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Everything posted by BigdaddyinOrlando

  1. I’d have to agree and think and hope the short term unlimited IR sticks
  2. It appears as though both defenses are playing man to man coverage. If so that will help our offense . Does anyone know if this a norm for both teams or are they adjusting to the others offensive scheme?
  3. Dude is and will a freaking beast! Good for him, happy he is working hard and it’s paying dividends! Would be awesome to have him for sure but good for him
  4. If I’m not mistaken a player on the IR cannot be traded, once he went on the IR it’s a minimum of three weeks and past the trade deadline.
  5. Dam bad grade, he took what the defense gave him and didn’t force anything. I think he played very calm and in control.
  6. Um no not at all, I was quoting a movie scene that’s funny and actually saw it in the theater in 1978. So not sure what you are referring too at all.
  7. Germans? forget it, he’s on a roll!
  8. That’s awesome!! Congratulations to you and your family!!!
  9. Good riddance! Complete piece of garbage of a human being!
  10. These guys work in tandem and I believe all are involved and have respected opinions and thoughts
  11. For me it was losing to the Dolphins at any time in the 80s and especially after we started to beat them in the late 80s into the 90s whenever Brian Coz was on the field! Second would be losing to the Jags as they were so new and we all expected them to pound the Jags.
  12. Yes I’d take Bortles over Barkley now and at any time.
  13. RIP!! What an incredible player! He mastered the head slap that looked like it would knock anyone out!
  14. I agree but also believe in what this organization preaches and he probably realizes he can come here establish his play and also wipe some of the stink of his personality away for the cuter.
  15. With us he will become feature back as soon as Jets game probably, w KC he will RB2. Most playing time is with Miami but no real chance to shine on center stage so to speak. I would welcome it
  16. May have been said before in this thread as I have read it all, but I think this shows more to how bad Gase is with quarterbacks and offense in general than a true reflection to the quarterback himself
  17. Saw that an thought the same. Was impressed by this and think they have a bad taste in their mouth right now and are completely focused on this Monday and I bet we will see a whole different energy level!!
  18. Believe wr Corey Davis is out as well though they add Brown back to the receiver Corp
  19. Thank goodness for that! He is phenomenal, for the rest of the league! Lol
  20. Make them hire Adam Gase immediately when he becomes available for a guaranteed no fire contract of 5 years!!
  21. For me it was after last years New England game when he made adjustments and really took care of the football, that to me showed his willingness to listen and adapt . Then all his off season workouts and seeing him progress, to me justified my beliefs and hopes that he was the one and that he is the one!
  22. I agree but I think he met mean if they have another zero positive tomorrow then they can return this week to prepare.
  23. I agree and wanted this kid bad, but more than elated to have Diggs!!
  24. I can’t, looked good to me, two feet in and down possession across the line
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