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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. "And the Reagan recovery sustained its momentum through the election..." Who's got the "momentum" now?
  2. Ronald Reagan's first term recovery: http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/04/news/economy/obama-reagan-recovery/index.htm "Things were different in 1984. In April 1984, the economy added 363,000 jobs. In the first four months of 1984, employment growth hit 1,564,000. This year, the first four months have brought about half that amount. And the Reagan recovery sustained its momentum through the election, averaging 300,000 new jobs a month from May to October."
  3. By now we should be seeing at least 200,000 new jobs each and every month. Full-time jobs, too! Not seasonal part-time jobs! Obama is such a lightweight and I'm tired of him.
  4. Your unusual statistic is meaningless. Bottom Line: At the rate we're going we'll see 5.5% unemployment in....10 years? 6.0% unemployment in...7 years? Something pathetic like that? There is NO positive spin in today's report. We are going nowhere FAST! More welfare! More food stamps!
  5. Only a Democrat would find todays report to be positive. It's horrible! And the underlying economy is just as bad. Wall Street is doing GREAT, though!
  6. Are people here on drugs? This report sucks! At the rate we're going we're never going to see healthy employment. When I consistently see 200,000 new jobs per month I'll think things are getting better.
  7. Mayor Bloomberg was bribed by FEMA/Obama. NYC is getting 100% clean up reimbursement when they should only qualify for 75%. That's why the New York Times called it a "surprise" endorsement by Bloomberg.
  8. News Flash: NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorses Barack Obama for re-election - about two hours after New York Senator Chuck Schumer announces that FEMA will pay 100% of the clean up of Hurricane Sandy. The endorsement came as an unexpected SURPRISE!! "Even in his endorsement, the mayor continued to express criticism of the president. He said that Mr. Obama had fallen short of his 2008 campaign promise to be a problem-solver and consensus builder, noting that he “devoted little time” to creating a coalition of centrists in Washington who could find common ground on important issues like illegal guns, immigration, tax reform and deficit reduction."
  9. WNY and CNY are losing too much of its population year-after-year to warrant any state funds for a sports complex in/near Buffalo. NYC doesn't have that problem.
  10. I see him on television these days. Is he wearing a wig?
  11. Until the Buffalo Bills has new ownership. Until then it's garbage as usual.
  12. Nothing substantive changes until we get a new owner. Nothing!
  13. It's just human nature.
  14. It's Gailey's fault for signing backup QB Ryan Fitzpatrick to such a ridiculous deal. Fitz is not a starting NFL quarterback. Fitz' teammates. especially on defense, know that Fitz is going to lose games. So his teammates, especially on defense, don't waste their time playing hard. Why bother?
  15. I wish they would lose out to draft higher but if they were doing that they would be losing games something like 30-10. Not close losses like yesterday and the close win like last week.
  16. I consider Syracuse as the front lines of the Buffalo Bills fan base. My family, friends, neighbors, coworkers are all Bills fans and it's hard losing games like this. We all feel it. I'm really not interested in the detailed analysis of fans in NYC, ST Louis, Texas or the dark side of the moon. Is your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers Bills fans, too? Likely the answer is NO, so your life after horrible losses like games we had today is: 1. Contained 2. Minimal. I get that sense reading your posts. You all seem detached. Make sense?
  17. The bright side of things is that more and more Buffalo Bills fans realize that in order for this organization to turn around it needs new ownership.
  18. If you're in NYC or FL or CA, etc, then you're not feeling these losses like we do up here in CNY/WNY. Was the Bills game even on broadcast television in NYC? It was here in Syracuse - it always is!
  19. Sorry! But the opinion of someone in New York City doesn't matter to me! Buffalo/Southern ONT/Rochester/Syracuse/Jamestown. If you're a Bills fan from these areas they your opinion counts because you're in the Bills biggest fan base/regional area.
  20. You shouldn't hate the Buffalo Bills. You should attribute the lack of direction and success to an aging AWOL/MIA owner. When we get new ownership, the kind of ownership that is in the locker room before and after games, things will change.
  21. I'm 100% serious when I say this: In the 4th quarter today with us winning I actually pictured this team in the AFC Championship game against the Houston Texans. A wild card team sneaking our way to the conference championship. Anyway, no new head coaches until we get a new owner.
  22. OK. We need a new owner. Nothing much changes until that happens. Now I feel better!
  23. The Bills need a new owner. Until then it's just suffering for those of us who take this too seriously!
  24. Good, sensible post. I actually went out for a walk before the TN last score. I thought we had the game wrapped up but I didn't want to witness what might happen...and it did happen. Again.
  25. If I played on the defense of this team, just before a game I would put a band-aid on my knee and then tell Chan Gailey that I have a boo-boo and can't play today. Then sit back and watch Fitz throw 4 interceptions while thinking about all the money that I make. Yup!
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