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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. The other day, most of us sounded off on the Guy on Billszone who claimed he has an inside source at one bills drive that gave him the scoop on our team's offseason plans. I plan on holding this guy accountable. I'm going to go down his checklist throughout this offseason to see how many he gets right. Should be fun. My favorite is when he said we were going to make Albert Haynesworth the highest paid player in the league.


    Here's a reminder of the Bills zone Nostradamus guy:


    1. The Bills number one target in free agency is Albert Haynesworth.

    2. The Bills second target is Jeff Saturday.

    3. Peters isn't going anywhere. He didnt play at the end of last season because he really was hurt...nothing to do with contract issues.

    4.The scouts really like Rey Maualuga and dont be suprised if hes our first round pick and we move Posluszny to the outside.

    5.Bo Scafie is on the radar of the Bills as well. So is Owen Daniels but he is an RFA and looks to be a pipe dream.

    6. No Chance we re-sign Jabari Greer.

    7. The Bills are either going to go LB round 1 and DE round 2 (They like the kid from UCONN) or DE round 1 LB round 2.

    8. Chris Simms is going to be brought in as our back up QB most likely.

    9. Mark Sanchez picked 1 overall to the Lions

    So what are you gonna do if he's wrong? Go over to his house and kick his ass?
  2. :lol::lol:


    Another thread to bring in a WR not was never much to begin with, all hype, and in no way better than Reed. If you want to bring in a Housh, Boldin, etc. that is an upper end player, then great. But to bring in some bumb like this guy, Porter, Williams, B. Johnson, etc. is just dumb. They are NOT upgrades over reed and will potentially slow down the development of our young guys like Johnson.


    There is NO positive to bringing in players like this. There is a reason they are cut. In fact, this isnt the first time for most of these bumbs to either be cut or just chosen not to be resigned by their teams...they are not any good...

    I don't think the poster said he definitely wants to sign him,he just thinks he's worth taking a look at. There's a need on this team for a veteran #2 or #3 type reciever on this team,IMO. And what the hell is a "bumb" anyway?

  3. In addition to Amani Toomer here is another guy I would take a look at once free agency starts on a possible 1-2 year deal if the price is right. He had pretty good numbers in 2006-2007. With a shaky QB situation in Oakland and knee surgery prior to the season didn't post good numbers this past year. However, with a change in scenery and possibly getting healthy again might be worth investigating.





    Was a pretty good player before the injuries. If I'm not mistaken I think he has torn his achilles twice. Not sure if you can ever fully recover from that sort of injury.

  4. I know alot of you guys might disagree with me on this but hear me out. Lynch grew up in a real rough environment,the projects in Oakland,from what I've read. When you grow up around that it's almost impossible to quickly separate yourself from it. I was raised in a somewhat similar situation here in South Stockton. Not as rough as Marshawns upbringing in Oakland but somewhat similar. When everyone around you is doing drugs,stealing and getting involved in other illegal activities it warps your perception of what's acceptable behavior. Even if your own home and family is straight and moral it's still tough to live up to the behavioral expectations of those not from a similar environment. Of the guys I hung with in my high school days only a few of us went on to lead productive,"normal" lives. The rest are dead or have been in and out of prison and generally have crappy lives. It takes years to slowly separate yourself from that life,and Marshawns only 22. My feeling on Lynch is that he is basically a good kid who's going thru that process under a microscope. I'm not saying that every thing he's doing is right,only that I think I understand it and I'm rooting for him. I hope that he can find that separation quickly enough that he doesn't ruin his career.

  5. I dont know how many of you watched the Cotto fight but I am convinced he did this to Cotto.


    Cotto started out whipping his tail but as the fight went on you could see Margarito landing these "thudding" blows that just wore him down and took the life out of him......


    The thing is.....Cotto has never withered in a fight like that before

    That's right. I picked Cotto to win,but Margaritos power,or maybe it was the horseshoes in his gloves,changed that whole fight. Cotto consistently beat him to the punch in the early going but was a bloody mess by the end.

  6. Sadly yes. I spent several years living in Lemoore before moving to Roseville. Folks think they know fog don't know sh-- unless they've driven through Tule fog in the middle of the night. I'm now in the Dallas area.

    I'm in Stockton and I have family all thru the Valley,including Lemoore. The difference between Lemoore and other towns at the southern end of the Valley and Stockton is the nighttime temperatures. Stockton sits on the edge of the San Joaquin Delta so every night it cools down. A little farther south and it stays hot all night long in the summer. And you ain't kidding about the fog,it gets real thick at times. Overall tho,the Valley really is a pretty good place to live,no matter what these surveys say.

