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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. EJ Manuel is and always will be mediocre. Tyrod Taylor has actual NFL game time to evaluate - not last night's pre-season game.
  2. EJ Manuel simply can't play a full NFL game. And Matt Cassel is a has-been QB.
  3. Thank you. Tyrod Taylor has serious limitations as a NFL QB. Buffalo Bills fans better realize this pretty quick.
  4. I take it your idea to solve the Buffalo Bills horribly bad quarterback situation it to completely ignore it. Pretty much like everyone else here, I guess.
  5. Buffalo Bills fans from here in Syracuse, NY (CNY) follow and support the NFL Buffalo Bills. But we don't do it blindly. Sorry! I'll continue to read Matthew Fairburn (and Brent Axe) at Syracuse.com to get fair and accurate reporting of the 2015 Buffalo Bills. Especially with regard to the dire quarterback situation.
  6. Then let me play the Devil's advocate by saying that it might be a good thing if the injury bug hits the current crop of Buffalo Bills QBs.
  7. is Kyle Orton still available? If not, who else? Because it may get to this point - very quickly.
  8. http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2015/08/ej_manuel_provides_bright_spot_for_offense_6_observations_from_buffalo_bills_tra.html#incart_story_package Matthew Fairburn writes for Syracuse.com (along with Brent Axe) and he's probably the best when it comes to fairly analyzing the 2015 Buffalo Bills. I can only presume that the Buffalo Bills fan who shouted "Bring back Kyle Orton." was a fellow Syracuse, NY (CNY) area Bills fan that Fairburn wanted to quote. Because Syracuse, NY (CNY) area Buffalo Bills fans are generally the most knowledgeable and sensible Buffalo Bills fans that exist. For those of you who think that Andy Dalton is the QB standard to get the Bills to the post-season, well - you're probably right but our current three quarterbacks added together don't equal Andy Dalton. Valid Question: Are the Buffalo Bills soon going to be in the same situation like last season when they brought in Kyle Orton?
  9. Islam doesn't have this problem because Islam practices death for apostasy. Without death for apostasy in Islam, Islam would collapse because most every Muslim would leave Islam. Most Muslims would leave Islam if they could because they probably know that Islam's founder Muhammad was a lying, suicidal, false Abrahamic Prophet of God and that Islam really isn't a religion, it's an apostate murdering death cult.
  10. 10 questions for Muslims sure to anger them. 1. Why did the angel of God Gabriel assault Muhammad three times in the Hira cave by squeezing Muhammad so hard that Muhammad couldn't breathe? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he never behaved this way. 2. Why did the angel of God appear in a chair in the sky when he supposedly visited Muhammad the second time? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he never behaved this way. 3. Why didn't the angel of God Gabriel identify himself to Muhammad in the Hira cave and when he appeared in a chair in the sky? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he always identified himself. 4. Many think it was Satan who visited Muhammad in the Hira cave and appeared in a chair in the sky in order to fool Muhammad. Do you agree? 5. Which Jews or even Christians conferred the title Prophet of God on Muhammad? Because that's the only way one becomes an Abrahamic Prophet of God. 6. Why was Muhammad suicidal? 7. Why did Muhammad believe that he was possessed by demons? 8. Can you name another "religion" that murders apostates? I thought that only Godless death cults like Communism and Nazism murdered apostates. 9. Can you please tell me about Surah 53: 19 and 20? Many Christians are certain that it was Satan inspired. 10. How did Muhammad die? He was poisoned? Why would anyone want to poison your false Prophet? Was it one of Muhammad's slaves that poisoned Muhammad? Why did Muhammad own slaves?
