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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. Don't forget President Barack "Lost Decade" Obama. I never thought I'd say this: I admire the Presidency of Bill Clinton. 39 days of President Obama is already starting to make President Bush look better, too.
  2. Bottom Line: World financial markets aren't impressed with Obama or Geitner.
  3. Wrong! -And- Obama is now in charge and things are actually getting worse.
  4. You forgot to mention that financial markets TANK every time Obama or Geitner open their mouths.
  5. Uh, you spelled something wrong. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/14/world/mi...4iraq.html?_r=1 BAGHDAD — A suicide bomber hiding explosives under her garments killed 35 Shiite pilgrims south of Baghdad on Friday who were walking in an annual procession to the holy city of Karbala that has often been a target of extremists. Many of the dead were women and children. -Not only are Muslims decapitating each other, they blow each other up. Women and children on their way to pray.-
  6. Hindus meditate. Muslims decapitate.
  7. Luckily for us Kennedy had Eisenhower giving him counsel throughout the CMC. A LOT of counsel. Kennedy was ****ing in his pants.
  8. -And- 4) How much did Obama's inauguration cost the US tax payer? 5) How much did it cost the US tax payer for Obama to travel to Indiana to promote the Bill? 6) How much did it cost the US tax payer for Obama to travel to Florida to promote the Bill?
  9. ...AND his daughter Caroline is a brain dead dolt!
  10. Re: FDR. http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/belie...ticle?oid=49674 "In the immediate aftermath of the second World War, President Harry Truman was stunned to find that record numbers of 19-year-old draftees were rejected because of malnourishment during their formative years, which happened to be during the Great Depression."
  11. Kelly - Get a LIFE!
  12. Jim Kelly is a...former QB who talks too much. I wish he would go away. Every time I see him I am reminded of how he lost SB XXV for us.
  13. We have a QB Trent Edwards that will never get us to the playoffs. We have an owner Ralph Wilson that will never get us to the playoffs.
  14. And isn't Obama an even BIGGER retard and idiot than Bush is because Obama learned nothing from Bush's bad judgment? Not to mention that Obama hires tax cheats to fill his cabinet.
  15. If Bush is a retard and idiot for doing something and now Obama is doing it, isn't Obama a retard and idiot, too?
  16. Gene Okerlund: "You know, Honky, you bear a strong resemblance to the late Elvis Presley." Honky Tonk Man: "I don't know who you're talking about. Never heard of the man."
  17. Good question! Something funny: Barack Obama's half-brother's name is GEORGE (Bush). Something funnier: George was arrested this week in Kenya for possession of marijuana. Something hilarious: George lives in a Kenyan SHANTYTOWN! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha................................
  18. Imagine if you're a Republican living in Buffalo. City Mayor: African-American State Governor: African-American President: African-American Party Chairman: African-American Interesting times!
  19. Most people didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was simply because they didn't remember it. I didn't! It was a set up 'gotcha' question by Gibbs. Caroline Kennedy faced no such questions. She was NOT grilled!!! When Palin did falter in her interviews the liberal MSM were all over her like vultures. Not with Kennedy. They whitewashed everything and made every excuse in the book for Caroline.
  20. Sabotage = Charlie Gibson condescendingly looking down his glasses at Palin and asking her what the "Bush Doctrine" is. Did anyone in the MSM ask Caroline "Um, Uh, You Know" Kennedy a question like that? No! They wouldn't dare expose Caroline for the brain-dead dolt that she is. Palin was not ready for prime time. Caroline Kennedy will NEVER be ready for prime time.
  21. True. And what's more amazing about the liberals is that Caroline "Um, Uh, You Know" Kennedy exposed herself to be a brain dead idiot and the liberal MSM gave her a pass.
  22. She votes with Democrats over 90% of the time. Dartmouth College undergraduate. UCLA Law School. Anything that pisses off NYC democrats makes me happy. She has the state-wide backing of Governor Paterson and, most importantly, Senator Schumer. She's from Albany. So take a guess as who her favorite NFL team is. Not likely the Bills. Caroline Kennedy made a complete jack-ass of herself.
  23. Oh, yeah. I love how the liberal MSM completely gives Caroline "Um, Uh, You Know" Kennedy the benefit-of-the-doubt. They totally cover up for her. She's lived a sheltered life for a reason. Every time she publicly opens her mouth she makes it apparent just how mentally challenged she is. Her mother was the same way, but not quite as bad.
  24. Caroline Kennedy is a brain-damaged dolt! She has made a complete fool of herself and worse, made Governor Paterson look like a fool, too. The supposed personal issues causing her withdraw is a total ruse. I bet that Gov Paterson had no intention of appointing her to the US Senate so to save face she withdrew citing personal reasons. Withdrawing for personal reasons sounds better than being rejected for the job. If I am wrong and Governor Paterson did want her to be US Senator then Paterson has lousy judgment and Paterson shouldn't be Governor much longer. Caroline "Um, Uh, You Know" Kennedy has the intelligence of a 8 year old. Caroline "Um, Uh, You Know" Kennedy had no business seeking an appointment to the US Senate.
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