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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/marcus/110211 Obamacare furthers black genocide By Lloyd Marcus February 11, 2011 Well, here is a dirty little secret. Black women abort their children at 3 times the rate of white women. Over 50% of black pregnancies end in abortion. Thus, according to the numbers, abortion in America is racist. This black genocide is so severe, black babies could be classified as an endangered species due to abortion. Case in point. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a white hardcore racist who believed black births were destructive to society. Thus, Planned Parenthood Abortion Centers are disproportionately located in black neighborhoods. Referring to blacks, Sanger proclaimed, "There is no doubt that procreation of this group should be stopped." In 1939 Sanger launched the "Negro Project" to kill blacks before they were born.
  2. Reunite the children with their parents/guardians. Then immediately deport them back to where they illegally came from.
  3. I apologize for my comment. I continue to overestimate the intelligence of Donald Trump voters and Republicans when it comes to taking advantage of a political opportunity. In this case: Bill and Hillary Clinton trying to steal the 2016 US Presidential election. You see, focusing on the corrupt Clintons with their many, many, many illegalities from the 2016 US Presidential election (including Democrat Primaries) would take the media spotlight away from Donald Trump and...well, never mind.
  4. And that 51% would jump to 91% if Donald Trump supporters and Republicans simply presented all these Washington, DC illegalities as Arkansas political hucksters Bill and Hillary Clinton trying to steal the 2016 Presidential election. No one trusts the Clintons. No one. The scam artists Clintons are lying thieves who will do anything to win the White House. Anything!
  5. No. Hillary Clinton was simply un-electable. People hate her. The Clintons knew that so they needed someone worse than Hillary Clinton to run against. Bill Clinton calls longtime friend and fellow New York Democrat Donald Trump. The IG report and future reports will show how greedy and selfish Bill and Hillary Clinton really are. It will also show how stupid, boorish, incompetent and sloppy the Clintons are, too. The Clintons are cheap Arkansas hucksters - nothing more. Bill and Hillary Clinton are a disaster for anyone that they come near. All the Clintons do is ruin lives for everyone. FBI agents, DOJ agents, Obama, news media, et al.
  6. You are a fool. The 2016 US Presidential election was a failed Bill and Hillary Clinton scam. Bill and Hillary Clinton first got rid of VP Joe Biden's 2016 Presidential aspirations. Then they whittled down the other 2016 Presidential Democrat candidates but they couldn't get rid of Bernie Sanders. So they deployed DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to screw Bernie Sanders in the Democrat Primaries. Until she got caught via Wikileaks. Then Bill and Hillary Clinton persuaded/begged/duped Donald Trump to fraudulently run for President as a Republican. Hillary Clinton had historically high negativity numbers so both she and Bill Clinton knew the only way to the White House for Hillary Clinton is via election scam. Wake up, Tiberius.
  7. And they will be successful. Why? Because with all of the DR investigative knowledge that he has, he (and everyone else here) doesn't know how to politically simplify everything. Politically Simplified: Greedy, self-serving, Arkansas hucksters Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton and "crooked" Hillary Clinton are at the bottom of a lot of this. To win (steal) the 2016 US Presidential election. Once Republicans start to attach the Clintons to these political illegalities, no one in the media will deny any of it. No one believes the Clintons any more. No one!
  8. It's time for you to recognize the truth, Tiberius. Greedy, self-serving, incompetent, Arkansas hucksters Bill and Hillary Clinton have been destroying the Democrat Party for a long time. The icing on the cake occurred when Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton asked his long time political friend and fellow New York Democrat Donald Trump to fraudulently run for President as a Republican in the 2016 Presidential election. The Clinton Plan backfired and we now have President Donald Trump. There's not much left of the Democrat Party to oppose Trump. It's that simple.
  9. And on Tuesday the supposed Democrat Party "Blue Wave" of voters never showed up at polls to vote. President Donald Trump is just gaining more power.
  10. Joe Biden was two-term President Barack Obama's Vice President. The Democrat Party should/could have easily coalesced around his 2016 Presidential candidacy. But Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton and "crooked" Hillary Clinton screwed Joe Biden out running for President in 2016. Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton and "crooked" Hillary Clinton screwed Bernie Sanders out of the 2016 Democrat Presidential nomination. Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton and "crooked" Hillary Clinton tried to screw Donald Trump (with Donald Trump's help) out of the 2016 Presidential election - but it didn't work - due to Wikileaks. I think Democrat Joe Biden working with Republican majorities in the US House and US Senate would have been good. But the Clintons prevented that. Not Donald Trump. How can you hate Donald Trump so much when they only way Trump won the Presidency was because American voters were tired of two Arkansas political hucksters Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton and "crooked" Hillary Clinton?
  11. "No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,..." I think there's more than two witnesses who saw Obama commit treason with Russia regarding the 2012 US Presidential election. About 200 million more witnesses - video!
  12. Tiberius - How does the sound of President Joe Biden sound to you? Compared to the sound of President Donald Trump.
  13. There's no treason re: Donald Trump. There is treason re: Barack Obama, however. http://www.ronpisaturo.com/blog/2012/03/27/is-obamas-hot-mic-conversation-with/ Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space. Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you… Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility. Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin]. Note 1: The definition of treason is extremely specific and is spelled out in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution; it is the only crime defined by the Constitution itself: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." Note 2: There is nothing in the law that indicates a time limit in which to bring charges (No Statute of Limitations)
  14. #34fan - Why are you posting pictures of such butt-ugly kids?
  15. No one knows who this is, huh?
  16. Crap? OK, you explain this: The end of July 2016 Donald Trump overtook Hillary Clinton for the first time in political polls. Things just get worse for Hillary Clinton. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is forced to resign after Wikileaks discloses that Wassermsn-Schultz was favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton is now in political crash-and-burn mode. How does MI/Donald Trump capitalize on this? MI/Donald Trump changes the subject by asking Russia to release all e-mail they have on Hillary Clinton. MI/Donald Trump then changes the subject again by engaging the parents of a deceased US Muslim soldier. Result: Hillary Clinton soars in political polls and MI/Donald Trump is now in political crash-and-burn mode. I'd love to hear the MI/Donald Trump political strategy here. All I've ever heard is personal insults. Not one rational explanation. Not even one irrational explanation. And again, how does Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton asking Donald Trump to run for President factor in all of this MI? Was Clinton a part of MI?
  17. I don't buy this. Hillary Clinton had such high negatives with regard to honesty and trustworthiness that a Republican jar of pickles could have easily beaten her. Moreover, Barack Obama's legacy is that of Republicans having majorities in the US House of Representatives, US Senate, governors mansions, and State legislatures. Any Republican President succeeding President Barack Obama would have near plenary power to do whatever they want - very quietly. Little media scrutiny, if any. Also, how does former President Bill Clinton asking Donald Trump to essentially run for President play in all of this?
  18. Q. What is MI? Note: Donald Trump spent $322 million while Hillary Clinton spent $565 million on their respective 2016 Presidential campaigns. Excellent question.
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