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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Q1. Why are there only six jurors instead of 12? Q2. Why are there only women on the jurry? Q3. What do the jury instructions look like? Q4. What is the possibility of a hung jury? If I were GZ I would have wanted 12 jurors with men! I would have put my hopes on a hung jury and then the State deciding not to retry.
  2. Thank you for this update. This is what I come here to read - not the mindless personal insults by everyone in this thread. I enjoy watching the prosecution F themselves left and right. This is entertaining!!
  3. We have a completely new coaching staff and new QBs. How anyone sees more than 5 wins this season I'll never know.
  4. I wish you people would stop arguing back-and-forth about childish, personal insults! There has been a trail of prosecution witnesses that have lied through their teeth and made complete fools of themselves. I come here to read posters comments tearing these fools to shreds but I get nothing.
  5. Thanks! I appreciate it.
  6. Not sure what happens to the Buffalo Bills but like everyone else who has responded, I'm just going to stick my head in the sand and pretend that everything at OBD is just fine.
  7. Gab = teleprompter and speech writers. By the time that Obama leaves office I expect a lot of people will accuse him of having had a Republican agenda when he was in the White House. Just a few weeks ago Dick Cheney's company Halliburton stock set a new record high. And Democrats were expecting Obama to put Cheney in jail.
  8. Rich getting richer/poor getting poorer. Meet the new boss/same as the old boss. "Change Morons Fell For"
  9. Just as bad, this so-called Immigration bill is not an Immigration bill. It's a jobs Outsourcing bill. The jobs situation is really bad right now and adding something like 11 million additional workers makes things worse.
  10. This^ I would only add that Barack Obama is an empty headed nobody. He is the sum of his political handlers. He has no ideas. Obama can barely speak without a teleprompter - even now. Rush Limbaugh and the Right like portray Obama as a dictator. The Left like to portray Obama as a savior. He is neither. Obama was a pothead in high school and cruised through college/law school on affirmative action. Obama's purpose is to read words off of a teleprompter. Words written by his political handlers.
  11. The Japanese are very smart. They dislike Islamokooks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it8wuJ21LlM
  12. We live in a Plutocracy - government by and for the wealthy. I'll say one thing for Obama though, he's whacking the satanic, murderous, evil, Islamokooks in Afghanistan, et al.
  13. Worse, with regard to some issues, President Obama learns of issues like the IRS scandal from this same incompetent news media.
  14. NFL games in London won't last much longer. The UK is going to be an Islamic state very soon. Too dangerous for the NFL to send teams to play in.
  15. He's not an ass. Jim Kelly is a loud mouth jerk who should move on with his life.
  16. Look, a 7th grader could have figured out that Romney need a woman VP candidate.
  17. You nailed it. When I went on-line last August and discovered that Mitt Romney selected a white male as his VP I knew right then and there that he lost the Presidential election. If the GOP were more friendly to women they would win a lot more elections.
  18. ...meanwhile, the rich 1% are getting richer. The poor are getting poorer. African-Americans and women are going backwards economically. Obamacare is a major boon to for-profit health care insurance companies. US military drones are killing civilian children in Afghanistan. "Change Idiots Fell For"
  19. I have no sympathy for anyone in the state of PA who earns $104,000.00 per year. With the furlough he's only losing $4,000.00. Big freakin' deal.
  20. I agree with 90% of this. I also wish Jim Kelly would do like most of the early 90's team members and move onto something else.
  21. I always thought that. I hadn't seen a picture of Jim Kelly in a long time until he was there for the EJ Manuel signing. I thought he looked a lot older - I almost didn't recognize him.
  22. The reason why Marv Levy is in the HOF is because the people who selected him to be in the HOF are former coaches. Former coaches that know that Levy had a NFL team full of very talented players. But they were very selfish and undisciplined. Had Andre Reed made the catches that he was supposed to in the first half of Super Bowl XXV the Bills would have won by something like 37-20. Those former coaches who put Marv in the HOF finally gave him the ring that he earned and deserved. F the rest of the team.
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