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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. In his career with the Bills, Peters made ONE mistake that brings his work ethic into question...a big one, I'll grant you, but only one: Holding out.


    He has never been anything other than the ultimate team player until that holdout, last year.

    There have been work ethic and character,or maybe I should say desire,questions about Peters since he was in college. He is a freakish athelete in a huge body that could be a great LT if he decides that he wants to be great. Holding out with 3 years left on your contract because you made your first Pro Bowl,then showing up and playing average at best just adds to those questions. I would want to see more consistency,in performance and attitude,before I would give him a fat extension.

  2. I like the white helmet with the charging buffalo also. The thing I hate about the throwbacks is the shade of blue. I think its ugly as hell. The navy looks way better. Back when they wore that ugly-ass blue it was hard to find decent looking merchandise to wear. The sweatshirts and hats were all that same sick color. In navy all the gear looks cool. The 70's white helmet,navy blue jersey and white pants w/navy stripe would be a good look,IMO.

  3. I used to watch boxing all the time. I even seen a few fights live. I have to admit though, UFC is really starting to take over that kind of sport. I have a bad feeling boxing will no longer be around. I hope I am wrong. I love guys standing toe to toe throwing punches. But the more violent the sport the more fans like it.

    The UFC style of fighting has also opened up the sport to a lot more athletes. High scool and collegiate wrestlers as well as martial artists now have a high profile,professional sport to take their talents to. This will help to continue it's growth long into the future,IMO.

  4. The outcome was a HUGE surprise to me. I picked Margarito in 6. Never would have thought Mosely could knock him out. Up to this point Margarito has had a chin like no other. Alot of fighters with the rep of a great chin actually bend at the waist and pull their head away from the punch as its thrown,negating it's power. Duran,in his prime,was great at it. But if you were able to catch him flush,you could hurt him. Margarito is more like Julio Cesar Chavez or Marvin Hagler in that they don't evade the punch,they just take it and keep coming. They really do seem to have a super-human ability to take a direct blow to the head and stay upright and functioning. I've seen Mosely fight a number of times and I know he's good,but this one shocked me.

  5. Man that's a good story. I went thru a similar thing with my 2 Queensland Heelers a few years back. It's hard to tell when "it's time". Only difference was they were both 18 years old. Doesn't make it any easier tho. Dogs really become members of the family. Gonna have a talk with my wife,I never noticed before,but this house is damn dusty.

  6. Over the years I've read enough quotes from Smith to make me believe he is a jackass. He seems to always take unnessesary swipes at people through the media. It may be time to move LT,but there's no reason to mock the man publicly. And like I said,this ain't the first time he's done this. As the article said,he's a "pompous blowhard".

  7. Good news. Buddy is back where he belongs.


    I have a feeling that AJ is a tough guy to get along with.

    Good news that Nix is returning,I think he's a good scout. It sure seems like Smith is an ass. I heard today that he was publicly mocking LT about the possibility of him being traded.

  8. I am not out by a long shot. Am I even in? Who really cares? I just don't get all worked up. Okay, maybe I do... So what, life is about passion. Heck, even if the game is being televised, sometimes I follow it on the sat radio (muted) or the internet/cell phone... Sometimes not even a glance... Even if it is a big game. Yet, I always check and see what happened and analyize the game. Same thing with the Sabres... Sometimes I do watch and even if I do, I just go about my normal business... Whatever I am doing to run my life. Again, I always follow what happens. Winning and losing doe not distract from my life.


    What I am saying is that you can multi-task taking in games... I have been doing it for years... Every Sabre and Bills game... Winning or losing. There really is no emotional attachment to that. Ya, the nevousness is a little ramped up during say a big hockey or playoff game (both football and hockey). I will go to games in BFLO as I will go to out of town games. I won't go to the January 14th Chicago BlackHawks game becuase now most of the seats are hard to get and too expensive... They (home games) are all on TV anyway now since old man Wirtz kicked the bucket/bought the farm.


    I just never understood the physical attachment to the games. I do understand the emotional attachment. As you all know I live near Chicago. A couple of years ago one of my son's friend's father (also a strange Cubs' fan) got all unhinged because I offered to do a tour of where I work for my son's Cub Scout pack... Right smack dab in the middle of the Bills-Bears game... He was a Bear's fan. It was a great tour! Not so great game for the Bills. The guy was still bitter he missed it live even though Rex Grossman and the Bears romped. I can't figure it out but some people become comatose during a game. What, you can't do something else?


    And yes... I don't care if the team is winning or losing. I don't know why people get so worked up. It is not all or nothing.


