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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Marrone, et al, are not NFL coaches. I have less confidence in Russ Brandon. I say that and I'm from Syracuse. 6-10.
  2. Winning football teams have competent coaching. The Buffalo Bills does not have competent coaching. 6-10.
  3. You can put the best players in the NFL on the Buffalo Bills roster and I still say 7-9. We have the lousiest coaching staff in the NFL.
  4. 2014 Buffalo Bills Record Prediction: 7-9
  5. The Four Components Of An ACA (Obamacare) Health Plan: 1. High monthly premiums. 2. No out of network benefits. 3. High annual deductibles. 4. High copayments. Go to a doctor. Submit a medical claim. Get no financial benefit. The for profit health care insurance companies get to keep your money. "Change Idiots Fell For"
  6. Didn't Marv Levy work with SkySports in the UK?
  7. http://en.wikipedia....Football_League British Universities American Football League The British Universities American Football League (BUAFL) is anAmerican football league contested by university teams in England, Wales and Scotland. The league was formed by the British American Football Association (BAFA) in 2007 as the successor to the British Collegiate American Football League after the British Student American Football Association's (BSAFA) public disagreements with BAFA policies led to them being excommunicated by the other BAFA members,[1][2] in particular the BAFL, which was also later ex-communicated for almost exactly the same reason.
  8. This isn't rocket science. Christians/Jews deny that Muhammad was one of their Abrahamic Prophets of God so that makes Muhammad a Godless fraud. Obamacare plans have high monthly premiums, high deductibles, no out of network benefits, and high patient copays so that makes Obamacare an insurance scam.
  9. Obviously what I posted upsets you. Posting the truth does that to people like you. Obamacare plans are essentially the same catastrophic plans that he railed against. No out of network benefits, high monthly premiums, high deductibles, high patient copayments. Pay a lot for health insurance but get little if anything in return. Obamacare = Insurance swindle! Someone else who hates the truth about Obamascam...I mean Obamacare.
  10. The insurance exchange isn't the problem. The problem is that most health plans offered under Obamacare are essentially catastrophic health plans. You pay a monthly premium but never get any financial benefit because of the high deductibles and high copays. If you want a good health insurance plan that actually pays well then the monthly premium is sky high! Either way, the insurance companies get your money. Obamacare is an insurance rip off!!
  11. I've been on the NYS exchange so you can add my experience to the list. And in my experience the Obamacare plans SUCK!! Obamacare is just a huge insurance swindle.
  12. What I can tell you about those 435,479 newly insured is that their health insurance plans have high monthly premiums, no out of network benefits, high deductibles, and high patient copays. Obamacare plans are the same catastrophic health plans that Obama said were junk!
  13. You say my understanding of the ACA is "impressively bad" but you don't say why. The ACA plans have no out of network benefits, high monthly premiums, high deductibles and high copayments. For the average American, the ACA is a step backward. The ACA was written by insurance company executives. And it favors insurance companies.
  14. That's all fine and well for the government and insurance companies but what about the consumer? No out of network benefits is bad. Throw in high premiums (slightly lower?) and high deductibles and high copayments and you have people paying for insurance that they will never use. The middle class is getting hosed big time!! Fewer doctors in the networks mean cheaper prices? Wouldn't it be the other way around????
  15. This news was on Syracuse.com today. Don't be too surprised if he ends up at SU!
  16. Sure. Obamacare is a total rip off. There's a lot of Americans who purchase ACA plans with high monthly premiums, high deductibles, high copays, and no out of network benefits. If Republicans start to point to the American middle class how they're getting screwed by these lousy ACA plans they can get support. ACA health insurance plans SUCK!! What's the point of buying a health insurance plan if you're likely to never get any financial benefit from it? For most people, Obamacare is a complete rip off!!
  17. The only Buffalo Bills game that I ever re-watched was Super Bowl XXV. I watched it again in its entirety about two years ago. My God, the Bills gave the game to the Giants! First and second quarters the Bills could have blown the Giants out but Andre Reed kept dropping passes. Had Andre Reed caught the ball the game result would have been Buffalo 42 - Giants 21 or something like that.
  18. You mean this: "Simms won his first five starts of his rookie year. He led the team to a 6–4 record as a starter, throwing for 1,743 yards and 13 touchdown passes and was named to the NFL All Rookie Team. He was runner-up in 1979 for Rookie of the Year, losing out to future teammate, Ottis Anderson."
  19. The premiums already are sky high. Same for the deductibles and copays. People have health insurance but they'll need to spend a lot of their own money before they ever see any financial benefit - if they ever do. Insurance companies know what they're doing here. They bankrolled Obama's campaign. They wrote Obamacare. They make some serious bucks from the unfortunate suckers who are legally forced to pay the sky high premiums and get little financial return. They then donate to democrats running for office. When republicans start to understand this, they'll make big inroads with the American voting public.
  20. Rookie NFL QB can't make it out of training camp without getting injured. Rookie NFL QB can't make it through the NFL season without getting injured. Rookie NFL QB gets three (3) injuries in his first year. LMAO!!!
  21. EJ Manuel played 1/2 a season because he's injury prone. Frail, brittle, and injury prone. WTF?
  22. Not with this coaching staff. I say that and I'm from Syracuse.
  23. Q. Why was death for Islamic apostates introduced in Islam? A. Because too many Muslims were leaving the false religion of Islam. Q. Why were so Muslims leaving Islam? A. Because Islam is a Godless lie! Muhammad was never a Prophet of God and the angel Gabriel never visited Muhammad in the Hira cave! Without death for apostasy, Islam would collapse.
  24. The Godless Muslims from Godless Islam are setting up here in Syracuse. One of the Godless Muslim already lied by saying that Jesus Christ was a Muslim - in the comments section below: http://www.syracuse....#incart_m-rpt-2
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