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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Jeezus H. Krist it's bad enough we have to put up with loud-mouth know-nothing Jim Kelly (who lost SB XXV for us) but now we have to put up with his wife? I wish the San Diego Chargers or some other west coast team would hire Kelly just to get him out of here!
  2. Nassib is from PA. He's done well at the college football level in CNY. Now he should continue his NFL football play in WNY. And lead the Buffalo Bills to win the SB.
  3. We're number 6! What a completely depressing fact.
  4. SU Orange QB Ryan Nassib has been getting better throughout his college career. He's going to make some NFL team very happy that they drafted him. I'm counting on Syracuse native Russ Brandon to get Nassib on the Buffalo Bills roster.
  5. Impressive win for the SU Orange football team over West Virginia yesterday. Gotta see Orange quarterback Ryan Nassib on the Buffalo Bills roster next season!
  6. We Bills fans here in the 'Cuse would LOVE to see Ryan Nassib in a Buffalo Bills uniform. Some of us wanted to see SU play a Bowl game at RWS! Playing in front of empty seats in Yankee Stadium is embarrassing for "New York's College Team".
  7. You're an idiot if you care about what the NRA thinks or does. It's what President Obama does, or in this case, doesn't do that matters. And he punted the problem to Joe Biden. The NRA dictating policy just proves how incompetent and useless elected Democrats in this country are. The overwhelming majority of murders in the US occur in urban areas. Moreover, the opportunity for an effective gun control policy passed us by about 40 years ago.
  8. New York City has something like 350 NYPD in their public schools. Several schools around here in Syracuse have armed guards. In 2000 former President Bill Clinton started the "COPS In School" program, bring in police to schools across the country. But if the NRA proposes the same thing and the Left goes crazy!
  9. If Democrats were even the slightest bit competent the NRA wouldn't have as big a voice as they do with regard to gun control. America's inner-cities are replete with daily gun violence and murder but where are the Democrats? Obama contemplates people who cling to guns and religion but does nothing effective with regard to the Chicago murder rate. There's 350 armed New York City police officers in tne New York City school system. How many more in other urban school systems? Anyhow, in 2000 former President Bill Clinton proposed a "COPs In School" program. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2012/12/23/media-forgets-bill-clintons-call-for-cops-in-school-12131 Clinton also unveiled the $60-million fifth round of funding for “COPS in School,” a Justice Department program that helps pay the costs of placing police officers in schools to help make them safer for students and teachers. The money will be used to provide 452 officers in schools in more than 220 communities. “Already, it has placed 2,200 officers in more than 1,000 communities across our nation, where they are heightening school safety as well as coaching sports and acting as mentors and mediators for kids in need,” Clinton said.
  10. ...because, you know - if a new owner comes in and that alone excites Bills fans enough to buy more tickets and more merchandise what's the financial incentive for the new owner to put together a championship team. See: the Cleveland Browns history.
  11. This fact, more than anything scares me. Even if we get a new owner all that owner has to do is field a team and fans buy tickets. They will make a lot of money even if the team isn't successful. I don't know the answer to the following question but I worry about it: If the Buffalo Bills owner is John Smith and his team wins the Super Bowl how much more money does John Smith make than a team that goes 8-8? Assuming that Bills fans continue to sell out games for the 8-8 teams.
  12. ...and here in Syracuse.
  13. The Buffalo Bills brand of football the last two games is NOT ordinary ineptitude. It's ineptitude (losing) by design. And the type of losing that we have had the past two games is NOT ordinary losing to gain a better draft position. It's much, much bigger. It's what the Bills tax attorneys want.
  14. 12/16/2012: Folks, this team is being run by the tax accountants at One Bills Drive. I honestly think they're driving down the value of the team to avoid bigger taxes when the Bills are sold and move out of New York State. But still be competitive enough to sell some seats at home games. The owner is 94 years old and AWOL for games. The stadium lease expires in a year. It all addes up...or down. Don't blame Nix. Don't blame Gailey. Don't blame Fitzpatrick. And don't listen to Jim Kelly. There is simply NO other explanation!
  15. The Bills game today isn't on broadcast television here in Syracuse or down in Binghamton. The Giants-Atlanta game was on instead. I wasn't the only Bills fan to send an e-mail to the local FOX channel protesting. No response.
  16. Nassib is going to the Pros. The Bills have to select him. We Bills fans here in the 'Cuse demand it! On anothe note: FOX in both Syracuse and Binghamton are showing the Giants-Whoever game on Sunday. They got my angry e-mail today! GENERAL MANAGER Don O'Connor 315-634-5193 doconnor@foxsyracuse.com PROGRAMMING Linda Deeb 315-634-5190 ldeeb@foxsyracuse.com
  17. http://www.syracuse.com/orangefootball/index.ssf/2012/12/pro_football_weekly_tabs_syrac.html Pro Football Weekly tabs Syracuse University's Ryan Nassib as top quarterback By Nolan Weidner The Post-Standard on December 12, 2012 at 2:31 PM, updated Syracuse, NY – The folks at Pro Football Weekly think Syracuse University quarterback Ryan Nassib is going to make a pretty good NFL player. Nassib, SU’s redshirt senior and a three-year starter, was named the magazine’s All-American quarterback. He beat out Louisville’s Teddy Bridgewater and Alabama’s A.J. McCarron for the honor.
  18. There is an ulterior Bills front office agenda going on here. It's all tax consequences related for when the team is sold and-or moved. There is NO other explanation!
  19. 12/09/2012: The date that it finally occurred to me that the Bills have a secret plan to leave Buffalo. The plan includes losing games that could have been won. A losing football organization is worth less than a successful football organization, thus the taxes would be lower. Something along these lines. There is simply NO other explanation!
  20. While we're on the subject of clothing, I think that the Bills' uniforms from the helmet down to the cleets are absolutely horrible and ugly! What color blue do the Bills use? It's actually kind of purple-ish. The Giants & Colts & LA Dodgers all use the same color blue. It's deep blue and it's very cool. Go to a Bills game and see fans wearing different vintage jerseys - with several different shades of blue. ...ok, the Bills' helmets are cool but everything else I just can't look at any longer!
  21. Good post, Bill. You being down there in New York City completely detaches you from the emotion of the game that us up here in WNY/CNY experience. That makes your analysis clear. Must be nice!
  22. An aging Gene Hackman with a beard and reading glasses. NOT football head coach material.
  23. ...or a car mechanic or truck driver. Again, both honorable jobs but not a head coach in the NFL.
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