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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. The Bills have a larger fan base in Syracuse, than the Jets AND Giants combined. This^
  2. I've heard that, too. I just don't think there would be huge modifications to allow a Buffalo Bills NFL pre-season game.
  3. http://www.syracuse.com/orangesports/index.ssf/2018/05/syracuse_details_118_million_in_carrier_dome_renovations_including_permanent_roo.html?__vfz=rtw_top_pages%3D9789600014006 A Buffalo Bills pre-season game at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY? I always understood that the biggest obstacle to the Bills playing a pre-season game at the Carrier Dome was the lack of air conditioning. Had Syracuse, NY native Russ Brandon still be with the Bills I'm confident it could be done!
  4. What are you yelling at me for? It was LABillzFan who said regarding Donald Trump "1) he was a well-known Dem for years, having paid into the campaign coffers of the most embarrassing of left-wing politicians like Pelosi; and 2) there was no way a clown like him was going to beat Hillary." Did I say to LABillzFan that Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton called Donald Trump suggesting Trump "play a larger role in the GOP" and to "focus on Republican base voters" and then Trump announces his decision to run for President in 2016 as a Republican? No, I didn't. And did I paste the 2016 Presidential polling chart titled "When Polls Get Close, Trump Says The Craziest Things"? No, I didn't. Go yell at LABillzFan. He started this - not me. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/202365-the-real-story-donald-trump-was-a-hillary-clinton-plant-in-the-2016-presidential-election/
  5. Wikileaks has no information related to the telephone call that Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton had with Donald Trump in May 2015 when Clinton suggested Trump play a larger role in the GOP and to focus on Republican base voters. Also, why would Wikileaks need it? The telephone call is now public knowledge.
  6. April 2015 - Hillary Clinton announces her intent to run for President in 2016 as a Democrat May 2015 - Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton picks up his telephone and calls fellow New York Democrat Donald Trump and suggests Trump to play a larger role in the GOP and focus on Republican base voters. June - 2015 - Donald Trump announces his intent to run for President in 2016 as a Republican. https://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/hillary-clintons-poll-numbers-signal-trouble-ahead-118567 Hillary Clinton's poll numbers signal trouble ahead Yes, it’s early, but few expected her to fall so far so fast. 06/02/2015 Her untrustworthy ratings are stubbornly high, and perhaps most alarming of all for Team Hillary, the “so-called scandals,” as Clinton campaign operatives like to refer to them, are starting to take their toll on her favorability numbers, sending chills down the spines of Democrats who have put all their eggs in the Hillary basket.
  7. I use this to take the knees out of Trump haters like Tiberius. It works like a charm. i have shut the mouths of so many Trump haters I've lost count. I have no idea why Republicans don't use it. No idea.
  8. You are a candidate for President of the United States of America. It's a little more than three months before election day and you overtake your opponent in political polls for the first time. Simultaneously, the Chair of your opponent's political party has just been exposed for favoring your opponent over other party candidates in their Presidential nomination process. Do you: A. Exploit this exposure to your political benefit by saying that you are now proven correct in that your opponent is "crooked" and that election process in American politics is "rigged" further solidifying and increasing your lead in political polls. B. Change the subject by asking a foreign country to release (supposed) e-mail from your opponent and then change the subject again by focusing on the father of a deceased US Army Muslim soldier for a week. These two moves will cause you to lose your newfound lead in political polls by a large margin. Wikileaks wasn't/isn't working with anyone. Their motivation is that they like to expose politicians for who they really are.
  9. Bill and Hillary Clinton never had a plan to throw the 2016 Presidential election. They expected to win with foil Donald Trump running against Hillary. But Wikileaks disclosures about Hillary Clinton being a lying, untrustworthy, greedy, selfish, scum bag ruined that and Trump ended up winning.
  10. In 2015 Donald Trump announced his intention to run for President in the 2016 Presidential election. Trump made this announcement after receiving a telephone call from a political friend suggesting Trump "play a larger role in the GOP" by "focusing on Republican base voters." Who was this political friend who motivated Trump to run for President? A. Sean Hannity B. Rudy Giuliani C. Dick Cheney D. Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton E. Rush Limbaugh F. Ann Coulter Hint: White House Lincoln Bedroom. You have two seconds to answer because the answer is obvious.
  11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - I wasn't drafted to play QB for the Buffalo Bills.
  12. No. The defense to the negativity is way over the top. I've seen tons of negativity of players on this board. But I've never seen such mentally unhinged defensive posts to the negativity of any player. Never!
  13. Ha ha ha ha ha ha - the knee jerk, paranoid posts here just prove my point. Thurmanator12074 - You are going to need major Rx. I see your QB Josh Allen overboard, paranoid. defensive posts everywhere. If anyone mentions the slightest flaw in QB Josh Allen you're right there to jump all over that poster. You have completely lost it! You're only validating what anti-QB Josh Allen people think. Don't you realize this?
  14. All I know is: I've been a member of Two Bills Drive and TSW for over15 years and I've never seen so many posters so defensive about criticism of any player. Defensive of QB Josh Allen to the point of being completely unhinged from reality. Posters here are mentally losing it when faced with valid criticism of QB Josh Allen. This tells me, and others, exactly what the real prospect of 8 man high school football/community college/Mountain West Conference QB Josh Allen will likely be. Not good.
  15. Bill Bilichick We're all clutching at straws. All of us.
  16. People keep pointing to Josh Allen's success in the Senior Bowl game. The Senior Bowl game is a single event exhibition game. It's impossible to judge how good or bad any college player is in that game. Both hands.
  17. Agree 100% Also, don't be too surprised if AJ McCarron succeeds.
  18. I don't hate the QB Josh Allen pick. I just don't see 8 man high school football/community college/Mountain Conference Wyoming QB Josh Allen being successful in NFL Buffalo.
  19. And the fix was completed in 2015 when Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton called Donald Trump requesting, essentially, Trump run for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination. But Julian Assange and Wikileaks was not a part of the fix.
  20. It's up to Bill and Hillary Clinton. They're still pulling the strings here. The fix to have Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democrat Party Presidential nominee was set in motion long before Beau Biden died in 2015.
  21. I don''t like the QB Josh Allen pick in the first round. And my dislike for the QB Josh Allen pick in the first round is validated by the knee-jerk, insensitive, paranoid, pro Josh Allen posters on this board. You're all unhinged and for good reason.
  22. Far too many over sensitive posters here defending QB Josh Allen. You guys are all over the place. When you see that happening, you know there's a problem at QB.
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