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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Obama promised a public option (July 17, 2009) "Any plan I sign must include an insurance exchange -- a one-stop shopping marketplace where you can compare the benefits, costs, and track records of a variety of plans -- including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance companies honest." Obama said mandates weren't the answer (February 5, 2008) "I mean, if a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house. The reason they don’t buy a house is they don’t have the money."
  2. Question: Has there ever been a President prior to Obama to alienate BOTH the left and the right in their first year in office? I think Obama is setting precedent here!
  3. Clearly this thread is full of lying Republicans. Don't you all know that President Obama just returned from a Global WARMING conference in Copenhagen? Jeez!!
  4. I've been watching MSNBC to see the Democrats brutalize each other regarding the failing healthcare bill. Whether it's the show host or guest, Democrats cannot go 15 minutes without mentioning FOX News. I never realized they were doing this. So, not only do Democrats have an obsession with Sarah Palin they also have an obsession with FOX News. Wow!
  5. MSNBC's Ed Schultz is criticizing FOX News' Bill O'Reilly today. He does this in between Democrats ripping each other apart. The Democrats ripping each other apart on MSNBC this week is great to watch.
  6. OT: I'm watching Hardball with Chris Matthews right now. In the past hour FOX News has been mentioned at least five (5) times in his program!
  7. Are any of you Giants fans from Albany in this Super Bowl celebration video?
  8. Why is it that you know so much about the Jets, Giants, Patriots and Albany, New York? You're from Long Island, right?
  9. Buffalo Bills beat the Miami Dolphins = one step up, two steps back for Buffalo.
  10. Oh, man! Do Bills fans care for anything more than beating Miami? I've seen this before so many times it's sickening. Tell you what: hire Fewell as HC, resign T.O., promote Ryan Fitzpatrick to starting QB and the result is: 8-8 at best. OK?
  11. P.S. The Buffalo Sabres are now in 3rd place.
  12. Um, are the Buffalo Bills mathematically out of the AFC playoffs yet? We don't talk about...things like this any more (to underscore just how BAD things are).
  13. Serious question: Can't you just walk to the nearest exit on the New York State thruway and hitch a ride? Wear a Bills sweatshirt or something. Some other Bills fan will spot you and pick you up. You could probably do that here in Syracuse very easily with all the fans going (though maybe not tomorrow)!
  14. http://cache.deadspin.com/assets/images/de...ls_3rd_logo.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3306/356990..._49f64ac99d.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5...series_logo.png
  15. That's not what I've been told. Additionally, and probably more importantly, the Albany area television stations broadcast into New England.
  16. Ditto! (Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!)
  17. Re: hiring a new head coach. It's like they told us in high school Drivers Education: "Expect the unexpected." I for one do not want Shanahan, Gruden, Dungy, Cowher, or Holmgren. They have already won SBs so they really have nothing to prove. I want a young HC who is willing to take this completely screwed up team, remold them and win a championship. A coach who still has a lot to prove. A coach who has already won the SB probably wouldn't try as hard.
  18. We don't need a coach first. First we need a GM. And we DON'T need a Coach/GM.
  19. Here in Syracuse we drink soda. In Rochester they drink pop. I presume it's pop in Buffalo, too. I don't know what it's called in Binghamton.
  20. Fur = for. Ur = or. That's Northern Inland for sure. That's' the way we talk in CNY and WNY!
  21. Nothing changes for the Buffalo Bills as long as Ralph Wilson is the owner. Nothing. Period.
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