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Old German Woman

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    Ova here. In da Kitchen!

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  1. I've lurked around TBD for a long time now and read a lot of the things on the PPP board. I've been amazed on how polarized posters are. It seems like there's an argument for every thing. That said, I'd be very interested to hear how you all see what America's future will be like. Do you think we're all f'd? Do you think we'll finally come together as a nation? What is your opinion on the future of this great country? I'm not judging anyone's opinion. In fact, I value what you all have to say.
  2. Wait a minute. You guys are ok with how Trump is handling this?
  3. Ach, dis ist stupid. Why can't they just force these players to stand up for the National Anthem and make a salute, like they made us do when I was a little girl in Germany?
  4. Ach, don't be so rude to our new friends. Vat's da matter mit du? Ve all like da Buffalo Bills, vhy does it matter vat ve do for unsere arbeit? I werk in da kitchen all day!
  5. Ach. Vat are you talking about?
  6. Ja... Dis guy here is a real kitty. He needs to do his duty to spread freedom and democracy through killing, torture, rape and massacre. I'm embarassed that he's a Bills fan... he needs to stop thinking for himself and do what our God-Appointed leader has directed him to do. Lord knows he'd never consider going AWOL.
  7. Mensch... no escaping the glory of our Military.
  8. That's your response?? Jesus how old are you, 6? All of you Bush apologists are unf'ing believable. It was bad enough that you were so gullible in the first place to believe these liars, now YEARS after the fact... you're still supporting them?
  9. Vat's going on hier? Are you trying to raise questions to begin a debate??? Ach... your nuts. Don't question authority. (Uncle Sam would never do anything wrong.) Everything is fine.
  10. Vat's the big deal, mensch? With the state of affairs in this country right now... plunking a battleship in the middle of San Fransisco would be idiotic. San Fransico is one of the most Liberal cities in North America. (The protests would go on nonstop.) No way was this a good idea. Can't a community choose what it does on it's own anymore?
  11. For the love of God... stop letting fear control your life. Go to the game and have fun. (If you're still too scared... can I get a good deal one your seats?)
  12. I remember da same ting happening in Deutschland. No vay would da innocent guys in da military ever try to cover someting up.
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