takes our minds off of the DestinyUSA disaster here!
  23. Albany = Giants training camp, Jets fans, and only 30 miles from New England*. As if things there weren't bad enough. Saratoga is nearby!
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