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Everything posted by PearlHowardman

  1. No other NFL team wanted him. TO knew no other team wanted him so he signed with Buffalo.
  2. SMOKING Hot!! Chelsea Clinton is PIG UGLY!!!
  3. Tell you what, growing up and living here in Syracuse the Bills are our "borrowed" team but if the SU football program ever gets going you won't find a fan here for any NFL team.
  4. I got the shivers when I saw that Patriots* neon sign. Seriously!
  5. Actually, Utica west is SOLID Bills fans!
  6. Driving south of Saratoga on Route 9 last summer I drove by a bar. The bar had a NE Patriots* neon light in the window. A Patriots Bar? In New York?
  7. FACT: Barack Obama STILL doesn't open his mouth without his teleprompter. FACT: Republican women and their daughters are HOT! You want discourse? You're a LOSER!
  8. If that's the best that anyone can say about 35 year old TO then I now feel even worse!
  9. Why would Edwards, or anyone else, get excited about signing a player that no other team in the NFL wanted?
  10. Great post. I like what you have in Round 4 especially!
  11. If TO is projected to be so productive why did no other team in the NFL want him?
  12. Which is why no other team in the NFL wanted him.
  13. Absolutely no other NFC East team was interested in TO. That tells me everything I want to know!
  14. According to who? I was listening to ESPN radio yesterday. They were mentioning team-after-team-after-team that DID NOT WANT TERRELL OWEN!!!!!
  15. It's a (only) one year contract. He's 35. No other NFL team wanted him. Fans of all the other NFL teams are breathing a sigh of relief that they didn't get him. But Bills fans here are excited (?).
  16. More tee-shirt sales? Ralph Wilson laughing (at us) all the way to the bank, again!
  17. Actually, all he wants to do is make money. He's 35. No other NFL team wanted him.
  18. And on the back of the shirt it should say: "Because No Other NFL Team Wanted Me"
  19. I just don't understand the excitement over TO. What other NFL team wanted him? Certainly no one in the NFC East!
  20. Increase taxes. Double the deficit. Kill business optimism. Inspire no leadership confidence. Bring in Rush Limbagh as a distraction. All in less than 45 days for President Obama.
  21. Meanwhile, uh, the world economy is dissolving under the economic aegis of President Obama! That's what I'm paying attention to.
  22. Nothing changes with the Buffalo Bills until Ralph Wilson is no longer the team owner. Nothing!
  23. Nothing changes for the Buffalo Bills as long as Ralph Wilson is the team owner. Nothing!
  24. Nothing changes with the Buffalo Bills until Ralph Wilson is no longer the team owner. Nothing!
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