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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. But the CBO predicted this wouldn't happen until 2016. So not only are we six years ahead of schedule but the Democrats just passed another HUGE entitlement program. Shouldn't Obama have got the US government financial house in order BEFORE adding new entitlement programs?
  2. The Congressional Budget Office, the agency that the Obama administration used to review the Obama health plan, was off by six whole years! I wonder how bad they screwed up the Obama health care bill.
  3. Bottom Line: If congress knew of these horrible numbers would they have voted for Obama's health care? Remember, the plan only won by 4 votes. So, if you present today's CBO findings to the 220 Democrats who voted for Obama's plan, do you think you could get 4 or more representatives to admit that if they knew this information they would have voted 'No'? Pretty strange how it's released just a few days after the health care plan passed. The article generated 416 comments when the NY Times put it up. Then they pulled it down pretty quick. "Change The Gullible Can Believe In"
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/25/business...rity&st=cse Social Security to See Payout Exceed Pay-In This Year By MARY WILLIAMS WALSH Published: March 24, 2010 The bursting of the real estate bubble and the ensuing recession have hurt jobs, home prices and now Social Security. This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Stephen C. Goss, chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, said that while the Congressional projection would probably be borne out, the change would have no effect on benefits in 2010 and retirees would keep receiving their checks as usual. The problem, he said, is that payments have risen more than expected during the downturn, because jobs disappeared and people applied for benefits sooner than they had planned. At the same time, the program’s revenue has fallen sharply, because there are fewer paychecks to tax. Analysts have long tried to predict the year when Social Security would pay out more than it took in because they view it as a tipping point — the first step of a long, slow march to insolvency, unless Congress strengthens the program’s finances. “When the level of the trust fund gets to zero, you have to cut benefits,” Alan Greenspan, architect of the plan to rescue the Social Security program the last time it got into trouble, in the early 1980s, said on Wednesday. ...more...
  5. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insurance companies will contribute to both Republican and Democratic candidates campaigns and the winner will tell the US government to lay off the insurance companies. Why is there no public option? Methinks it's because the insurance companies didn't want it. And Obama didn't pursue it for political-financial reasons. Health care insurance companies are health care insurance 24/7/365. The US congress has a lot of things to do other than health care insurance. WE HAVE BEEN SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Because there's some people out there saying that Obama intentionally left out the public option "trigger" because the greedy insurance companies wanted it that way. In exchange for Democrat campaign contributions. Could Obama have had the bill rewritten in the Senate knowing that he would go for reconciliation in the house with the "trigger" included? It would seem that "Change We Can Believe In" would have wanted the "trigger" since he couldn't get the outright public option. At least it would be something. That's what people are saying. Are they correct?
  7. What ever happened to the public option "trigger" that was bandied about back in the Autumn? You know, the leverage that the government could use over insurance companies. If they didn't meet certain standards the public option would kick in. Could Obama have easily written the "trigger" into law since he went the reconciliation route to get his health bill approved?
  8. Perhaps they won't. - We don’t have the necessary amount of doctors to see an additional 30 million or so patients. So Rationing of health care on a large scale will take place. - We don’t have the money to pay for pre-existing conditions, no plan maximums benefits payable, coverage for dependents until age 26, etc. - Too many young people will not participate. They will only pay the penalty. Then, when they get sick they’ll sign up since pre-existing conditions will be covered. Then when they get well, they’ll drop out again. - Premiums will go UP. Taxes will go UP! There’s no free lunch! - It FAILED in Massachusetts. Mark my words: Future Presidents will curse Obama for opening this huge un-managable COSTLY can of worms.
  9. Republican Scott Brown won the Massachusetts special election for the seat previously held by Democrat Ted Kennedy. Brown won by saying he would be the 41st vote against health care. He actually wrote "41" when people asked for his autograph. The voters of Massachusetts, the ONLY people who have actually experienced health care similar to Obama's, elected Brown knowing that the health care plan there SUCKED! A Republican in Democrat Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat! Hello?!? Like Obama's plan, the Massachusetts plan FORCED residents to buy health care. What more to people need to know that Obama's health care plan won't work? Look at what actually happened in Massachusetts!
