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Everything posted by BigdaddyinOrlando

  1. i will give you a dollar if you knock out Steven Smith!!!!! Can't stand him and his know it all personality!!!
  2. As much as I like RJ, I think Javy will have an awesome year and continue for several more. I would love too see Vasquez, Pavano and Wright together for a couple of years. Might actually buy some time in order too develope some young talent in the system. But unfortunately I think George doesn't really care for some homegrown talent in the future!
  3. LONG LIVE MINTS!!!!!!
  4. Present Meg Ryan Past Katherine Hepburn
  5. Where have we seen that woman from that beat the piss out of Sayid? Can't place it but she looks very familiar.
  6. All in all a very entertaining and thought provoking show!!! Tonights epi was great and the story is still going strong. Like the golf added myself. The Rambo voltage scene was pretty good too! Haven't got the ending figured yet but my guess is that someone (Jack) is asleep on the plane and is dreaming about it all and wakes up just as something major happens on the show!! Don't know but it is a very intriguing show. Any Opins?
  7. It always seems to happen! Although in years past he did something to prolong our agony, I think this year it might finally end. What sucks is we could have gotten the guy at UCONN last year but now probably can't. Don't know who they could get now? But he should go !
  8. I think they should have taken out there clubs and beat him down, oh wait that was already done to Rockin Rodney! The cops did what was needed to be done and can only hope they turned the power up and made a visit to dear ole mom and dad!!!
  9. Man my dad said it was good but not this good!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Show gets better every week! Read in the usa today that this E. Lilly's first ever acting job. Sha tried out of the blue and won. Nice choice! I think freckles hit sayeed but Locke is god one also. How do you all think it will end? Me I think someone (Jack) wakes up on the airplane from a dream and the plane really goes down. Any thoughts?
  11. What a game by #94! Only glaring mistake was when the Rb jumped out of his arms but other than that great game against one of the best!! The D played great and kept us in the game, but man is it frustrating not seeing some progress on the O! Don't pretend to know the answers but why not let the kid, JP, take over. It is so gut wrenching watching and feeling we are close to getting over the hump and yet falling back down the hill! I hope it reminds me of the times back around '86-'88, when we all felt we were getting closer before it all clicked! Will never stop cheering and drinking for them but man something's gotta go in our direction soon! Could be a very long winter what without the Sabres playing either!!! uuuuuuuuugggghhhhhhh!!!!!
  12. Say there, wadda say after you blow this third set we go back to my room and you blow me??
  13. A Super Bowl Championship Banner!!!!!!!!!
  14. I believe most all newer nieghborhoods are done with underground wires, the problem with older areas with above ground wires is the enormous cost involved in burreing them and that cost will be passed on to the customer, which would not sit well what with the power bills already pretty high as is! Mine thankgoodness are buried and haven't lost power since Charley!
  15. Got my AS Degree in Turfgrass Management from SUNY Cobleskill and have been a Golf course Superintendent for 8 years now. Been fortunate enough to be able to build and oversee two courses here in O town and wouldn't want to be doing anything else except taking care of Yankee Stadium!!! Consider myself fortunate to do what I went to school for and enjoy everyday of it !!!
  16. Jeff Fisher Marvin Lewis( oh too only go back in time!)
  17. Over the hill came Pissball Pete with 40 pounds of splish splashing meat............... Man you don't get Mr. Valby down here!!
  18. My buddies 68 Vette! My dads 67 GTO!
  19. Yeah for Franceas Orlando was spared as far as anything major. Disney and the parks opened up the next day though. Nonetheless it was still nerveracking esp. whe the beers started to get down into the teens and stores were closing! Well I'm going to Tampa in a few for the Van Halen show tonight! Nice reprieve from all the gloom and doom of the weather reports. GO Bills and be safe all!
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