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Everything posted by BigdaddyinOrlando

  1. I’m gonna say whomever signs last between Josh an Lamar. Seems to be how it works. I mean T White was the highest for a short time and then passed by about 4 others.
  2. Exactly, plus it seems as though create pressure up the middle generally and the QB often slides off his mark and is hurried, they are excellent up the middle and did a good job of keeping Rivers clean all day
  3. Whomever is better at pass protection should be the call , which makes me think it’s Yeldon.
  4. Wide awake and full of nervous energy! Let’s go Bills!! Woo hoo
  5. Well I assume he squats to pee always! Go and watch the tape of Tua missing open guys all game and his receivers getting alligator arms to his off target throws! our second stringers have been practicing all year just as hard as the starters and get a chance to play meaningful minutes dam right they wanna score as well. For many that is film for next year of what they can do if they are looking for a job!
  6. He still has some game in him for sure, but I’m much more excited about Dane Jackson going forward this year!
  7. Well I’m pulling for the Chargers as it looos like Lynn is staying on. I myself figured that to be his sweet landing spot! Hopeing against all hope he remains!
  8. Holy amazing incredible s**t! What a game and dam these boys are ready to roll!! Woo hoo!!
  9. Born in 1969, heard of his legend from my dad and loved the story and highlights! Great player and an incredible human being!! RIP Mr Little!
  10. If they win is it possible they fall down in the draft any? That would be so epic if they did
  11. Or just happen to stay at an Holiday Inn Express last night! Lol
  12. I think it’s Diggs, but the best throw of the week was Belichek and the phone throw!!
  13. I think other teams and fans are wondering and looking at ways to avoid the Bills in the playoffs as much as possible! This is a good feeling and welcomed for sure! Memories of the 90s for sure!!
  14. Thank you for calling the Buffalo Bills about pursuing possible employment, unfortunately we don’t have any current openings and there are more qualified candidates. But we do have an opening for the hydration boy in between plays. Thanks for your interest and best of luck!
  15. Someone said this earlier and I laughed: ‘Hey Bill, it’s Tom. I’m not watching but what’s the score right now? “
  16. Merry Christmas to all!! Definitely the most exciting one for us fans in sometime! Let’s go Bills! Stay safe everyone and enjoy
  17. I agree and think there issues are much deeper than Cam. They have absolutely zero weapons of any kind right now, and without the lure of Brady recruiting is so much harder for them. Players are looking to do one year prove it deals now w the Chiefs , Bills etc. I think they will be were we have been, in the middle of perpetual mediocrity for a few years
  18. That was awesome! Laughed the hardest seeing TPegs pop out!! Lol well done!!
  19. Good lord, he has to be the most miserable person on earth! Holy cow!! though I wouldn’t be surprised if you were around him away from the game aspect that he is the funniest S.O.B. To be around!! I see visions of Steve Wright! Lol
  20. Not sure but I watched his game on Saturday against northwestern and wasn’t impressed at all. I had no perceived knowledge of him at all only the name, and he did not wow me at all. Hopefully the Jets take him at 2!
  21. Looks great! Thanks for your time and efforts!
  22. Well he is getting some good frequent flier miles! I seriously hope he gets a real chance, but I’m afraid he is yesterday’s news in the NFL and is on the ever wandering trail of backup status now
  23. Chargers for me. Has the QB in place along w playmakers galore. Houston has the QB but zero playmakers and no draft capital and wouldn’t worry me as much. JMO
  24. Wow! He was on the Family Fued w Bruce when Bruce have that crazy answer. much to soon. RIP!
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