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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. For Indianapolis today's game was meaningless.
  2. Can this be confirmed? Was the 2 min drill against the backups or starters?
  3. Long Island Buffalo Bills backers here: http://www.libillsbackers.fws1.com/
  4. No one has Houston in the SB?
  5. I haven't figured out mine yet but if your predictions come true the NFL is going to have an awesome year!
  6. Buffalo, New York is slowly becoming West Syracuse, New York!
  7. I think the overwhelming majority of football fans here in Syracuse are paying attention to the SU Orange preseason camp - not any of the NFL camps. But when the P-S does have an online article about the Jets camp I don't see too many readers' comments. When the P-S has an article about the Bills camp, especially vis-a-vis SU, there's a lot of readers' comments.
  8. I don't know anyone here in Syracuse that ever goes to the Jets training camp or even knows that it's there. I know a lot of Bills fans here that travel to SJF, though.
  9. Bush wasn't the problem. Obama isn't the problem. The problem is Islam.
  10. Syracuse, New York native Terry McAuliffe. You can hear his CNY/WNY accent. I don't know if he's a Bills fan or not.
  11. A dollar bill is 0.0043 inches thick. If dollars were stacked next to each other the national debit would be over 1.1 million miles long. If you drove from beginning to end, non-stop at 60 mph you would be driving 2 years and 2 months. that's a lot of one dollar bills.
  12. It's the Satanic, evil Muslims that we need to keep an eye on.
  13. I'd like to see the Buffalo Bills play the New York Jets at Yankee Stadium. The Bills will be the home team - the Jets the away team. I guarantee if that happened you would see mostly Bills fans from the NYC area at the game.
  14. The Buffalo Bills as an organization need to expand in the New York City market. I travel there (from home in Syracuse) and I meet a lot of people who won't follow the Jets or Giants because they moved to New Jersey. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Buffalo Bills would find a gold mine of fans in the metro New York City area, except NJ.
  15. Prince William and Duchess Kate have decided to name their new son after American hero George Zimmerman! At least the first name.
  16. If the Bills didn't get it right with EJ this franchise is finished!
  17. 35 years ago Obama was living in Hawaii. With mostly white people.
  18. I'm watching MSNBC now. I'm LOVING IT!!!!!
  19. In order for the jury to find Zimmerman guilty of second-degree murder, the prosecution must prove the following three things, beyond a reasonable doubt: Trayvon Martin is dead. The death was caused by the criminal act of George Zimmerman. There was an unlawful killing of Trayvon Martin by an act imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life. Jurors are also asked in the instructions to consider the less included charge of manslaughter. In order for the jurors to return a guilty verdict of manslaughter, the prosecution must prove two things, beyond a reasonable doubt: 1..Trayvon Martin is dead. 2. George Zimmerman intentionally committed an act or acts that caused the death of Trayvon Martin. The instructions say that "a killing that is excusable or was committed by the use of justifiable deadly force is lawful. A person is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself.
  20. Jury instructions define the law. To me it's why they're so important. I always thought that juries got hard copies of the jury instructions. It's a long document. A hung jury should have been the goal of the defense team. I don't know why the defense team approved an all-female jury.
  21. Because with the jury instructions, if the jury actually follows the jury instructions, they'll acquit Zimmerman. Is anyone else out there interested in the formal instructions given to the jury by the judge, other than me? They're pretty important.
  22. ,,,about those jury instructions.
  23. Not sure I follow you. Jury instructions are pretty cut & dry. It's either yes or no. Looking at the jury instructions I see an acquittal for GZ. Looking at the jury instructions and comparing the instructions with the lack of evidence I don't see how a juror can find GZ guilty of anything. I didn't chime into this thread until the jury instructions came out. I knew they were more important than anything.
  24. If you read the actual jury instructions the jury needs to make an analytical decision. Not an emotional one. If they follow the jury instructions it looks good for GZ.
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