  10. Update: My doctor just dropped the universal coverage plan.
  11. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Even the supposed "socialists" here don't know this.
  12. It would only be rationed like everything else is going to be now, anyhow. Got universal health insurance? Yup! Got a doctor? Yup? Got a doctor's appointment? Uh, nope!
  13. Obama's health care plan is NOT similar to the national health care plans in Canada, England, or any other country. It IS similar to what they have in Massachusetts. And what they have in Massachusetts is NOT working. Remember, Republican Scott Brown ran in a platform of voting AGAINST Obama's health care plan. He signed his campaign signs with "41" meaning he would be the 41st Senator to go against Obama. THAT alone is what got him elected! Brown won the Massachusetts special election because the citizens of Massachusetts KNOW that their plan is not working. Even former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a chief architect of the plan, admits that it doesn't work they way they intended. Obama seems to have forgotten this. So, Obama is going to take the failed Massachusetts health care plan and try to implement it nationally. Great! This is a BIG reason why Mitt Romney (R ) is going to replace Barack Obama (D) in 2012. Romney's campaign slogan will be "I Told Ya So!"
  14. Bottom Line: Barack Obama was elected to clean up the mess that George Bush left. In 2012 Mitt Romney is going to be elected to clean up the mess that George Bush AND Barack Obama left.
  15. For me this SB loss doesn't really hurt. The 4th SB where the Bills lost to the Cowboys for the 2nd time is THE SB loss that bothers me the most. I mean, there we were. It was the 3rd quarter and I believe the score was 12-10 in favor of Buffalo and the Bills had the ball and were confidently marching. The Cowboys just couldn't get their act together and were playing like s**t! Jim Kelly hands the ball off to Thurman Thomas. Leon Lett of the Cowboys BARELY touches the ball that Thomas was carrying and Thomas FUMBLES the ball. Cowboys James Washington picks up the ball and runs it in for a TD. The Cowboys woke up and we lost - for the 4th year in a row. Had we won that game I couldn't have cared if we lost 30 previous Super Bowls. I would have forgotten them all with this win. Thanks, Thurman!
  16. Dunno! In the meantime, here's a good read from a Boston sports site regarding the AFC East. They neglect to mention the Buffalo Bills, unless I'm mistaken. http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr...e_power_sh.html
  17. Marv Levy Drew Bledsoe TO et al Bills owner Ralph Wilson has no desire to field a Super Bowl caliber team. That cost too much time and money. His goal is to make money and nothing beyond that. So he hires TOKEN big names like Levy, Bledsoe, TO, et al, every now-and-then to keep fans interested and buying. Period! And gullible fans line up with their money to BUY!
  18. OK. Then we Syracuse area Bills fans will take a REGULAR SEASON game then at the Carrier Dome!
  19. Not for me! I had confirmation a LONG time ago that this team (owner) lacks direction in the Bills FO (owner).
  20. Obviously there's plenty of us Buffalo Bills fans here in Syracuse. And we Buffalo Bills fans in Syracuse would LOVE to see Paulus in a Buffalo Bills uniform. As a backup. For at least two seasons and he has to improve. Ralph Wilson would probably go for it. It's a revenue producer due to more ticket and jersey sales! AND we Buffalo Bills fans here in Syracuse are still waiting to see a Buffalo Bills pre-season football game at the Carrier Dome!
  21. http://blog.syracuse.com/orangefootball/20...shot_at_th.html
  22. Thank you! It's just so amazing that Bills fans here still continue to be taken in by Ralph Wilson. Year after freakin' year! RW brings in a big name every once in a while (Levy, Drew Bledsoe, TO) and SUCKER Bills fans line up to buy tickets. Ralph Wilson couldn't care less about producing a winning football team. His only goal is to make as much money as possible with the least expenses.
  23. Democrats do not know how to run government...or anything else. Plain and simple.
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