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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. And that's a BS assumption. I know more then a few people that would go back to smoking it if it wasn't for drug testing at their employer....


    I'd put money on the fact that more people would smoke it. (and I'm not arguing the merits of that link at all as I haven't read it.)

    Employers could still drug test. Making it legal wouldn't make it mandatory to smoke.

  2. People keep on saying that he has "character issues" or that he is not a "team guy."


    Where in the world do you get that from?!? The guys on the team love him. The only thing he did was use the only leverage he had to try to re-work his deal. He did not rip the team like Boldin has done with the Cards or other players have done with their teams when they wanted to re-work deals.


    I have said this before -- if you have any doubt about Jason Peter's worth to this team, watch the Giants game from 2007 and compare how the Bills protected the QB before he got hurt and after he got hurt. The whole game turned on us at that moment in time.

    His problems concerning his character and attitude when he was in college were well known. That's one of the reasons he went undrafted,even though his raw talent was no secret. I guess you could say that's just hearsay or that people change,but to me his actions seem to show a pattern of behavior that directly affect the team.

  3. Little kids taking a shower with his grandmother,he points to her bush and asks "what's that gramma?"She replies "that's my beaver." Couple weeks later same kids showering with his mom. He points to her bush and says "I know what that is! That's your beaver!" Mom says "that's right,but how do you know that?" Kid says "cuz gramma told me. Except I think hers is dead,cuz his tounge is hanging out."

  4. It's too bad we didn't simply rework his contract last year or the year before:


    March 2007: Bills re-sign Chris Kelsay to ridiculous 4 year, $23 million contract.

    August 2007: Bills tear up last 3 years of Aaron Schobel's contract and give him 5 year $50 million contract to assure he's the highest paid D lineman on the Bills. Said Schobel "Obviously, I had three years left on my deal so they didn't have to do anything ..."

    March 2007: Bills sign Derrick Dockery to 7 year $49 million contract.

    Subsequently, Jason Peters continues to play under the 5 years $15 million contract he was given after being promoted to right offensive tackle over Mike Williams.


    January 2008: Peters is selected to the Pro Bowl.


    The Bills do nothing.


    January 2009: Peters selected to a second Pro Bowl.


    March 2009: Dockery is cut.

    Why the preferential treatment for Schobel and the stiffing of Peters?


    Every time I post this the thread dies out, except for VABillsfan who says it's racist. Is everyone going to continue to ignore this issue...

    I think even if Peters had been given a new contract at that time he would be demanding more by now anyway. He's a guy who has had desire and motivation issues dating back to his college days and it looks to me like he hasn't changed. His character is one reason that,even though he was a freakish athlete,he wasn't drafted. I think he'll always be a problem and an underacheiver and should be traded now while his stock is high.

  5. Why are we wasting time? Who is pre screening these Free Agents before they are scheduled? Are the Bills and the "inner circle" scaring them away after they meet with them?


    Why would a free agent (or Bills)even waste their time if the $$ where not talked about BEFORE the visit?


    The Bills seem to be using a VERY strange method to shop for Free Agents or there are a lot more problems than we see as Fans.

    I've wondered the same thing myself. It seems they are bringing in lots of people but not making offers (that we know of). But we need to let it play out. I believe by the end of the free agency proccess we will have improved ourselves at C,G,LB, WR and maybe DE. Not sure which players will be signed or when,but I do think that's how it will shake out.

  6. My question to some would be-Why do you remain so pessimistic? I love football and the Bills are my favorite team,but really if they lose it has no effect on the big picture of my life as long as I don't let it. Like everyone else,I feel a little down after a loss but I quickly put that aside and start thinking about the positives that can come next Sunday. Sports are supposed to be for my entertainment and enjoyment. If I start to let them bum me out,I need to do something else with my time.

  7. It's still possible to get help from FA's this year. If we end up signing Simmons,either June or Keiaho and pick up one of the WRs that are avaliable (Holt,Galloway,Harrison,Owens,etc.) it would significantly help the team. That would give us upgrades at C,G,LB and WR and we still would have the draft coming up. That would be a pretty good offseason IMO. Free agency is playing out a little differently this year. Teams seem to be laying back and not overpaying as much for the mid-level guys.

  8. Our eggs are in the basket of Edwards,

    Well you are correct on this point. Signing Fitzpatrick shows that to be a fact. He will be no threat to take Trents job. I hope a mid round pick is used to bring in a QB that could at least make Trent have to win the job. Maybe Pat White or Rhett Bomar.

  9. The Bills need a real,legitimate #2 reciever. We don't have one now. A guy that can take the constant double teams away from Lee,and burn'em when they don't. Reed is a nice #3 guy and nothing more. Johnson and Hardy have great potential,but neither one of them are at the stage of their development where opposing D's need to worry about them. Bring in Coles,or a similar reciever and Trent will look much better next year.

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