Well, right now the Giants are defending Super Bowl Champions. Both Eli Manning and Peyton Manning have SB rings. When is the Vince Lombardi trophy ever going to arrive in Buffalo?
I hate this time of year!!
Bush asked former La Governor Kathleen Blanco (D) if she needed federal assistance - twice. She turned him down - twice.
La Governor Kathleen Blanco (D) issued a formal "Shoot To Kill" order and dispatched La National Guard troops into African-American areas of New Orleans.
That's why La now has a Republican governor.
I remember going to bars when I was in the 10th grade. I completely wasted my time in high school because I was drinking or stoned. Same thing for many of my friends, too.
I was six months out of high school when I had to quit smoking cigarettes because I was always sick and coughing my lungs out.
I don't have kids but I see my nieces and nephews living much healthier and productive teenage years than I did. They probably drink & indulge in drugs now and then but nothing like back in the 70s & early 80s. It's simply not available.
I'd much rather be a college freshman drinking shots in the dorm than a habitual cigarette smoking high school sophomore alcoholic & burnout.
In Wisconsin you could be 16 and drink legally in a restaurant/bar if you are accompanied by an adult. DWI checkpoints are illegal in Wisconsin.
I read this in a NY Times article about a month ago.
When I was growing up the drinking age here in NYS was 18. Buying beer at the age of 16 was very common. ID checks back then were rare. It was easy to use someone else's drivers license, or actually change the date of birth on your own. They didn't have photos on them.
You and society are a lot better off with a 21 minimum drinking age.
Trent Edwards is an average QB at best. And will never being anything better than average. I thought he played horribly today and has NO leadership skills/abilities.
Sarah Palin - Uninformed BABE!
Caroline Kennedy - Yellow teeth, shriveled face skin, flat chested, horrible gait & posture, babbling, HOPELESS DUNCE! Kennedy family full of crooks and killers!!
Caroline Kennedy is so intellectually-challenged she toured Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo in a matter of 10 hours. She stayed one step ahead of the questions from the media because she sounds like a total (I'm being kind when I say) bore when she talks.
Her aides wouldn't let her take questions in Syracuse. What does that tell you??
OK, Caroline Kennedy is NOT well spoken. She sounds like a 10th grade girl from Kentucky! She was on Meet The Press back in July after she endorsed Barack Obama for President and she sounded like a dork. Not the only time she sounded like that, too!
She does not "understand how to deal with the press"! Her aides wouldn't let her talk to the press today here in Syracuse!!!
WAKE UP!!!!!!
Schobel needs surgery on his NFL career. He needs to surgically remove himself from any Ralph Wilson owned NFL team and find another owner who wants to WIN!
You sure about that? I mean with the Giants training camp in Albany and winning the SB last year? When ever I go to Albany it's like people there have no idea who the Bills even are.
AlbanyBill/BuffaloWings - do you two mind if I ask a question?
I can understand the Buffalo Bills lack of fan base in Albany because of the Giants.Jets (and even the Pats) fans but why aren't there more Syracuse University football & basketball fans in Albany?
I can go to Buffalo, Rochester, and Binghamton and find TONS of SU fans in each city. But not at all in Albany. Albany is equidistant from Syracuse that Buffalo is.
Any ideas?
Since Albany area fans are forced to watch Buffalo Bills games in bars you should select a bar as close to the U-Albany Giants training camp as possible.
We need to drink what ever the Giants are drinking.
And bring some of it back to Buffalo!
Buffalo Bills fans watching games in Albany area bars, while Jets.Giants fans watch their games in the comfort of their own homes is a depressing thought.