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Everything posted by Movinon

  1. My cousin who lives in Wyoming County in NYS claims to have recently seen a Mountain Lion nearby his house. As you said, Coyote’s up until a few years ago were unheard of in the Eastern US….quite common nowadays.
  2. Actually, what you could say is foottball isn’t popular in Jacksonville.
  3. FWIW - I just called DTV and asked them to waive the Superfan....while they kept it on the monthly bill, they did give me a $99 credit.
  4. Call Purple Heart Cars and donate it. They take cars running or not and give you a receipt for tax deduction purposes. Our 2000 Mazda just sheit the bed, called them and two days later it was gone.
  5. My ex wife
  6. It’s all a matter or perspective…..winter is what you make of it. If you like to ice fish, ski and snowmobile then Buffalo is a great, great place to live.
  7. Good to hear that they’re going to try and win now
  8. First death from Swine Flu reported in Texas. http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=345&sid=1655773
  9. all true, but damn, she was easy on eyes
  10. Play occasionally....it's a blast!!
  11. I have a friend who works passports/visas for the US Army and he said you can get a passport, however you will need to let your po know when you will be traveling.
  12. Sadly, her graduation plans went up in flames
  13. In these troubled economic times there are still some places you can find a decent return on your money from FDIC institutions. My credit union pays 4.1% on checking provided you have a valid email, access your account on line at least once a month, direct deposit, and make at least 15 debit transactions monthly. I also have savings with ING Orange Savings paying 2.20%. What say you?
  14. So sorry for your loss
  15. Cassie is currently on Metacam and that too is not helping.
  16. Thanks to all for your outpouring of support and advice. We are going to speak to the Vet today. We are preparing ourselves to say goodbye to Cassie
  17. We have a Sheltie just shy of 12 years. In the past few months, we have had her back and forth to the Vet, trying every pain medication known to help her cope with her arthritis and hip dysplasia. Nothing has helped and now she struggles to climb even one step from the walkway to the porch. She has been urinating and defecating in the house when we are gone for any prolonged period of time during the day. So, my question is, how does one know when it is time to humanely put an end to their suffering. Everyone has said, you will know, the dog will tell you in her own way. I’m not convinced by this notion. By all accounts, she still “appears” fairly happy and wants to be in our company; however deep down we know she is in tremendous pain. The reality is, taking care of her is becoming a challenge and for a lack of better words, she is becoming a burden. This is why we are struggling with the decision. We don’t want to end her life prematurely and then question whether our motives were selfish, however we also don’t want to selfishly prolong her life because we are so emotionally attached to her…..talk about a double edge sword. Anyone here share some of their own experiences in how they arrived to the final decision?
  18. And Steelers fans probably wonder what it's like to lose 4 Suberbowls in a row
  19. Weekend in New England - Barry Manilow
  20. I use to spend a lot of time fishing for Walleyes (yellow pike) on Chautauqua Lake and always made it a point to hit Johnny’s lunch. Unfortunately, what was once a great Walleye fishery is no longer. Now we catch our fill of Walleyes in Port Clinton, OH. No Johnny’s there.
  21. Wegman's in Dale City is now selling Kimmelweck rolls. They didn't carry them when they first opened. Hopefully the new Wegmans opening in Central Park will have them.
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