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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Green Bay players have money on this game. I know it.
  2. Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is a complete fraud! Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the USSC.
  3. Q. What kind of car does a Democrat drive? A. A two-door Ford. Get it? A two-door Ford? Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford said she and her husband were in marriage counseling about needing two front doors on their house.
  4. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/holes-in-christine-blasey-fords-testimony-cast-doubt-that-brett-kavanaugh-was-her-assailant Holes in Christine Blasey Ford's testimony cast doubt that Brett Kavanaugh was her assailant
  5. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford couldn't remember if she paid for the July 2018 polygraph or not. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford couldn't remember if the July 2018 polygraph was videotaped. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford doesn't know what the word "exculpatory" means. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford doesn't remember where or when the July 2018 polygraph was administered. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford doesn't remember if she shared her therapist notes with the Washington Post or not in her July 2018 interview. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford said she doesn't like flying in an airplane but flies a lot in airplanes. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford doesn't know who is paying for her lawyers. - Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford claims the alleged 1982 sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh is "seared into her memory" but constantly had to review notes when testifying to the US Senate. Conclusion: Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is a complete FRAUD!
  6. The FBI only needs to talk with 4 to 5 supposed witnesses that Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford gave. Two of those witnesses, the main witnesses actually, have already swore under penalty of perjury that they know nothing of Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford's allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. So, their FBI interviews should take 10 minutes each. They'll just affirm what they already stated (or change what they already stated and go to jail as well as lose all credibility). That leaves 2 to 3 other second tier witnesses. Who have already stated that they can't verify Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford's allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. The FBI should be wrapping up their investigation by now. Maybe we have a confirmation vote for Brett Kavanaugh today.
  7. Benghazi involved an international event where Americans were killed. What we have here is an allegation about an event that may have happened - 36 years ago - between two teenagers. Psychologist- Actor Christine Ford gave the name of 4 to 5 witnesses. It won't take long to interview them at all. Two of them have already swore under oath that they don't know what Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is talking about. Likely they'll affirm what they already stated. That leaves 2 to 3 other supposed witnesses. How long can that take? Not long at all.
  8. I can't see this FBI investigation lasting more than 1/2 a day. It could be finished by noon Saturday. There's only 4 to 5 supposed witnesses to interview.
  9. Given the short list of supposed witnesses given by Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford, I can see this FBI investigation taking no more than a few hours. No?
  10. Psychologist-Actress Christine Ford seemingly couldn't remember a lot of things yesterday. She acted stupid and a lot of people fell for it.
  11. All I know is that Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is a liar and a fraud. Her sexual assault claim against Brett Kavanaugh is completely baseless. This is all a scam to delay Brett Kavanaugh's USSC approval by the Senate.
  12. Tiberius slipped up. He said viability when he should have said validity. There's no validity to Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford's sexual assault claim against Brett Kavanaugh. None. She proved that yesterday with her train-wreck testimony. But, there is viability. Viable in the political sense that the Democrats can use this lie as another delay for Brett Kavanaugh's Senate approval for the USSC. Face it. Tiberius. You F'd up.
  13. You should have said validity. Not viability. But you said viability. You just exposed yourself and this whole charade.
  14. Teenagers are known to water ski in the summer, aren't they?
  15. Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is a liar. After Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the USSC, Ford and the Democrats she worked with should be investigated by the Republicans for lying under oath.
  16. His high school years? When he was water skiing with Timmy? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
  17. Don't be so sure about all of that. Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford is no innocent pawn, IMHO. I initially fell for her act. I just thought she was not mentally competent. I've rethought that. A PhD in psychology and she acted like an innocent simpleton yesterday? No way!
  18. Because Psychologist-Actor Christine Ford's accusation against Brett Kavanaugh is baseless. Time to confirm Kavanaugh.
  19. It was an act. Psychologist Ford played everyone like a fiddle - to avoid legal trouble. Her accusation against Kavanaugh is completely baseless.
  20. Christine Ford's innocent, child-like, injured sounding testimony yesterday was an act. And she had to act like an innocent, child-like, injured witness. Because if she talked like a regular adult the Republicans would be filing ethics charges against the Democrats and Ford right now.
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