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Everything posted by Movinon

  1. If you make it to Charlottesville check out the Abderdeen Barn for steaks and prime rib. http://www.aberdeenbarn.com/
  2. Your girlfriend prohibit you from eating pop tarts and running around the house in your underwear.
  3. Probably not, but given the doom and gloom of this board after a loss, a little manic insight from someone with a more objective point of few isn’t such a bad thing. Does it matter that Mike and Mike can kiss your ass?
  4. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...27/week8/1.html
  5. I could be wrong but I think it was just a spoof to get the Bills and their fans fired up.
  6. This is the last season?! Damn, that sux, hands down one of the best shows on television.
  7. Absoultely agree
  8. Wow, and here I thought he played linebacker for the Patriots
  9. Me, I would have been thrilled if he had said something like, "that's just !@#$ing great, now we have to play two hall of fame quarterbacks at least 4 times this year; were doomed."
  10. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/extr...jolt/index.html
  11. Pink Floyd.....Time Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
  12. Yo momma like a rifle, one rooster and she's ready to blow
  13. Have you been to the new place they built directly across the street from the old one? I wouldn’t call it a dive.
  14. Aren't the water tables of VA, NC, SC, and GA very low, and in need of recharging? VA's water tables are just fine thanks to the third wettest May on record. July is shaping up to be another soaker.
  15. That happened to me although I didn’t hit a pedestrian, I hit another car. Actually, I backed into a car with my dad's van. I heard a loud "crunch" but as I unknowingly backed into the car, the spare tire in the back of the van fell on the metal floor. I honestly thought that was what made the sound. I drove off, driving down OP Road and got pulled over about 5 min later by OP's finest. They cited me for leaving the scene of an accident. Long story short, had a friend who worked for an attorney who got it reduced to a parking ticket albeit 110.00 parking ticket.
  16. What do you say to a one legged hitchhiker? hop in What do you call a lady with one leg shorter then the other? Eileen What do you call a Chinese lady with one leg shorter then the other? Eiween
  17. Catch and release
  18. Thanks for the info.....I am definately going to check it out after work today.
  19. I too am in the market for a rider, however not sold on Craftsman products (other then tools). However, that is an attrractive price for a 24 HP.
  20. Don't forget ACME and Bells
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