  7. A neighbor of mine works for a big chemical company and they send him to China periodically on buisness. He stays a couple weeks at a time and has told me the workers there are treated almost like slaves. He said alot of the factories there build big empty warehouses next to their facilities to house the workers. Partitions are set up,like cubicles,inside the warehouse and hundreds of familys live in there. Miserable exsistence. That's where so many of our manufacturing jobs have gone.

  8. Yes, I'm pretty excited for this LSU class to come in. Reuben Randle, Craig Loston, and Russell Shepard all will see good playing time as freshman.

    Russell Shepard looks like he will be a stud in a year or 2.

  9. QB is the MOST IMPORTANT position on a football team. The Bills have a THIRD YEAR vet that has not proven anything but the fact he can't stay healthy, & the Chroise at that position. I will grant you the Bills are weak at a NUMBER of positions & the coaching SUCKS, but QB has to be the weakest because it is the most important position.

    I agree that quaterback play was the single biggest factor in our second half collapse last year. But I do think Trent has talent and may yet be the answer there. I don't see anyone at DE capable of helping this team. We need to add at least 2 players (draft or FA) at DE in hopes of finding a pass rush IMO.

  10. i have yet to hear one work about what Peters is asking for. But, I'm sure he will ask for far more than he should get. He's in a tough spot, though.


    As for his work ethic, it has been perfect, in Buffalo (as far as I know) until the holdout. Why do you decide to think that his "true spots" are the holdout rather than the several years of good service?

    I'm probably just less trusting of these pro athletes in general. I'm a big college fan and I had heard of Peters question marks long before he was a Bill. Maybe because of that I'm a little prejudiced against him. I would just be afraid that if we gave him a big extension he would pull the same crap again in a year or 2,and never live up to his potential. He seems like the kind of guy to get a pocket full of money and never have the fire to excel.

  11. The idea that you can get halfway decent LT play for 1-2 Mil is absurd.


    I think 6 mil per year is a reasonable number. I would, if it is possible, put in every possible monetary disincentive for holding out, missing TC, etc...even if it costs a few more dollars, in the long run. I would also put incentives, bonuses and elevators that allow him to make elite LT money, for elite play.

    I agree with you that 6 mil,with strong disincentives as well as incentives,would be a reasonable number for Peters. The problem is,as the poster you're responding to said,he's allegedly asking for much more than that. That's where the hold out and questions of work ethic/desire going back to his college days become relevant,IMO. Some tigers never change their stripes.

  12. The 3-4 isn't necessarily "easier" to stock. Finding a monstrous NT thats actually good is a herculean task. Then you need to find 2 large DEs that can hold their line at the point of attack. If the line gets knocked back in a 3-4, those LBs don't stand much of a chance against the opposition OL.


    My overall point is that you can with various defenses, and i dont think that 1 particular defense is "easier" to stock than any other. Most defenses rely on 2-3 outstanding players for that defense to be great. And i dont care too much about what type of base defense we run. I'm more concerned with the coaching staff fitting a scheme around the players you have rather than forcing their scheme on everyone else. The Bills problem wasn;t choosing to run the cover-2. the Bills problem was finding great talent to successfully run the cover-2.

    Great points. It's very hard to find effective NFL NT's. Most guys coming out of the draft (like Ted Washington) take several years to develop. For the Tampa 2 to be effective you need your D-line to consistently get pressure on the QB. The Bills just don't have the front 4 to run an effective cover 2.

  13. Woodley played DE at Michigan. He never played LB,and he was a little undersized to play DE in the NFL. He also wasn't as fast as undersized DE's who've had success in the NFL,like say Freeny. Having said all that,he was very productive at Michigan and made lots of plays due to his relentless attitude and hustle.

  14. Why not make Lynch your posterboy then?? He had more offseason issues and is his play really probowl level? Let's trade Lynch too. For that matter why don't we add Evans to the trade list? Why does Peters have a questionable work ethic? has this been said by anyone on the team .. the people who would know? As for character did the Bills not say during his holdout that Jason is a stand up guy?


    This focus on Peters is BS. Like it or not he is the most solid player on our line and among the top in the NFL. We need him retained and focused. Get the contract done and move on. The Bills have cap room.

    I'm not making a posterboy out of Lynch,Peters or anybody else. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Read my reply to the poster above. I would like Peters retained and focused as well. Peters lack of focus is what worries me. The way for Peters to get an extension is to show up,work hard and perform well. Consistently.Then he should get an extension.

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