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Everything posted by Movinon

  1. Two words: Buyer Beware
  2. I don’t think he would be allowed to return immediately because of admitted marijuana use.
  3. wide right.
  4. You got it.
  5. I make it a point not to drive 29 mph over the speed limit.
  6. Cry me a river, maybe next time you will obey the speed limit - You should have thought about the repercussions of doing 84 in a 55.
  7. Do they still make that stuff???
  8. I think we should get a win before we entertain the idea of the playoffs.
  9. Does the lawyer also have to pay taxes on his share? Seems the government would be collecting twice!
  10. It’s never too early to get a kid his first pellet gun provided you properly supervise them. The sooner they learn about safe gun handling the better. I got my son his first pellet gun when he was 6; he is now 10 and is shooting a 20 gauge. In fact he is very responsible and shoots quite well. He knows the first rule of guns is always safety first and foremost. He will also be going deer hunting with me this year and he will be carrying his own gun (of course he will be glued to my side).
  11. Some intense therapy might be in order!
  12. Salems Lot where that kid was floating and scratching the window. That is some scary stevestojan.
  13. If he thought it was a chicken why did'nt he just choke it?
  14. This is one year I wish it was only 8, that way I would be almost 1/2 way through of enduring this pitiful season.
  15. I am sure Parecells and company are salivating at the thought.
  16. I still don't get it
  17. These two little boys are sitting in the living room watching TV with their parents. The mother looks over at the father with a wink and a nod toward upstairs. The father "gets" the message and they both get up and head towards the stairs. The mother turns back to the two boys and says, "We're going upstairs for a minute. You two stay here and watch TV. We'll be right back, okay?" The two boys nod okay and the parents take off upstairs. The oldest of the two boys is old enough to know what is going on now, and he gets up and tiptoes upstairs. At the top of the stairs, he peeks into his Mom and Dad's bedroom and shakes his head. Back downstairs he goes back to his little brother. "Come with me", he says. And the two little boys tiptoe back up the stairs. Halfway up, the older brother turns to his younger brother and says, "Now I want you to keep in mind that THIS is the same woman who used to bust our ass for sucking our thumb!
  18. Buckwheat and Darla are sitting in class. The teacher asks “who can spell dumb.” Darla raises her hand and says “d u m b." The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Darla says “Buckwheat is dumb.” The teacher asks “who can spell stupid.”Darla raises her hand and says“s t u p i d.” The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Darla says “Buckwheat is stupid.” The teacher asks “who can spell dictate.” This time Buckwheat raises his hand and says “d i c t a t e.” The teacher says “very good, now use it in a sentence.” Buckwheat says “I may be dumb and I may be stupid but Darla says my dictate good.”
  19. In addition to this being the Friday before a home game against a division rival, it's also the Friday before the start of VA's archery season. May the whitetail gods shine on me tomorrow and may the Bills stomp New England on Sunday. What more could a guy ask for
  20. That has to be a record for a dog - The longest I ever heard of one living was 17 years but 21 1/2
  21. Looks like another busted first round pick
  22. If you're going: Make it the LOUDEST game ever. ruin your throats. bring noise makers. make it UNBELIEVALBE when the pats are at the line with the ball. 50623[/snapback] The only throat I ever ruined was my ex-wife.
  23. I find it odd that you would make that comment about JP, yet in your signature you have YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!! WILLIS IS THE ANSWER!!!!!. Exactly what is Willis the answer to? Being an unproven back?
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