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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. SU Orangemen football won today! And this thread just proves a point. We're lucky here in Syracuse - the Orangemen will NEVER leave! And the Bills could always move here and share the Dome!!
  2. Wouldn't all the Jets fans in Albany and nearby Patriots want to see their only other AFCE competition Miami Dolphins play?
  3. A lot of us Bills fans in Syracuse have been saying the same thing for a long time. Still, just a little momentum (a win or two) from the Bills and the schizophrenic fans here in CNY return to support Buffalo.
  4. Multiculturalism hasn't "absolutely failed". Muslims assimilating in to German society has failed. Granted, Germany is probably a country where assimilation is an uphill battle for whatever group emigrates there. But Muslims don't want to assimilate no matter what. Country after country. Muslims are always the problem. Germany hasn't failed to absorb Muslims. The Muslims have failed to assimilate. It wasn't a politically correct statement for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make. It was really the first volley against Muslims. Expect her to be more direct in future references.
  5. The Bills HAVE captured the Syracuse market. But their mismanagement allows it to sometimes temporarily slip away to other teams. You're probably one of us Bills fans from Syracuse who can usually be found on the NYS thruway early Sunday mornings heading west for Bills home games. You know the Buffalo Bills are doing bad when you see 1-4 Cowboy fans in CNY. Ugh!
  6. Buffalo wins 2 in a row. That's all I'm asking. Then everyone here in Syracuse turns back in to the Bills fan that they are and they quit their second tier team and they stop dissing the Bills. I swear, the duplicity in NFL fans here is annoying!
  7. Yours is a really stupid response but I'll answer it anyway. ...on second thought.
  8. All the Bills need to do is just win 2 in a row and all the NFL fans here in Syracuse will wander right back on the New York State thruway headed to RWS. Bills gear and all!
  9. Very schizophrenic NFL fan base here in the 'Cuse. The regional NFL team, the Buffalo Bills, are winless so everyone kind of disses them and go to their second tier NFL team. Steelers, Giants, Eagles, Jets, Vikings, etc. If the Bills win 2 games in a row this season probably 1/2 to 2/3 of the second tier NFL fans come back proclaiming that they have supported the Bills all along. Very annoying!
  10. Metal - Who are all these Jets and Giants fans in Liverpool that you speak of? I'm from Syracuse and in Syracuse there's die-hard Bills fans who usually attend Buffalo Bills home games and then there's the band wagon fans from all the other teams. You know, the fans that only watch their teams on television.
  11. Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that. It's called denial.
  12. You are living in fantasy land! Is John from Hemet in there with you?
  13. Now do you understand why this post went off on a tangent? The Bills should be sold and moved OR they will SUCK for the rest of our lives! No in between. Period!
  14. Wow! A Bills fan who, for the first time in their life, bet AGAINST the Bills. That is sad. Bottom Line: Either the Bills are sold and they move or they totally SUCK for freakin' ever! There's NO in between. U nailed it!
  15. Not the correct analogy. The windows and roof of the Buffalo Bills are ALREADY broken. And RW is not going to fix them. They will be fixed when a new owner has them. And I DO NOT see anyone buying the Bills and wanting to keep them in Buffalo. When I took driver education in high school they taught us one rule: Expect The Unexpected It's not so much that the Bills are winless in 2010. It's that I see absolutely NO HOPE on the horizon with RW as the team owner and, worse, no successor with the money to buy the team and keep them in WNY.
  16. And SU football wins games.
  17. I honestly think this is the last season for the Bills in Buffalo. And if we go 0-16 that means our last win was last year. And the Sabres offer little hope.
  18. The Bills have a GM/coaching staff that as far as I'm concerned are temps, more so than any other NFL team. I'm sure I'm not the only poster who sees them this way. The new owner, when the team is relocated, will staff it with his/her GM/Coaches. And those future draft picks will come in handy when this team is being rebuilt under a new owner in a new city. There's NO ONE in WNY or even southern Canada who will buy the Bills AND keep them in Buffalo.
  19. None. That's my whole point. The team will be sold cheap, with no State assistance, but RW still makes a very handsome profit. They're GONE!!
  20. I am 100% certain that Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson is priming this team for a sale and eventual move to another city. 100%! No doubt. They're gone. There will never be a Vince Lobmardi in WNY. Ralph Wilson knows that in the current economy even a so-so team would fetch a hefty amount of money to sell but a 0-16 team could be sold easily - cheap. Even if the Bills are sold cheaply RW still makes a lot of money. Oh, well. We still have the Orangemen football here in Syracuse.
  21. John - You had started a thread recently where you said that the Bills FO was decisive and that you liked it. Do you still feel the same way? I love reading your completely rose colored glasses statements. You smoke that California grass?
  22. Begin to clean up the mess that incompetent "Change We Can Believe In" has given us. 1. Investigate the incompetent Obama department of labor to find out why they release US unemployment numbers which they then revise and then revise again many months later. 2. Investigate the incompetent Obama White House to find out why they continued to deceive the US public by providing low number estimates of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico during the BP disaster. It's a start.
  23. The worst day in Buffalo Bills history was the day we lost the 4th SB. Remember? The Dallas Cowboys were playing like s**t. 3rd quarter. Bills have the lead. Bills driving with the ball. Kelly hands off the ball to Thurman Thomas. Leon Lett of the Cowboys barely touches the ball and Thurman fumbles. James Washington of the Cowboys picks up the ball and runs it into the end zone for a TD. Had Thurman Thomas hung onto the ball we would have scored thus further demoralizing the Dallas Cowboys. I guarantee: The Buffalo Bills would have WON that SB were it not for Thurman. Then wide right, the loss to the Redskins, and 52-17 would have been forgotten. The Vince Lombardi trophy would have come to Buffalo, New York.
  24. To quote John From Hemet with regard to the FO: "They are decisive and I like it." Don't you agree with John From Hemet?
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