  11. how I became a muslim. "well, I read about these people who are the most violent on earth. so, I figured i'd look into them. I found their prophet was a general, who started by robbing caravans and then bribing followers, killed those who criticized him including two poets, gained power through violence and bribery from spoils and then declared Christians and Jews should be expelled from Arabian peninsula after saying no compulsion in religion when he needed to befriend them, tortured prince, had slaves and sold women and children, kept 1/5th of all plunder personally, executed pubescent children and sold prepubescent children for horses and war weapons, made it legal to have sex with female slaves who could not refuse master, consummated marriage with 10 year old, took a fifth wife when custom at time was only four and this wife was his adopted sons wife... ...and I thought, 'ya, following this will get me into heaven! just look at the middle east and all the happy times there. I mean, can't drive in Saudi Arabia or go to public events in iran and on and on, and I said, 'sign me up!' because they believe in cleanliness, and that's important to me.
  12. "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL
  13. Islam's false Prophet Muhammad thought he was possessed by demons, was suicidal, and was poisoned by a slave. Islam is not a religion. Islam is an apostate murdering death cult.
  14. It's May. And Boomer Esiason has to write something. Something different so people will read it. What Boomer Esiason wrote has nothing to do with football. It has everything to do with publishing in May.
  15. Islam is not a religion. Islam is an apostate murdering death cult disguised as a religion! Islam has no connection to God. Muhammad was a Godless fraud! Or he was possessed by Satan. But an Abrahamic Prophet of God he was not.
  16. http://www.muslimhope.com/TestTheSpirit.htm WHO WAS THE SPIRIT THAT SQUEEZED MUHAMMAD AT THE HIRA CAVE? It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No!
  17. False Prophet Muhammad Being Visited By Demons Throughout His Life: http://www.answering-islam.org/Silas/demons.htm http://peace-of-mind.net/islamic_belief.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Muhammad https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/the-quran-refers-to-the-prophet-of-islam-as-demon-possessed/
  18. “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the (false) faith he preached.” BYZANTINE EMPEROR MANUEL PALEOLOGOS II
  19. "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us (Nazis) than, for example, France." ADOLF HITLER
  20. Q. Why is Islam the only religion to kill apostates (those who wish to leave Islam)? A. Because if Islam didn't kill apostates Islam would collapse because most Muslims would leave Islam because Islam is based on lies about barbaric thug FALSE PROPHET Muhammad. The angel Gabriel NEVER visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. - Q. Then is Islam really a religion? A. No! Islam is a Godless apostate killing fascist cult like Nazism and Communism. Islam's Muhammad was as much a barbaric killer as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were.
  21. http://www.radicaltruth.net/index.php/learn/radical-truth-islam/146-which-gabriel-visited-muhammad --more at the link above--
  22. "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us (Nazis) than, for example, France." ADOLF HITLER
  23. The Five Pillars Of Islam: Pillar I: The lie that Muhammad was visited by the Abrahamic angel of God Gabriel in the Hira cave. Christians and Jews deny that their angel Gabriel ever visited non-Jew/non-Christian Muhammad in the Hira cave and anywhere else. The Christians and Jews had at least 600 years of experience to know that their angel Gabriel never visited Muhammad. Pillar II: The lie that Muhammad was an Abrahamic Prophet of God. Christians and Jews rejected Muhammad as an Abrahamic Prophet of God. Jews called Muhammad "the mad man" and Christians thought that Muhammad was insane and evil. Muhammad has NO connection to God and God had NO connection to Muhammad. Pillar III: Taquia. Muslims are allowed to lie about false-Prophet Muhammad and the Godless lie called Islam to advance the Godless lie called Islam. Pillar IV: Death for apostasy. It's 2015 - religions don't have death for apostasy. Only Godless fascist death cults like Islam, Nazism and Communism have death for apostasy. When a Muslim finally realizes that they were duped into following a Godless cult started by barbaric, evil, lying, slave owning, greedy, murdering, false-Prophet Muhammad and they decide to leave the false religion of Islam they could face death. Pillar V: World wide caliphate (revenge). Destruction of both the Jews and Christians for denying that their angel Gabriel visited Muhammad and for rejecting Muhammad as an Abrahamic Prophet of God.
  24. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/03/the_mind_of_muhammad.html
  25. EJ Manuel = Jim McMahon?
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