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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. What sinking ship? What specifically did you hear this morning that buttresses (proves) Dr. Ford's accusation that she was sexually assaulted by Judge Brett Kavanaugh?
  2. I'm confident that that's essentially the way that Republican Senators heard everything. They have heard nothing to disqualify Judge Brett Kavanaigh for the USSC, IMHO.
  3. And who is the audience for this narrative? Republican Senators. So far I haven't heard anything that a Republican Senator could use to justify a vote against Brett Kavanaugh for the USSC.
  4. If you are an R Senator I think there was nothing disclosed, so far, to disqualify Brett Kavanaugh's SC confirmation vote.
  5. I might get into trouble for saying this (again), but here goes: Hoax
  6. My hunch is that Wall Street might be paying attention to this because Wall Street pays attention to and overreacts to everything. And if Wall Street sensed that there's a problem for Kavanaugh from Ford's testimony then Wall Street numbers would be down.
  7. Wall Street financial markets still holding steady.
  8. Wall Street financial markets are all up. I wonder what that means. Is Wall Street paying attention to this?
  9. Have you tried listening to President Donald Trump's con-game statement from yesterday? Because if you did, and you have a brain in your head, it would be all you or anyone needs to know. But if you don't have a brain in your head, go ahead and post the comments of Judge Kavanaugh's growing list of accusers. You would be doing their work for them.
  10. I don't know who Michael Avanatti is or whom he represents. I keep things simple. This whole BS crossed over into Hoax last week and everything about this BS is a hoax. President Donald Trump called this BS a con-game (hoax) yesterday. President Trump is right. But all you people here are doing is validating the accusers by posting what they say and responses to what they sat. You're playing right into the accusers hands. You should be validating President Donald Trump's con-game (hoax) comments. Trump is right. You're playing right into their hands. You're responding to them. Exactly what they want. You need to take the lead. It's all a lie.
  11. If you add the people who swallow the Democratic narrative to the people who don't swallow the Democratic narrative but know that the Democratic narrative is working and they're glad that it's working, Republicans have a problem. Donald Trump nailed it yesterday when he framed all this BS as a con-game. Con-game, hoax, fraud, lie, scam - call it what you want but if you're not correctly identifying this BS as a con-game, hoax, fraud, lie, or a scam you're going to lose.
  12. See, what I'm doing is getting ahead of the accusations. Not responding to them. Because when you're responding to them you're losing. Thus, Hoax
  13. There's a word for the accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And that word is: Hoax When speaking with the media, Republicans need to use the word hoax over and over and over as it relates to Kavanaugh's accusers. Republicans need to print the word Hoax in plain black letters on white tee-shirts and wear them all over Washington, DC during the Kavanaugh confirmation process. They should also print the word Hoax in plain black letters on white signs and carry them when Kavanaugh's accuser(s) testify. Keep it simple.
  14. I could tell from the first Buffalo Bills offensive drive that the Vikings just didn't care anymore. The LA Rams are the class of the NFC, not the Minnesota Vikings, and the Minnesota Vikings know it.
  15. The Bills winning yesterday was no fluke. The Vikings aren't nearly as good as they thought they were. They learned that last weekend. The LA Rams are the class of the NFC - a status the Vikings thought they owned. The Vikings may have already thrown in the towel, IMHO. And the Vikings threw in the towel before yesterday's game with the Buffalo Bills.
  16. The Vikings were a pre-season NFL favorite to contend for the SB But the Vikings now know that the LA Rams are the real deal in both the NFC and the NFL. And the Vikings knew this before today's game. The Vikings have already quit. IMHO.
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