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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Put your hopes here: And when I ask about the Fitz + Williams salary cap it's because I honestly don't (want to) know.
  2. -Or- Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans. Pierre-Paul Aldon Smith Ware Jared Allen Williams Missed 12 games last year. Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves. WAY too much money for one player. The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings. P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?
  3. 1. No, try the Bush Tax Cut extension and its overall effect on the financial markets and subsequently the overall economy. 2. GM is closing the Chevy Volt production line for five weeks. 1,300 temporary lay-offs.
  4. Still no disagreement from Obama voters. Very telling, indeed. And the rumor now is that republicans are going to release three financial reports after Labor Day in September expecting to end the reelection prospects of Barack Obama. Report One: Counts penny for penny the billions of dollars that Obama wasted/lost on the spending part of his economic stimulus. Report Two: Counts penny for penny how much money investors have poured into the stock market as a direct result of Obama, reluctanctly, extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. The report will also count penny for penny how much of that investor money made it to American companies that are now hiring new employees - 243,000 last month alone. Report Three: Obama's disastrous healthcare plan now has something in the neighborhood of 1400 exemptions. This report will count penny for penny how the collective employee workforce loss from those 1400 exemptions make Obama's healthcare plan completely unworkable from a cost and financial perspective. So, I guess we can all just tune out Presidential politics until the end of the summer.
  5. What? No Obama voters or democrats dispute this? I wonder if republicans think the same way about the effect of the extension of the Bush tax cuts having a net positive effect on the economy and jobs, but are staying silent until they feel ready to take full credit for all the good news. What's Obama going to say when he's asked about the impact these tax cuts for the rich are having on business expansion and hiring. Can he claim that the tax cuts for the wealthy had no effect whatsoever? None?
  6. The extension of the Bush tax cuts lead to investors having more money, and they want to make even more money, so they invest in Wall Street who then invests in companies who now have the new money to expand their business and hire new employees. Hence, 243,000 new jobs in January.
  7. Like all Liberals, Obama believes in spending to jump start the economy. But the spending part of his $840 billion stimulus was wasted. It went to unions, etc. No new jobs resulted and I really don't think it "saved" many jobs as he claims. The middle-class tax cuts part of the stimulus was expected to lower the debt of the middle-class, which it probably did. The extension of the Bush era tax cuts allowed investors to keep their money and invest it, because that's what they do! Result is big gains on Wall Street and those gains are now flowing to Main Street - where private sector business are located. Those private sector employers are now hiring because they can expand their business with the expectation of making more money. Credit goes to President George Bush!
  8. YOKE! "As your President, I am quite happy to see increases in recent economic activity and the addition of 243,000 new jobs in January. However, the facts behind this good news forces me to be 100% honest. We all know that the spending part of my economic stimulus went down the toilet. And my Jobs Bill never made it out of the US Senate. That only leaves the extension of the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy as the cause for recent economic good news and new jobs. Investors who benefited from the Bush tax cuts extension invested their money in Wall Street investment firms. Those Wall Street investment firms in turn invested that money into targeted, growing, profitable public sector American companies. American companies now have new capital to grow even further and HIRE NEW EMPLOYEES. Moreover, any future increases in economic activity and jobs will likely be a direct result of the extension of the Bush tax cuts and no other policy. I will not be taking any questions, thank you." Reporter: "One question, Mr. President. Why do you suppose we saw an increase in new jobs right about the same time that your jobs bill died in the Senate?" Obama: "Look, the teleprompter message says 'I will not be taking any questions'".
  9. 200,000 new December jobs minus (-) 60,000 Christmas seasonal December jobs = 140,000 net new December jobs. Not impressive.
  10. We Bills fans here in Syracuse have a guilt complex. We've got the SU Orange basketball team to turn our attention to when the Buffalo Bills fail. We went to a lot of Bills home games this year, though. The September games were....you know.
  11. And Ralph Wilson has NO direction for this football team. To him, at this point, it's simply a financial investment. The Buffalo Bills need: - A new owner. - A new head coach. - A new coaching staff. - A new quarterback. That's a big order. Without the above this team is mediocre and always will be.
