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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. The Bill and Hillary Clinton 2016 US Presidential election scam failed. Strozk, Comey, illegal FISA warrants, etc, were all a part of the failed Clinton election scam. Wrong! Obama committed Treason (or High Treason) when he suggested that RUSSIA change their nuclear plans. That helped Obama win the 2012 US Presidential election. Obama needs to go to jail!
  2. Here is your evidence. When do we bring Treason charges against former President Barack Obama?
  3. Uh, no! The lying scumbags Bill and Hillary Clinton first screwed Bernie Sanders out of the 2016 Democrat Party nomination for President. It worked. Then the lying scumbags Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to screw Donald Trump out of winning the 2016 US Presidential election. That didn't work.
  4. What role did Russia play in the 2012 US Presidential election?
  5. The rule of law in this country is not necessarily the issue here. The issue here is Bill and Hillary Clinton tried everything they could do to steal the 2016 US Presidential election. They screwed Bernie Sanders out of the Democrat nomination for President in 2016. They tried to screw Donald Trump out of winning the US Presidential election in 2016. Keep It Simple: Republicans need to keep the public's focus on the Clintons' attempt to steal the 2016 US Presidential election. Everything else such as Strozk, FISA warrants, the dossier, etc, are all a parts of the Clintons' attempt to steal the 2016 US Presidential election. Bill and Hillary Clinton are lying scumbags. No one trusts them. When the Clintons are involved, proving anything dishonest and unethical against anyone related to the Clintons is easy.
  6. #WalkWithHillary
  7. Yankee Doodle Dandy shows tonight at 8:00 PM on TCM network. Right now the English are celebrating their World Cup victory over Columbia. Match ended 1-1 and England prevailed 4-3 in penalty kicks. Talk about dullsville. Why didn't they just flip a coin to determine who wins?
  8. Bravo! We need more planned parenthood clinics in targeted areas. Margaret Sanger
  9. Had Margaret Sanger's common sense 1939 work been expanded we wouldn't have mass shootings, Our cities would be mostly crime free. When Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) coined the phrase "defining deviancy down" in 1992 he was looking at society and he knew what he was talking about.
  10. You may be correct! Donald Trump came into the White House with Republicans running everything - everywhere. If I were President under these circumstances I would have kept a low profile and surreptitiously screwed what was left of the remaining elected Democrats.
  11. Illegal immigrants is a fake platform for Democrats. Rank and file Democrats, especially outside of CA, really don't care.
  12. Not a good sign for Democrats expecting a "Blue Wave" in November for mid-term elections.
  13. Not so sure. I really don't think that most Democrats (especially outside of CA) care about illegal immigrants beyond immediate political purpose. Democrats would throw illegal immigrants under the bus the split-second the illegal immigrants were no longer useful to them. There's a cynical voting public out here re: Democrat support for illegal immigrants and Republicans should take advantage of it.
  14. Without the pictures/video of the illegal immigrant children surrounded by chain linked fences there's NO story here. And it backfired on the MSM big time when similar pictures/video of illegal immigrant adults and children were held behind similar chain linked fences when Obama was President. And under Obama it was all supposed to be "kept quiet".
  15. This^ Separating illegal immigrant children from their illegal immigrant parents is not why this is a news item. Putting illegal immigrant children in fenced areas is why this is a news item. Both Obama and Trump did this. No outrage when Obama did it, though. You nailed it.
  16. The Political Bottom Line: President Donald Trump housed illegal immigrant children in fenced areas resembling cages. President Barack Obama housed illegal immigrant children in fenced areas resembling cages. Whether these illegal immigrant children were unaccompanied or separated from their parents is immaterial. Without those chain link fences there's no story here. And the Obama White House wanted caging illegal immigrant children "kept quiet" and the MSM mostly obliged. But now that Trump did what Obama did the Democrats and MSM are freaking out. But now the histrionics of the Democrats and MSM is starting to resemble AstroTurf. This happens after a few days when things settle down and we see things for what they really are.
  17. Democrats look absolutely stupid right now. They have egg all over their faces. Complete hypocrites. Obama handled illegal immigrants, including children, just like Trump did. Complete backfire!
  18. Most Important Distinction: I don't remember any public outrage in 2014 like there is now. I don't remember this 2014 story at all. Illegal immigrants, including children, were caged under President Obama. Wasn't Obama caging illegal immigrants, including children, intentionally "kept quiet"?
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