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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. No, not the '87 Bills. A few other Bills years where they looked decent but really SUCKED!!
  2. Sadly, you were and are 100% correct.
  3. It's Friday. Do the Pittsburgh Steelers even know which Buffalo Bills QB they'll be facing in a little over 48 hours? The Steelers have more or less lost a week to gameplan/practice/prepare. Playing bait-and-switch with your team QB every week will surprise some opponents and you might win a game here and there. But it's not a successful way to win the season and make the playoffs.
  4. Seven more games in the season and only two are in Buffalo. That's an uphill battle. Moreover, Patriots coach Bill Belichik is very competitive. He might sit his players for the last game of the season but not if it's against another AFC East team.
  5. You forgot EJ. And even Matt Flynn was on the roster.
  6. The Buffalo Bills defense is spending the week preparing for the Steelers offense and QB Ben Roethlisberger. There's plenty of film to view. The Pittsburgh Steelers defense is spending the week doing what? QB is the most important position of the offense. And if you don't know which QB you're facing you're at a disadvantage. Bigger Picture: Any analysis of the Buffalo Bills at this point is completely useless. Had EJ not injured his knee in training camp and the other knee against Cleveland he would have played every game so far. Then you can make analysis. All season long the Bills have been a mess at the QB position. Opponents not knowing which Bills QB almost every week leaves them at a huge disadvantage to start the game. Different QBs nearly every week makes for a schizophrenic football team with schizophrenic games and schizophrenic/useless mid-season analysis. P.S. I don't mean to picking an argument with you, Captain. I just think that the revolving QB situation in Buffalo makes for flawed analysis.
  7. Do the Steelers know that EJ is going to be the Bills QB? No, they don't. It still could be Lewis that they face. It's Wednesday and the Steelers are losing valuable time to gameplan against the Bills offense. It's been like that for almost all of our opponents this season. Makes for lousy games and lousy mid-season analysis.
  8. Who are the Pittsburgh Steelers preparing for right now as the Bills QB? And how are they preparing?
  9. Three different QBs leave our opponents unprepared to play. That's the point!
  10. The Bills have a different QB every week for opponents to game plan/practice/prepare for which puts our opponents at a disadvantage - temporarily. As a result games will be interesting for the Bills but in the end the Bills lose the games.
  11. What you are seeing is an optical illusion. Opposing team defensive coordinators never know which QB they will be facing in the Bills. They can't game plan/practice/prepare correctly. They are forced to initially wing it against the Bills but they eventually figure the Bills QB out and win the game. It's now Tuesday and who are the Steelers defense preparing for as the Bills QB on Sunday? They don't know. So they'll likely come into the game unprepared which makes it look good for the Bills - for a while. It's been like this for the Bills since the first game of the season.
  12. Three weeks ago people here were predicting a win at New Orleans and then another win at home against KC putting the Bills on the path to the playoffs. Well, Buffalo has lost to both New Orleans and Kansas City and fans here are still convinced that the Bills will be in the playoffs this season.
  13. Perhaps his injury is worse than reported to us.
  14. It's all about next season.
  15. This week the Buffalo Bills will be game planning against Pittsburgh Steeler QB Ben Roethlisberger. The Bills have nine weeks of film of Roethlisberger to review. Who are the Pittsburgh Steelers going to game plan against in the Buffalo Bills? The Steelers don't even know which QB they are going to face Sunday. And if the Bills announce who will be the QB against the Steelers will there be a change by the end of the week? Because the Bills are so completely screwed at the QB position it's the only reason why we appear to be in games. Opposing defensive coordinators have nothing to game plan against. But in the end, the Bills invariably LOSE the game!
  16. When the opposing team defensive coordinators don't know which QB they're going to face from the Bills it makes game planning against Buffalo difficult. But only for about the first half. After that the Bills LOSE the game!
  17. 4th string QBs with little playing time (film) are interesting for the first part of the game. When the opposing defensive coordinator figures out the QB the Bills tank!
  18. The Bills don't have a good quarterback. Moreover, if the Bills did have a good quarterback we would be providing opposing teams defensive coordinators film to plan against. Our current quarterback-by-rotation confuses opposing teams defensive coordinators because they don't know which Bills quarterback they will be playing against. It looks interesting for the Bills for a while but the Bills end up losing the game.
  19. Like I said, the Bills are in a much bigger mess at the QB position more than Bills fans realize! Your post just proved it.
  20. THE reason why the Bills looked decent for much of today is because all week KC had really no idea which QB they were facing and needed to prepare for. In the end KC won because the Bills are a total mess at the QB position. The Bills are in a bigger mess at the QB position more than Bills fans realize. It's the same thing every week. Who will QB the Bills next week?
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