  12. Ralph Wilson thanks all of you for buying his merchandise and making him more money.
  13. NJ Giants logo still blazing across a Buffalo Bills fans board? Check! NJ Giants still insulting the Buffalo Bills and their fans by displaying Bills kicker Scott Norwood's Super Bowl XXV wide-right jersey? Check! Self-loathing Buffalo Bills fans still doing nothing about any of the above? Check! Result: Denver Broncos beat the Buffalo Bills.
  14. I presume you mean eastern New York. Western New York is all Bills fans. Here in central New York (Syracuse) the Giants and Jets fans from SU went home for the holidays so it's just us local Bills fans here now.
  15. GIANTS logo not gone. Giants proudly display Buffalo Bills kicker Scott Norwood's number 11 jersey from Super Bowl XXV at their stadium. And the Bills losing streak will continue - due to the self-imposed jinx on the Buffalo Bills put there by their fans. Losers supporting losers.
  16. Fitz' passes to open receivers have been WAY off. In the past month.
  17. GIANTS logo still blazing across the front page of a Buffalo Bills fans board. Guaranteed loss for tomorrow.
  18. Oh, and could one of the board mods PLEASE remove the video on the front page that clearly shows the GIANTS end zone logo? That game started the Bills losing streak when playing games in the United States.
  19. Both the SU Orange football and the Buffalo Bills start out impressive at 5-2. Both the SU Orange football and the Buffalo Bills lose five straight games - on the same weekends. Both the SU Orange football and the Buffalo Bills are 5-7. Both the SU Orange football and the Buffalo Bills post-season prospects ended this weekend. Many, many depressed SU football and Buffalo Bills fans here in Syracuse.
  20. Both the SU Orange football team and the Buffalo Bills started out at 5-2, as well. (This is for my original post: SU Orange And Buffalo Bills are Both 5-6. But the board mods felt my topic should be dovetailed under this topic. It's no wonder there's so much turnover in posters here. All of the original posters who were here when I first registered are gone. I don't wonder why.)
  21. SU lose to Pittsburgh 33-20! It's not all doom-and-gloom for football fanatics in Orchard Park, New York. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/high-schools/article651187.ece Orchard Park beats Newburgh for second state title Anderson interception clinches 21-13 win over Newburgh in AA final Updated: November 27, 2011, 11:47 PM SYRACUSE -- All season long, Orchard Park senior James Fitzgerald has wondered aloud about how his Quakers' offense, with a strong running game, a strong passing game and his "Big Cat" wildcat formation, could be stopped. Now he -- and everyone else -- knows the answer: It couldn't. Orchard Park completed a perfect 13-0 season as it won its second state title, holding on to the very last play to beat Newburgh, 21-13, in the New York Public High School Athletic Association Class AA championship Sunday evening at the Carrier Dome. An estimated 2,500 watched OP win its second title in four years as it built a 21-0 lead in the fourth quarter. The Quakers then survived the Goldbacks' comeback attempt, and they only joined the 2008 OP team as state champions when senior Okoya Anderson intercepted a Hail Mary pass in the end zone on the final play of the game. "You can't put this thing in words, you can't do it," Fitzgerald said. "It's unbelievable. ... I couldn't even breathe at the end of the game. "It just shows you how many weapons we have. They take away Okoya, David can throw the ball or we bring in the Big Cat. It just shows we are a true state champion."
  22. Both teams are also 5-6. I'm not the only SU Orange & Buffalo Bills fan here in Syracuse whom sees many similarities between these two teams. Season after season. The Orange play Pittsburgh tomorrow while the Bills play Tennessee on Sunday. Likely that both teams will lose five in a row by the end of this weekend. Ad they'll both be 5-7. Sucks!
  23. Probably. But the team now knows who they really aren't, long term.
  24. Believe me, I'm not alone. I know of several fellow Bills fans (here in Syracuse) that didn't have their heads lost in the clouds the last three weeks. Again, look to the 2003 season! GO BILLS!
  25. I bookmarked it last Sunday because I KNEW that it would be likely that it would come in handy today! OK?
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