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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Of course Obama will be using his teleprompter during this address. More ridicule will inevitably follow.
  2. No, your denial is resounding. Otherwise you wouldn't be such a total p**ck. They don't give a F about the Bills in Albany. Worse, they don't give a F about the SU football team in Albany, either.
  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....OK! Isn't that where the Giants training camp is?
  4. Albany? You're a Giants fan? Is that what you're saying? If you're wrong, New England is only about 30 miles away from you!
  5. Nothing changes with the Buffalo Bills so long as Ralph Wilson is the owner. Sorry!
  6. I'll tell you something: the Bills starting offense scored 3 points all pre-season. Now, what does THAT tell you?
  7. This time next season Trent Edwards will be riding the bench Syracuse native Greg Paulus will be leading the Buffalo Bills as quarterback for the 2010-2011 season and beyond. Paulus was just selected Captain of the Orangemen football team. Selected by his TEAMMATES! Paulus is a LEADER!
  8. Your BFF would be wasting his time with the Buffalo Bills. Nothing changes with this team as long as Ralph Wilson is the owner. 9 out of 10 idiots on this board blame DJ but that's why they're idiots!
  9. Seriously, there is a BIGGER story going on here. And it involves Ralph Wilson as owner. I am convinced that the team the way it is, coaching included, is exactly all that Ralph Wilson is willing to pay for. It will never get better with Ralph Wilson as owner. Don't blame Juron.
  10. I have a really worthwhile response to this but every time I see "PastaJoe" my mind forgets politics and thinks spaghetti, lasagna, egg plant, etc. Seriously - let's eat!
  11. Not bored. Not yet! Can't wait to see the Bills turn the no-huddle into the why-bother-to-huddle ('cause we suck)!
  12. Sure! They can bus them over the nearby Massachusetts state line - then it's the Pats* problem! Anyhow, Cuomo will only enforce the status quo.
  13. For the umteenth time, Greg Paulus - starting QB of the Syracuse University Orangemen football team! Next season!
  14. The Bottom Line: Albany now is what NYC was like in 1993 - a total mess. Only Rudy has the guts to clean Albany from top to bottom. Andrew Cuomo won't do it since there's WAY too many Democrats running State government. Rudy won't even mention 9/11 - he doesn't need to.
  15. Incompetence, thy name is Barack H. Obama (D)!
  16. Nothing changes with the Buffalo Bills until the team is no longer owned by Ralph Wilson. Four Straight SB's way over a decade ago - Wilson had his moment(s) and now this team is just a day-to-day business with no lofty (SB) goals . Wilson is making money year after year without spending a lot of money. Fans still buy Bills merchandise and the games always sell out! CHA-CHING!
  17. Nope! 120 "Present" votes in the Illinois State Legislature and two years doing zilch in the US Senate left Barack "Change You Can Make-Believe In" Obama woefully unprepared. "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." -Will Rogers-
  18. Source notwithstanding, President Obama is simply hopelessly Incompetent.
  19. Syracuse University football starting QB Greg Paulus will be available next draft! Keep an eye on him this season.
  20. Is President Obama a Lame Duck? Yes, he is. Review: President Barack H. Obama's experience prior to being POTUS was voting "Present" 120 times in the Illinois State Legislature. Two years doing little in the US Senate followed. Then he started his Presidential campaign. Barack H. Obama is not a leader. He has no leadership skills or experience. He has no executive decision making experience either. To date he has reversed little of the Bush foreign policy. He has even gone backwards with regard to some Bush environment policies. His administration is full of tax cheats! With regard to national health care what Obama should have done was broker a deal with Liberal and Conservative (Blue Dog) Democrats. Negotiations should NOT have taken place in public. It would have been a modest plan that would have had enough Republican support as well. The Liberal Democrats would have been outraged but Obama could have taken a Leadership role and explained to them that the U.S of A is in a lot of financial/budgetary problems right now and the the Public Option was not politically available. He would then go on to explain to those Liberals that the plan was better than nothing and that it's something that they could build on. Instead Obama started this idiotic town hall meetings idea, sending Democrat members of congress/senate out to...do what? The votes were NOT there for the Public Option. Moreover, how many different plans were discussed in these meetings? How many different plans currently exist? I honestly don't know! This is where the "misinformation" comes from. (Knock FOX news all you want but Sean Hannity is the ONLY talking-head on television that I have seen hold pages of (one of the) bill(s) and read directly from it.) President Obama attended one of these town hall meetings in Colorado and floated a trial balloon that the Public Option was only a "sliver" of the total plan in it's "entirity" (I think he meant to say "entirety"). This trial balloon was echoed the next day by his administration but on Monday Obama back-peddled. PRESIDENTS DO NOT FLOAT TRIAL BALLOONS. THEY LEAD. THEY MAKE DECISIONS. Now comes the Lame Duck: What President Obama did was expose to the public the brimming war going on in the Democratic party. He could have easily avoided this by showing much better judgment and Leadership. Instead, he's stuck between the Liberal Democrats who won't give an inch and the Conservative (Blue Dog) Democrats who won't give an inch. National health care is supposed to be Obama's signature domestic policy. It appears to be going down the drain along with Obama's poll numbers. And he's only7 months into office..........
  21. Bills pre-season game against the Chicago Bears was broadcast last night in Syracuse and down in Binghamton. Why do the Jests have their training at Cortland?
  22. Pity they don't broadcast the Jests games live in Syracuse or Binghamton - considering their training camp is right between the two cities. It was broadcast live in NYC and up the Hudson River in Albany. Maybe the Jests should move their training camp somewhere there!
  23. AWESOME! Meanwhile, tonight's Jets is not being broadcast on television here in Syracuse or down in Binghamton.
  24. Sullivan from The Buffalo News writes and I completely agree: "But is it really plausible for this year's team to run the no-huddle as its primary offense? The teams in the glory years had Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas, Andre Reed and James Lofton. They had a highly skilled offensive line that had played together for several years. This team has an unproven quarterback and a new starter at all five positions on the offensive line. It's hard to imagine the Bills engaging Tom Brady and the Patriots in a track meet in the opener — or for that matter, Drew Brees and New Orleans in Week 3." This team is NOT prepared and worse, NOT competently coached.
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