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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Ford's testimony was a schizophrenic mess. But I'm beginning to wonder whether psychologist Christine Ford knew her story had so many holes in it that she intentionally played the injured simpleton as a diversion. She seemed suspiciously too stupid.
  2. Ford's attorney instructing her how to raise her right hand to swear to tell the truth. OMG, Christine Ford is completely stupid.
  3. Christine Ford was not credible. She was in DE when her legal team said she was in CA and could not fly. Christine Ford didn't remember if she paid for the polygraph or not. If she paid for it she would have remembered writing a check or EFT. If she didn't do that than obviously she didn't pay for it. She also didn't know if the polygraph was video taped. She didn't remember when the polygraph was taken. She didn't remember if she shared her counseling notes with the Washington Post. Christine Ford is a nut-case. Hopefully her houseful of pet cats will give her comfort.
  4. His accuser what's-her-name Ford tanked earlier in the day. She's a total whack-job. Kavanaugh didn't really need to do anything impressive.
  5. Governor Andrew Cuomo looks really old and very tired.
  6. Almost 5:45 PM and I see no reason why any Republican Senator would/could vote against Kavanaugh based on what happened today. They should all support him. Confirmation should go through.
  7. ...because it's going on 5:30 and I suspect most people there are kind of hungry and they deliver to the US Senate so, you know, pizza.
  8. Wall Street financial markets closed up. Wall Street doesn't like instability. My sense is that if they saw instability re: Brett Kavanaugh's SC nomination the market would have gone down. Anecdotal.
  9. Ford ruined her own credibility earlier. Not much more for Kavanaugh to do
  10. Mitch McConnell is shrewd. He'll just tell Flake, Murkowski, and Collins that they'll have to publicly state why they oppose Kavanaugh. And it won't go over with the voting public. Your words: "...quite a few inconsistencies and very little if any corroborating evidence to support her case..." You are 100% correct. No way any Republican can vote against Kavanaugh. Not after today. The upcoming testimony of Kavanaugh is irrelevant.
  11. Mitchell raised enough doubt about Ford's claim that it would make it impossible for any Republican to vote against Kavanaugh.
  12. I don't see that at all. Ford provided nothing for any Republican to vote against Kavanaugh. When Ford has "quite a few inconsistencies and very little if any corroborating evidence to support her case" Kavanaugh should easily be confirmed.
  13. Agreed. She raised enough doubt for any Republican to vote against Kavanaugh. And that's what/all that matters.
  14. Initially, Ford was sympathetic. But she lacked corroborating evidence to this alleged incident that happened 36 years ago.
  15. Ford sounded confused too much of the time. Over really simple things. Does she have a lot of cats?
  16. It's after 2:00 PM and I still see no reason why/how any Republican Senator can vote against Brett Kavanaugh for USSC. Nothing heard today disqualifies him. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
  17. How can you not know whether (weather) you did or did not pay for a polygraph test?
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