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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. I thought about how to phrase the question about another NFL team that would probably have fans in Albany but didn't want to mention them. I'll ask it like this: When you travel about 30 miles east from Albany and cross the nearby state border does it say "Welcome to Massachusetts*"? You know, with the asterisk? I always hear that the local channel there has to broadcast their games since their television signal goes deep in to New England! OMG, I said it!
  2. New York State Class 'AA' High School Football Rankings 10-08-2008 1 Orchard Park Quakers 2. North Tonawanda Lumberjacks 3 Monroe-Woodbury Crusaders 4 Schenectady Patriots 5 Minisink Valley Warriors 6 Saratoga Springs Blue Streaks 7 Binghamton Patriots 8 Lancaster Redskins 9 William Floyd Colonials 10 Gates-Chili Spartans
  3. 1 loss after going 4-0 but that one loss was by something like 24 points to the Cardinals. Also, the W-L record of the 4 teams that we barely beat is...really bad.
  4. P.S. I was on a business call from my office in Syracuse to some people in Albany today. It's all the "New York Giants this" or the "New York Giants that" with them. I mentioned the Bills. They were like "who?"
  5. If the Presidential election was a football game, you could say that the McCain team only showed up only with the special teams, the second team defense, and the offense of the Seattle Seahawks. If John McCain has an 'A' game, many of us McCain voters haven't seen it.
  6. We didn't even come close to stopping AZ! This bye-week came at the perfect time.
  7. You're right. 24 hours after the AZ loss I understand what the future could quite possibly hold for us.
  8. This year there's a $700 billion US government bailout. I do not trust Obama + Pelosi + Reid. Inexperience/lack of judgment Obama + nutjob Nancy Pelosi + narrow minded Liberal Harry Reid = The BEST reason to Vote for John McCain.
  9. I've never received a polling question on my land line. Most pollsters do call people on cell phones these days.
  10. Our defense giving up over 40 points is....we have been exposed.
  11. Could some Obama voters please respond to above? I'm honestly interested in your opinions, especially regarding the Bottom Line: part.
  12. Respectfully, but COMPLETELY disagree. Obama is an empty suit and his campaign kept him as far away from Washington DC as possible. "Call me if you need me" completely underscores how vacuous and inexperienced Barack Obama really is.
  13. You have my permission to investigate my IP address.
  14. Thanks! But why isn't John McCain making this argument? McCain should be beating the heck out of Obama with all of Obama's inexperience and weaknesses. But McCain isn't.
  15. OK, as a John McCain voter, I need to know why John McCain isn't making any of the above arguments?
  16. Oh, yeah! Does it concern anyone here that Barack "Call Me If You Need Me" Obama was absent during the whole bailout bill creation & negotiations? I mean, Obama has no financial experience that I know of. Bottom Line: Inexperienced Democrat Barack Obama + 19% approval rating Democratic congress + $700 billion US government bailout - (minus) any kind of Republican oversight = DISASTER!!
  17. As a John McCain voter, and also a critic of his feckless campaign, I estimate that either John McCain knows there's a major economic Depression coming that he doesn't want any part of, or they dug something up on Obma from the political slime of Chicago, thus allowing John McCain to take his campaigning relatively easy. Seriously.
  18. Thanks, but I'm not the only McCain voter who's noticed this. McCain's debate 1 performance left me baffled. He barely showed up! Perhaps McCain has some serious dirt on Obama. Obama is from the political cesspool capital of America - Chicago!
  19. Obama isn't qualified to run a Lemonade stand, much less oversee a $700 billion US government bailout. But, why isn't McCain making this statement?
  20. As a John McCain supporter I honestly have no idea why they're talking about Ayers! NO ONE CARES! Thing is, the McCain camp knows that no one cares. There's something very fishy about the McCain campaign. They go after Obama on really stupid stuff. Barack Obama is a bad Presidential candidate because his experience is limited to: 1. 130 "Present" votes in the Illinois State Legislature. 2. 150 days in the US Senate before deciding to run for President. 3. Selected a VP running mate who said three times that Obama is not prepared to be President. 4. Selected a VP running mate who said that Obama should have perhaps selected Hillary Clinton, instead, to be his VP running mate. 5. Obama has NO record of substantive "change" in his political record. 6. Obama has NO examples of his leadership skills. 7. Obama voted AGAINST the Surge. An obvious wrong vote. Obama has bad judgment AND when the opportunity for effectuating positive "change" in Iraq was presented to Obama he voted against it. So much for the "change" candidate. 8. A prospective McCain Treasury Secretary Mitt Romney should be out campaigning with John McCain. Romney would eat Obama for lunch. Obama had nothing to do with crafting and negotiating the US government financial bailout. Obama's handlers wouldn't let Obama anywhere near the process. Obama has NO CLUE as to what was going on. Romney could easily expose teleprompter Obama for the empty suit that he really is. The McCain campaign should be HAMMERING Obama with above issues - but they don't. Instead they talk about Ayers and other useless crap! Why? Like what I posted before in another thread - "Naked People Have Little Or No Influence On Society." - Mark Twain. Obama is naked but the McCain campaign, for some inexplicable reason, don't point it out. Something very fishy about McCain's campaign.
  21. Politics 101: Define Your Opponent. McCain's blown opportunities to exploit Obama as an inexperienced, poor judgment Presidential candidate is completely baffling. Barack Obama has given the McCain campaign many tools to beat Obama over the head with but McCain inexplicably does nothing. Makes me wonder if McCain has.....uh, never mind.
  22. I'll say it again: -Three weeks ago Obama had to have a meeting with Biden because Biden said some things regarding Obama's ad about McCain not being computer savvy, coal plants in Ohio, and Biden speaking his mind way too much. The meeting Obama decided to have with Biden was public knowledge. What's the McCain campaign response? Nothing.- If it was McCain having to have a meeting with Palin because Palin publicly disagreed with McCain and the Republicans looked like the keystone cops that Obama and Biden did, what would you have done? Would you have done absolutely nothing like McCain did? Or would you exploit it?
  23. Marv Levy receiving his Hall Of Fame ring. That brought it all home.
  24. Three weeks ago Obama had to have a meeting with Biden because Biden said some things regarding Obama's ad about McCain not being computer savvy, coal plants in Ohio, and Biden speaking his mind way too much. The meeting Obama decided to have with Biden was public knowledge. What's the McCain campaign response? Nothing. What should have the McCain campaign have done? They should have exploited it, trying to separate Biden from Obama and showing the American voting public that Obama was not presidential material. Divide and conquer. McCain was actually ahead of Obama in the polls at the time. Barack Obama is running in this election against George Bush and John McCain's association with George Bush. John McCain is......I don't know/understand what the F he's doing! Obama is a target-rich opponent for John McCain but McCain is doing squat! That's why McCain lost the debate - he never called Obama on the carpet for Obama's NO experience and Obama's obvious bad judgment.
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