    I care just as much, but life doesn't have to stop physically and emotionally. I don't understand what all the whining is about. IMHO, it is not about being "out" or "in"... WTF?? I know when the games are on, again both Sabres (82 games) and Bills (16 games).


    So what... They win which is GREAT... Ya, and if they lose... Oh well.


    I don't know what all the fuss is about. :huh: :huh:


    Just my 2 cents.

    That's a great post. Sums up my feelings exactly. What I can't understand is why some here seem to get angry at people like us for not being bitter.

  9. All Leonhard does is make plays. He's always around the ball either getting an INT or picking up a fumble or returning a punt. HE did the same stuff for Buffalo even with our crummy front 7. Not sure why he was not resigned. It is stupid. Clearly he's a difference maker.

    You're right on with this. He was exactly the same in college. Doesn't have the measurables,just shows up on gameday. Big mistake to let him go.

  10. The owners interviewed their PLAYERS and the players said they don't trust Gruden and do not think they can win with him. Gruden was so blindsided that he just hired a coordinator FROM THE LIONS (what an idiot) 2 hours before he got canned...


    Gruden did nothing but ruin a powerhouse, lose his players, and run the best players out of town in TB...


    Losing record over his last 6 seasons

    Players don't like him or trust him and voted him out

    Only had back to back winning seasons once in 7 years (this year and last year, and missed playoffs this year)

    9-3 then loses 4 straight, including last one against Raiders where a win gets him in playoffs, to miss playoffs

    Give him lots of personnel power when they hire him...wind up with terrible drafts and poor Free Agencies

    Never developed a QB in Oakland or TB

    Mismanaged his QB's worse than Buffalos handling of JP


    Yet, everyone is clamoring for this overrated guy...lmao...

    Wow. Pretty eye-opening stuff. I hadn't followed him closely since he left the Raiders. I had always liked him when he was here in Oakland,thought Al Davis made a mistake in letting him get away. The W-L record really surprises me,I always thought of him as a winning coach. If Jauron flops again next year I would still consider him but be very cautious.

  11. Offensive line play until the last few games, and lack of a real pass rushing DE

    were are biggest problems.


    Trent was a victim of poor o-line play, shoddy defense and some questionable play

    calling after the 5-1 start.


    Get a DE, TE, DB and center and this team may be in the playoffs next year.

    I agree with you on most of your points,but Trent played HORRIBLE at times when the line played well. That's what concerns me about him. He also appears to be injury prone.

  12. Again, you are following the flawed logic that has consumed this team for the past ten years. There are not many Franchise QB's in this league as it is yet you want to discard every guy after 20 or so starts if they don't "look like a franchise QB". That's not how you build a team.

    I never said we should discard Trent. He should just not be handed the starting job. As I said in previous posts,he showed flashes,but not enough to where he doesn't need to compete for the job. SD had Brees,yet they still drafted Rivers. Trent needs to WIN this job. If he could manage games and give a consistent level of play,the way Flacco has in Batimore we wouldn't be having this conversation. But he hasn't been able to do that.

  13. Sold for how long? I am sure that they plan to enter 09 with Trent as the starter. There is no reason not to.

    There is no reason not to? After the 5-1 start,Trent sucked. He didn't just "struggle at times" or "have a tough stretch",he sucked. Even during the 5-1 stretch he was inconsistent. Poor starts and struggling against blitzes followed by some nice late game comebacks,he showed promise but has MUCH more to prove before we can call him a franchise QB. The poor play at the QB position was the single biggest reason we missed the playoffs. Not DE,not C,not TE not even the coaching staff.QB. IMO we need to bring in somebody and have a true open competition for the starting QB position. If Trent wins the job,great,if not we move on with a new starter.

  14. I am amazed at the amount of time and energy some people here use to rip another poster down without ever addressing the real issue here. Are the Bills totally sold on TE as the franchise QB or not? I hope not. I hope the FO brings in a veteran or high draft pick to really compete for the QB position. Not just a career backup,but a guy that could realistically compete for the starting job. I'm not sold on TE,and I think he needs to win the job,not have it handed to him. Regardless of whether Alphadawg knows Cassels family or not,his post brings up a legitimate point worth discussing.

  15. Oakland and SF- both play in stadiums made for baseball, Suck. Candlestick has very narrow hallways.

    Candlestick is also a NIGHTMARE to get out of after a game. I know not many agree with me on this,but I like the Oakland Colisseum. Easy getting to and from the stadium,decent facilities and food and good views of the field,even from Mount Davis. My only complaint would be they could use a few more restrooms.

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