We have a Sheltie just shy of 12 years. In the past few months, we have had her back and forth to the Vet, trying every pain medication known to help her cope with her arthritis and hip dysplasia. Nothing has helped and now she struggles to climb even one step from the walkway to the porch. She has been urinating and defecating in the house when we are gone for any prolonged period of time during the day. So, my question is, how does one know when it is time to humanely put an end to their suffering. Everyone has said, you will know, the dog will tell you in her own way. I’m not convinced by this notion. By all accounts, she still “appears” fairly happy and wants to be in our company; however deep down we know she is in tremendous pain. The reality is, taking care of her is becoming a challenge and for a lack of better words, she is becoming a burden. This is why we are struggling with the decision. We don’t want to end her life prematurely and then question whether our motives were selfish, however we also don’t want to selfishly prolong her life because we are so emotionally attached to her…..talk about a double edge sword. Anyone here share some of their own experiences in how they arrived to the final decision?